Why Am I Such A Slow Learner

Why am I a slow learner?

Everyone is different, discover your best traits and develop them. Some people might have shorter memory than the others, but they might be good at music or dance or crafts or something else. Please don't let anyone put you down or make you feel bad, just know that you are a great individual with your own personality and character. If you believe that you need to work on your memory, try memorizing some poems or a part from your favorite book, find time to take it slow and reflect (preferably outside). Hope this helps.

Why am I such a slow learner?

I do fine in school, it just takes me forever to get there. Why?
What takes normal students 1 hour to read takes me 3-4. I am rotten at math, no matter how hard I try. It takes me forever to type, and study, and comprehend.
Like how I have been in Choir for 7 years and I still do not understand music theory.
I am heading to college next year, and I am afraid I will not be able to keep up. I have a good GPA (3.6), but only because of effort.
What can I do to not fail life, boost my learning curve... Thanks! :)

Why am I so dumb & such a slow learner?

My boss told me I'm the only employee that can't do the register correctly yet, and it's true. I also overheard him saying that the other new girl is a lot quicker than me at learning, and that's true too. I'm a freshman in college and I'm so bad at math I have to use my fingers still, and I don't have the whole multiplication table memorized.

I forget things very easily and can't do things quickly. I have to do things slow so I know I did it right. I do things and say things that amaze even myself, and think 'wow... Am I really THAT stupid?'

I'm okay in school I guess, my ADD is kind of a problem but not a big one.
I wanted to do something in the medical field like nursing but I wouldn't trust myself with someone else's health. I'm too stupid to do anything it seems..

I've been so upset over this lately.
Why am I like this?
And what kind of job should I aim for? I don't care much for interest I just want money.

How can one be smart if one is a ‘slow learner’?

My personal feeling on the matter. I have always been a slow learner in the sense that I feel that I have to know something complex COMPLETELY before I feel confident or comfortable. Often, as a child, it would take me longer to learn something only to find that, when I did, I knew that thing far more completely than anyone around me. I was seen as intelligent but often not “common sense” intelligent. I know now that, in application, I was not that until I had mastered the common sense intelligence. I have had doctors call me hyper vigilant. Sometimes that equates with paranoia, for me it equates with focus. I have trouble focusing on only one thing unless that thing has captured my attention completely. Sometimes the only way I can really pay attention to someone who is boring me or is not engaging me is to pay attention to several things at once. I can then process that information without totally checking out. It’s not arrogance, it’s a coping mechanism. I am actually paying attention and comprehending. If I was only listening to that person, I might not even be capable of paying attention.In short, the slow learning does not always equate with low intelligence. Albert Einstein, as stated in this article, Einstein was a slow learner. Steven Spielberg was a slow learner as was John Lennon, Justin Timberlake and Anderson Cooper, to name a few. If you’re reading this and you feel like you are dumb because you learn things slowly, take heart, it can mean very little and may mean quite a lot, in a very positive way. You may just learn differently. You may need help to realize your potential (peole that believe in you and even medication in some instances). Believe in yourself and you will find that you will bloom more brightly even if the bloom takes longer than the others.

I am a slow learner..I feel so stupid :(?

I am 27 years old and I have always been a slow learner. I've always had a horrible time in school. I'm working on my graduate degree and it's very hard for me. At least with school I can study and process things in my own way.

I am having trouble functioning at work because I learn things slow and do not have time to process. I misunderstand things my boss and others tell me to do all the time and make myself a nervous wreck.

I feel so lost, confused and confused. Everyone thinks I am a weirdo because I am 27 but they say I am very childlike. It's so embarrassing. I just wish I was smart.

Does being a slow learner make you stupid?

Certainly not. We all have different learning styles and maybe you are one who likes to take your time. Once the stuff is in there, its in there for good. Don't underestimate your own abilities. I think what you need is the confidence to succeed. Your abilities are not in question here. When you are in a larger group, you are not as likely to be singled out, which makes you perform better. There is nothing wrong with that.
Perhaps you should ask your teacher or tutor if you can try a learning styles questionnaire, which would be interesting for you and way forward in your educational development. Good luck.

Why is it that I'm such a slow learner? I feel dumb when everyone else gets it right away without a problem?

I don't know exactly, but to shed some light, you're not the only one who feels the same way. In college, there are adults that are learning beginning algebra because they haven't taken a math class in years, or high school students where Math just really isn't their thing.

Also, I think it has something to do with how Math has so many rules and things to remember/things to know that can get confusing. To make things worse, some teachers teach differently and use terms differently or solve a problem differently which only makes a student even more confused. YOU are NOT to blame.

There's no such thing as a slow learner, you just take in information differently and you shouldn't be ashamed of that because not everyone is perfect and not everyone knows everything. Some of your classmates might get an A in your math class but fail at another class in which you have a good grade in. Some people have straight A's, some people always fall short and always get one B and the rest A's. You shouldn't always compare yourself to them and bring yourself down because they're doing them and you're doing you.

Don't call yourself a slow learner, call yourself a student who just doesn't like Math. I on the other hand don't like English (not the language, the "class"). I'm not much of a reader (I don't think I've finished a book since elementary school) but that doesn't mean I can't construct sentences or use words incorrectly. Otherwise I wouldn't be giving you this advice.

In some cases such as me, you will learn your material elsewhere like how I learned my English somewhere else. I hated the classroom so much and the teachers were no help. The greatest teacher out there is yourself, and the first step is to teach yourself that you're not stupid and that you shouldn't feel embarrassed.

I'm in college and my worst class is English. The best grade I got was a C, but I can guarantee you that I can speak and write better English than most of the A students in that class.

I am slow learner, How can I improve that?

Relax. Quick learners aren't people who are equipped with some special powers but they simply know how to work smartly.Here are a few things you can do to improve your speed:Establish your learning styleWhat works best for you? Does writing down things make you understand better or do you grasp more when you hear things out loud? Make notes if you can't retain things that you read. Read out loud if hearing the information helps you process and retain it better. Different things work for different people. Use mnemonics or incorporate what you learn into stories. Figure out what's best for you and practice on it to improve your speed2. Ask questions and be prepared.Going through what you need to learn beforehand can help in organising your thoughts better and prepare you to understand the subject you're learning. If you have doubts, ask questions. If someone else asks a question listen carefully. Sometimes such things tend to stick in your mind and might be of use later.3. Pick a subject that you love or are good atIf you love what you're doing or if it's more suited to your abilities you will do better. When you're practiced in trying to work smartly and quickly you will improve in other subjects as well.Lastly don't worry if your speed doesn't match the others. What matters is whether you understand what you learn or not. Everyone has their own pace of learning and there's no race. Enjoy what you do!