Why Am I Upset About This

Why am I so upset?

At times you are just upset and there is no reason which you can think of. I am not even sure one needs a categorical reason every time. Most often it's an accum of many things together which have occurred with you during a day or a week or over a particular period.It could be conflict and stress at work, same monotonous routine may frustrate you, your social life, disagreement at home, maybe days weather itself may turn you gloomy.It's ok to feeling low/down/ frustrated and it's a normal behaviour. There is nothing wrong in it. Your being upset could be as simple as one of your expectations not being met or just one of those days. Certain days are really gloomy no matter how much you want to be charged up however you are “switch off ” completely. Concious self effort is needed for the “switch on”. Maybe do things which absorb you completely and helps take your mind off to a space which is peaceful.Being upset is fine to an extent as long as you bounce back to your vibrant self. Also one needs to remember when you are upset you tend to take it out on others. Fortunately, you can choose what you do with it and how you react to it.Also, I read it during my college in one of the psychology books that when you find yourself unhappy, upset with someone or something, you need to look at what it is in them that you see in yourself. It largely always about you and you alone.A little except of what I wrote earlier -“I had come across this through one of my FB friend's friend and I knew I need to share with all of you:"Maybe you are like me right now, in a season of being underground. There is a place for that. There is a time to be covered up and quiet and tucked away and...gasp...not producing. Not giving the world beautiful, vibrant, visible blooms. That is not only okay, it can be incredibly healthy.So for those of you underground right now, exhale. You'll bloom again later. Maybe now is the time to be nourished and formed and hidden away from all the watching eyes. It will make for a much brighter bloom in its time." You may read it further on my blog

Why am I so upset all the time?

it is possible that you have subconscious entitlement issues.i have heard that every time you get angry it is because you are not getting your way or things are not working out the way you expect them to be.frustration about a situation you feel helpless to change can lead to can try to make peace with things that you cannot change and then actively work to make things you have more control over more to your liking.i personally get most angry when there are situations that I feel powerless to intervene or when someone disrespects me or takes advantage of me.there is a lot of stuff in the world to be upset about. i suggest you stop reading the news and using social media. thousands of people trying to push their specific agenda on you or sell you something can make you pissed off.i personally hate how everyone on quora seems to be humble-bragging about how great and successful and rich they are yet they don’t feel happy or fulfilled. this in itself can make people upset especially if you think you are better or smarter than everyone out just got to chill. the world doesn’t give a shit about you and you shouldn’t give a shit about the world. just try to figure out what is most important to you which is in your abilities and go for it.most people fail. no reason to be upset about that. the only reason the media obsesses about “successful” people is because there are relatively few of them. most people are just getting by and believe it or not, most are ok with that or have accepted it.being upset won’t get you very far. like the dali lama said, every problem has a solution so chill; if a problem doesn’t have a solution then chill also because there is nothing you can do about it.peace out—chronically upset dude

Why am I upset about actors?

Before I was a teenager, I, like many others, used to share the same feeling - actors and celebrities are the dumbest thing on this planet, overpaid was a definite given. In summary, I was fed of their glory and fame, and barely anything else.Unsurprisingly, I was wrong about actors, dead wrong.I’m by no means an insider and do not know my way around professional acting or film production, but I believe many who are would agree with me on this - Acting is hard as fuck.The craftActing is by definition the art of performing roles. It’s the ability to step into someone else’s shoes, from mind and mentality, to body and behaviour and much, much more. To understand the underlying motivations of a character; To grow up as they did in their environment; To muster the relationships they have with members of their circle; To suffer as they suffered, some of which form the basis of their traits; To go through what they go through day-to-day; To predict their actions and reactions; To be more like them than they are.To be everything a character is, all without the support living their life.I really don’t need to list examples of actors who achieve this level of craft, their work is engraved into our society and culture.OpportunitiesSo you believe youyou are talented and have what it takes to master your craft, now you seek to make a name for yourself in the industry, welcome to the club of countless extras all share the same dream.I’m unable to tell you the details of the processes required, the textbook and the unspoken rules, the hardship of such path. I hope in my time to come, I’m privileged enough to hear the stories of those who make it and those who didn't. But I can almost assure you this: none of them would tell me it was easy.

If you got an 88 on a Math test, would you be upset?

haha i am just like you....
yeah i would be a little upset too cuz i like to have all my grades above a 95 but don't get too mad!
just make sure you do better next time and see if you can do anything to bring your averge back up.
an 88 isn't bad at all, but if you're like me, you probably want to make it higher!
see if u can do anything and if you cant maybe you can like ace your midterms.
that would definetly bring your average back up!

Why am I so upset about my daughters break up?

My daughter is 21 and broke up with her boyfriend of 2 years. No big problems they talked about marriage and my daughter and I even talked about what kind of dress. It looked like a ring was coming but things started to slow down by both. Anyway ever time I think about it I cry I feel so sad for both of them. I really liked him and they were really good with each other. Part of me hopes they make up but it wont be soon. I dont understand why I am so upset. Its been 2 months.

Why am I always upset about the future?

The reason why I am always upset about the future is because I am living life as if ‘it goes in circles’. Constantly, for no fault of mine, I am or have been:Losing my job and getting laid off from work because ofBad business;Lack of training and being able to be productive;Other small “hitches” that can never be detected upfront with companies.A victim of fraud or identity theft - whether I am a victim of a person’s bad intentions/people wrongly using my credit card, debit card, etc. (Last year, 2015, was a very, very bad year.)Too often getting sick or pains in different parts of my body (foot, back, shoulder, neck or arm). Other types of ‘health-related’ issues include a weak immune system or bad genes. Two cases where my health was ‘screwed-up’ was in getting Beall’s Palsy and the flu.Yelled at/shouted at too many times for no reason, and, end up arguing too much with my friends and family to the point where I feel unwanted and everyone gives up on me.Because these things have happened too many times, and, I am getting very agitated and aggravated, I figured that it would not be a bad idea to let it be known to others that I tend to dwell on past horrible experiences and think the future will be a repeat of the past.I do my best in everything that I do (for the most part) and still find myself upset about too many things in life. I’m 35 years old and, am going through some very bad experiences to the point where I am considering counseling or therapy by a professional.

Why do people get so upset about decorating for Christmas before Thanksgiving?

My opinion?

I get tired of Christmas decorations after about 3-4 weeks. I wish more stores wouldn't be so eager for Christmas to come. I need to enjoy the other holidays too. Otherwise, the meaning of Christmas just seems to get lost.

I understand that some stores might need to put up decorations early. Before Thanksgiving, I have no problem with an occasional Christmas decoration here or there. But when a business overdoes it, I avoid entering the store. It doesn't mean that I hate that business. I just want to keep my sanity intact :)

Why am I upset when there is no reason to be upset and sometimes I cry too without any reason?

Something is off.  Your body is trying to tell you to get some help from someone you can trust.  It could be health related...See MD first.  It could be trauma rearing it's head,  depression.There is always a reason;  95% of brain activity is beyond our conscious awareness.  That is why it's good to have more than one human mirror to check us out.  I've received help from spiritual, psychic, medical (pharmaceutical) , physical education (dancing, chi gong, tai chi, swimming)and dietary changes. (probiotics, healthy consistent diet)In the interim,  You could use this power to create.  You are particularlysensitive and open at this time.  In time all things pass.Feel better soon.  In fact...right now!