Why Are All The Red Numbers Bigger On The 2014 National Debt Clock Than When You Click On The 2008

What countries owe the U.S. money?

Q: What countries owe the U.S. money?The Rest of the World owes around 15.3 Trillion US$ to the US.The US owes a total of around 18.4 Trillion US$ Dollars.Who owes what to whom varies. For example:The graphics on this 2011 BBC story (below) explain who owes what to whom, the figures are 4 years out of date, but you'll get the idea!Eurozone debt web: Who owes what to whom?(The USA, China & Japan are included in the graphics BTW).So, if countries did start calling in the IOUs, the whole system would come crashing down. (That's the worry that underlies the whole Eurozone experiment...).