Why Are Children So Ornery Around Me

Can you completely break a ornery horse so it can be kid gentle?

I believe Barefoot is probably right (I don't see many horsie things as definite). She is probably un-trained and maybe spoiled, which you could define as untrained too. Not trained to behave correctly. Like kids, horses need a trainer/teacher all of their lives. This can be the owner, of course, but they need constant correct handling to know/remember how to behave in society. You wouldn't train a child up in the way they should go for (let us say) 10 years, would you, and then tell them to make their own way in the world? Many horses never get a good foundation in correct behavior/manners/skills, then when they revert back to normal horsie behavior, they get labeled "ornery."

Walmart Security followed me around the entire store, what do you think. ?

That sounds really wierd. I know some LP's and they all have at least one degree in psychology. A lot of those people overanalyze others and get caught up in their own BS. Of course a good well-to-do looking mother of three would steal, because she is probably really a crack whore and only dresses that way to try to trick us, so she can really steall! AAAAHHHHHHhhhhhhhh the MAyhem!

Three Bears Syndrome?

I am the middle child, which is a bit of a rough road. One older sib, one younger sib.

He (the oldest) is quite self-righteous and up himself, in my opinion. We do not get on well. She (the youngest) is far younger than me, so I'm protective of her and get on with her although she is very much the spoilt one, because she was the 'last child' yknow, my parents KNEW she'd be the youngest, so properly appreciated caring for her as a child more.

I... am in therapy :P Which perhaps speaks volumes about how things are! I'm not depressed, but I have OCD and I have never been close to my parents, which is difficult for me. It has got to the stage now where I CANT talk to them about things - we never have, and I can tell, when I overstep the 'boundaries' that they, and I, just feel uncomfortable. My brother does not have this issue, and my sister... It's too soon to tell, really. But I think she is okay with them, closer than I was. I'm also a vegetarian and a lesbian in a house that is straight and carnivorous ;) So I guess I feel like the 'odd one out' in many ways.

And I am with an only child, who seems perfect for me - she puts up with all my grumpiness and coldness sometimes. I think it's just how she is, though. Or maybe her parents put in a lot of effort because they'd tried so long and hard for a kid.

Little ornery stinker?

my 5 year old locked me out of the house, so i knocked and i see her through the window doing a victory dance hips side to side and pistols blazing the harder i knocked the more proudly she danced grinning from ear to ear,her mom tried to get up to get the door and my daughter grabs the broom and thrust it in my wife's direction saying " i don't think so lady " and carried on with her dancing, so my question is this just orneriness or is this a something more sinister in her mind

I think my boyfriends 4 year old daughter is jealous of me???

I imagine she's feeling very vulnerable at the moment with her moms new baby coming. Four year old's pretty much without exception believe the world revolves around them so she must be feeling her place in her mums life bit threatened right now, and with your son living with her dad and you for most of her life, not as much a part of your family as she could.

Why don't you make a suggestion at dinner time for a trip for her and her dad to take alone? Say something to your boyfriend like "I saw there was a new playground opening. Perhaps and could go and take a look sometime?" when she's sitting at the table with you, so she sees it as being your idea, and gets her dad all to herself for a bit.

You could make a similar suggestion in front of her about a new bedtime routine. You could suggest her dad could take her to the library in the weekend, and choose a book for each night of the week for him to read to her at bedtime, or something like that.

I think it's important she sees the suggestions coming from you so she doesn't feel threatened by you, but sees you as someone who's going to try and strengthen her bond with her dad. That extra attention might be enough to stop her feeling the need to make herself heard by yelling and playing up.

You might not like her mother very much, but it's probably important she hears good reasons from you guys about why her mum isn't around very much at the moment and really talk up her role of big sister, so she feels important and responsible. Maybe giving her small tasks to help her get ready for the baby. If you know how to knit you could teach her, and maybe make a couple of things for the baby together, or going through her baby photos and telling her how excited everyone was when she was born.

As frustrating as it must be, I really think she just needs reassured she's still the center of her dads attention.

Why is my cat always so angry?

Please take this post seriously. If you don't have any input or even remote experience or thoughts on the issue, don't answer.

I have a female calico cat that has been spayed since a few months after birth. She is now 5 and is a completely indoor animal.

Anyway, she can get very angry sometimes. I know for a fact that she is not playing. For example, she will rub on me, (like when she wants food) then start latching on to my ankles and start biting and scratching them. If I try to interrupt her with my hands, she will just bite and aggressively scratch them and actually leave me with permanent scarring.

No, I'm not kidding. She is very, very cute and I love her like a child. I would not ever consider giving her away, not for any reason.

I do have another, older, bigger male cat that I would also never consider getting rid of for any reason. They don't fight and he doesn't seem to be around when she gets angry.

But why does she do this? And how can I get her to be less angry?

Should dogs be allowed around babies?

"Should dogs be allowed around babies?"Most dogs, yes. Dogs, especially female dogs know about babies, and they will go to any length to protect the baby or young child. Are there some dogs that I would not trust? Sure.Here's another story. My brother in law and I both used to breed and raise Doberman Pinschers.  These dogs are bred to be protectors of people more than belongings or territory. When my niece was young (and not even a baby) my brother in law would play a trick. He would call over my niece and then he would raise his fist and speak to her in a loud voice. No matter where the dog was, he would immediately place himself between my niece and my brother in law. He would look up at him and give a low growl, telling him to stop it. This is just another example of the sensibility that most dogs have naturally towards children and the weak. My Doberman bitch used to steal the baby kittens from the mother cat because she would not take care of them, and I would find the dog in the morning, with the kittens between her paws, and they would be wet all over from her licking them and herding them. There are some breeds who tend to be badly trained, or who are just too unpredictable to have around children. If pit bulls are badly trained, they can become very aggressive. Chow Chows are just plain unpredictable and ornery. I wouldn't trust any of 'em. Any dog that is abused or badly trained can become aggressive and while large dogs are seen by the public as the potentially troublesome animals, it is the small, snappy dogs that are the real danger. They often become aggressive and bad tempered, and could be a real threat to a baby seen as competition for affection.