Why Are Conservatives So Evil

Why are conservatives so evil and heartless?

They don't want the refugees even when their country has been devastated by war and they have lost their homes and there are entire families where some of them are children who need our help.
But they don't want to let them in because they are muslims and I head one said they will destroy the western civilization.
As you can see all they're based on to say that refugees shouldn't come to Europe or the US is fear, bigotry and hatred.

Conservatives are pure evil!!

And I'm not saying that all liberals support the refugees but nobody can deny that conservatives are the ones that are mostly against any kind of help for refugees.

I think that helping the refugees is a human act that people with a little bit of empathy for others should support.
Someone that prefers letting refugees die and starve instead of trying to help is simply an inhuman.

Why is it one guy kills one person and all conservatives are evil fascists, but the countless deaths at the hands of muslims means nothing..?

Leftists are inconsistent and very hypocritical. the funniest part of all is the buzzwords they use to describe conservatives really describes them racist(against white people), bigoted against people who have different opinion, hate freedom and America, are sexist against people of the male gender oh yea and they hate that biologically there is only two genders lol

Why do conservatives love Israel so much?

I get they like Israel because they're against those awful, evil moozlims. But after everything the United States has done to screw up the Middle East, can you blame the Muslims for hating us. All they see is that we drop bombs on their cities and establish puppet governments for them. Why should they accept that? The Middle East has never done anything to wrong the United States, so why did we declare so many wars on them just to help Israel?

The Zionist Federation also got over 100,000 Americans killed in World War 1. Back then, Zionists were open groups. Now the only groups they have publicly are in Israel, but at the time they were officially the "Zionist Federation of Great Britain and Ireland". United States had remained neutral during the first 3 years of the war. But on February 7th, 1917, the Zionist Federation met with the British government for the first time in high level negotiations. The Zionists wanted Palestine from the British. The British were losing world war 1 up until that point, but they told them they could win if the United States became their ally. The Zionists then got the United States to declare war on Germany even though the US had absolutely no reason to. To make sure Britain kept their promised they made the Balfour declaration. The original copy is still in a British Museum. All of these events are documented facts

Why are conservatives so heartless?

Went to a wedding last week.The topic of elections came up (of course, everyone's talking about it)
My uncle said that he'll vote against Bernie, no matter who he'll have to vote for. He says he'll do that because under Bernie's tax plan he can't afford to send his 2 kids to private school and keep another in an expensive college, while paying mortgage on his 3 homes worth about $4 million total

I don't know that to day. I can't believe he's serious. I asked him what about the starving kids? He said if you can't afford it close your legs

Don't they have a heart? Their biggest worry is that they can't send their kids to private school while some people worry that their kids might starve?

Why is it that liberals can only talk about conservatives in terms of either stupid, crazy, or evil?  Why can't a conservative be just plain wrong?

If the shoe fits!Policies are stupid if they are based on non-facts or illogical conclusions.“Tax cuts increase revenue.”“Too many guns? Then add more guns.”Policies are crazy if are based on widely-debunked conspiracy theories or else make no sense at all.“Obama is a foreign-born Muslim fascist commie.”“Death panels in Obamacare will force you to end your life.”“Immigrants and refugees bring disease and crime.”Policies are evil if they are based solely on partisan politics, promote double-standards, fail to support equal treatment under the law, or fail to hold people accountable for misdeeds.“Let’s gerrymander this district so we always win.”“I oppose marriage equality.”“A rapist doesn’t deserve a harsh sentence if it could risk his athletic career.”Finally, some policies can be all three — stupid, crazy, and evil:“We have a War on Christmas.”I admit that liberals or Democrats have their share of stupid, crazy, or evil ideas. But mostly they are mistakes or fringe ideas not supported by the mainstream. Liberals favor policies that are based on real facts and promote fairness.It’s modern-day conservative Republicans who make their stupid, crazy, evil ideas the cornerstone of their politics and platforms.

Is the statement “Liberals think conservatives are evil. Conservatives think liberals are stupid” accurate?

Accurate, but over-simplified.I think Jonathan Haidt does a good job when he discusses the differences in moral reasoning between those that, in the United States, we call liberals and conservatives. (The Righteous Mind - Wikipedia) Basically, while liberals base their morality on two foundations: Harm and Fairness. Conservatives use those two as well (though they tend to view fairness as proportionality rather than equality) but also consider loyalty, sanctity, and authority.So, what ends up happening a lot of time is liberals and conservatives generally want to reduce harm and encourage fairness. However, a liberal might view an a policy that does those two things good, while a conservative also weighs the policy through the filter of loyalty, sanctity, and authority. So, the liberal may end up thinking the conservative is evil for not the helping the individual and the conservative considers the liberal stupid because for trading a individual benefit for an injury to an authority providing support to many others.Take, very simply, the most charitable view from the left and the right about welfare payments. Liberals support them because they promote fairness by offering a boost to people who have generally been left behind by our economic system. Conservatives oppose them because they often damage other institutions—family and community, specifically—that offer support to far more people. But, because liberals and conservatives are often unable to understand the motivations of the other side, they often characterize their opponents arguments in the least charitable way. Conservatives see liberals as damaging more people by hurting the institutions than they help by direct payments: stupid. Liberals see conservatives denying help to those who have so little to support those who have a lot: evil.Personally, I think this has gotten worse as our culture has fragmented. It’s becoming easier and easier to only encounter those with whom you already agree. Watch the cable news network you agree with. Read the newspapers and magazines that you agree with. Live in neighborhoods full of similar people, follow similar people on social media, only visit web pages that you already agree with.