Why Are Conservatives So Terrified Of Terrorists

Why are conservatives so scared of Syrian refugees?

Cons are afraid of their own shadows. This was proven beyond a shadow of a doubt after 9/11 when Bush brought out the Threat Level Indicator. Homeland Security and right wing media planted a propaganda seed that Muslim would be crossing the country with crop dusters and model airplanes spraying every small town with poison gas. Rather than thinking about the impossible logistics involved in such an operation the nervous cons cleared hardware store shelves of duct tape and plastic sheeting.

Why do Conservatives sound like they are constantly in fear of everything?

Fear is an effective motivator when trying to sway the public. In their rhetoric, conservatives get support for their political agenda by spreading fear of terrorism, illegal immigrants, big government, socialism, excessive taxation, Social Security going bankrupt, crime, their guns being taken away, being falsely accused of sexism or racism, marijuana being a gateway drug, “the War on Christmas”, etc.Similarly, liberals get support for their own agenda by spreading fear of war, global warming, all immigrants being deported or denied entry, big business, nationalism, the One Percent, prescription drug companies, Monsanto, loss of privacy, genetically modified food, second-hand smoke, gun violence, sexism and racism, Roe v Wade being overturned, the religious right, etc.However, fear may be more prevalent with conservatives than liberals. Psychologists have found that conservatives are fundamentally more anxious than liberals, which may be why they typically desire stability, structure and clear answers even to complicated questions. Research has shown that when people feel safe and secure, they become more liberal; when they feel threatened, they become more conservative. This may be why we tend to be liberal when young and have more sheltered lives, but often become more conservative when we are older and are at risk of losing our health or life acquisitions.Still, both sides fear things, although they often are very different things. Of course, this doesn’t mean that our fears are necessarily irrational, despite how one political party may try to paint the other. Whether we are conservative or liberal, we may have legitimate reasons for fearing whatever we fear.

CONSERVATIVES: Why is it such a big deal to you if a Muslim immigrant blows up a building, hijack an airplane or shoot a dozen Americans?

Christians kill people too so why the double standard and hypocritical thinking?

Is this one of the absurd reasons you racists conservative scumbags are voting for Donald Trump instead of Hillary Clinton?

Why are American conservatives and libertatians afraid of big governments?

I don’t think it’s just ‘Conservatives’ and Libertarians who are afraid of big government. Consider the current obsession of the liberal media and Democratic Party elites with Donald Trump’s cabinet choices.Do they seem scared to you?They are very concerned that their carefully planned attempts at social engineering will be undone, which I believe is the point of elections; to undo the damage of the unpopular and disfavored party.As a long time resident here, I find the political labels amusing, because when it gets right down to it, both Democrats and Republicans are highly conservative; just about different things. The real distinction between them centers on authoritarianism. People with authoritarian tendencies tend to gravitate towards the Democratic Party, which encourages their native bossiness and sense of personal entitlement. Republicans, and I know a great many of them since I live in a red state, generally seem to just want to be left alone.Invariably, some Democrat will mount the podium to lecture about minority rights, abortion rights, etc…, and certain there are some religious conservatives who exhibit some authoritarian impulses to impose their views on everyone else, but let’s embrace the reality; Democrats want their ‘personal liberties’ to be subsidized with other people’s taxes.This instinct for oppression also tends to result in irrational policies that ‘other people’ will pay for. Democratic Party energy policy, as an example, saw billions wasted on solar project that no one familiar with the technology or even basic project management would have spent a dollar of their own money on.In the end, ‘Big Government’ is simply a symptom of the left’s over-weaning ambition to remake the world to their personal taste. Diversity is simply a useful term, but a distasteful concept, because that would mean actually have to respect other people’s perspectives and desires. So you see what I find the label ‘Democrat’ so amusing?When Conservatives and Libertarians talk about ‘Big Government’, they are simply being selective about their word use. Big Government sound nicer that left-wing busy bodies.

Why are the people in rural America so scared of terrorist?

Hello? Have you heard of 9/11? ALL people realize it could happen ANYWHERE and ANYTIME!

McCain/Palin '08