Why Are Cops Such Pigs

Why are cops called Pigs?

2nd question today about police/pigs

there are a few different schools of thought

1. ) those who read ANIMAL FARM have their take on it

2. ) those who noticed the difference between a peace officer and a revenue officer, see the excess of corporate greed in the ticket writing for dollars hence pig

3. ) then there's the donut eating variety

4.) you are free to make up something of your own or ignore the whole affair if you wish......tho I think number 2 is first and number one is second

best wishes, hope that helped

Why do they call cops pigs?

i have nothing against cops that protect ...i hate the ones that abuse it and treat good people like crap bc they have a badge. theyr too cocky for their own good...

Why are cops called "pigs" in the US?

Unlike so many other nicknames for the police, such as cops and the fuzz, this particular term has a relatively well known origin. You see, starting around the sixteenth century “pig” began being used in English as a derogatory term for people, whether police or not, as it still sometimes is used today.

It took about three more centuries, but this particular insult inevitably became a popular nickname for oft-insulted police officers, with the first documented reference to this being in the Dictionary of Buckish Slang, University Wit and Pickpocket Eloquence, published in London in 1811.

In it, the pertinent line in question is: “The pigs frisked my panney, and nailed my screws.” Meaning: “The officers searched my house, and seized my picklocks.”

The term "PIG" as it referes to police officers or law enforcement in general comes from the book Animal Farm by George Orwell. In that novel the pigs were the ones on the farm that maintained order among the other animals.

Why are cops called pigs?

"The OED cites an 1811 reference to a "pig" as a Bow Street Runner--the early police force, named after the location of their headquarters, before Sir Robert Peel and the Metropolitan Police Force (see above.) Before that, the term "pig" had been used as early as the mid-1500s to refer to a person who is heartily disliked."

2nd link shows the Cleveland Police Seal, looking suspicously porcine...

When and why did cops start being called pigs?

Well, not exactly in the '60's, like people think. From StraightDope:

"If you thought the term pig arose in the 1960s, you're in for a surprise. The OED cites an 1811 reference to a "pig" as a Bow Street Runner--the early police force, named after the location of their headquarters, before Sir Robert Peel and the Metropolitan Police Force. The usage was probably confined to the criminal classes until the 1960s, when it was taken up by protestors. False explanations for the term involve the gas masks worn by the riot police in that era, or the pigs in charge of George Orwell's Animal Farm."

From Groink, we have another explanation, nearly as old, and also referring to Sir Robert Peel and his men, with a bit clearer of an explanation as to why they were pigs:

"Police - pigs
Back in 1809, Sir Robert Peel entered the House of Commons in London - he developed a passion for Sandy Back pigs found in Ireland and began to breed them in Tamworth. Soon, these pigs were known as Tamworth pigs. Pig slang was commonplace in Tamworth because of this, it was in 1829 that the relation to police came into it.
Politicians were concerned about the way London was policed and Sir Robert Peel changed things - his changes resulted in the formation of the Metropolitan Police. This is why police are referred to as 'Bobbies' or 'Peelers'; they were Bobby's boys...
Due to the pig nature that Tamworth had become, the police suffered the same fate as other Tamworth products did: They became related to pigs. "

So, it's thanks to the Brits, for this bit of slang, it seems.

Why do people call cops pigs?

I see no relationship between pigs and cops what is the deal......why like doghnut eaters or somthing i mean cops portrayed as always eating doghnuts but pigs what is up with that????????

Why do people say cops are 'pigs' and are stupid?

I am a paramedic/ Firefighter and we (cops and FF's) share HQ's. One time me and my partner observed a cop beating a handcuffed man with closed fists. Every shot was closed fist and unneeded( man was cuffed). The cop saw us and stopped. Also let me say this cop was a good acquaintance of ours. The cop stopped and walked away and screamed at us to get out of the central booking area. Although that area is where we keep medical equipment(long board, O2 supplies etc. We agreed and feared for our jobs. Of course a cops word against ours, left and got our supervisor. Our supervisor went to the booking area and got the police chiefs permission to move him(cuffed man) out of the area. The cop comes back like whats going on playing stupid. Said we were full of crap. To our surprise (me and my partner) there was a camera in the direction of the incident. The cop was put on paid leave and eventually let go. Went to a different dept i guess.

I really believe that this type of cop is the reason good cops are "evil". I have found it hard trusting any officer after that to be honest.

When did people start refering to cops as pigs?

As to why, I haven't been able to find that yet. I have traced the usage to at least 1845 in Austrailia, most probably it was in use before then. However, in the mid 19th century the street language of Sydney criminals was called "flash". Within flash, police were called pigs.

Edit: It appears that the 1811 reference of calling police officers "pig" is the earliest recorded, although using the term pig as a derogatory term dates to the mid 1500's.