Why Are Democrats The Only Ones To Ever Fix The Deficit Only To Have Republicans Come Along As They

How do Democrats and Republicans differ in how they plan to reduce the US national debt?

Different groups in each party want to do different things. Liberal Democrats: For the most part, liberal democrats want to cut military spending, keep spending or even raise spending in other departments, and raise taxes on the wealthy to eventually create a surplus that will lower the national debt over time. Liberal Democrats don't want to cut things like education, food stamps, healthcare, etc., because it would hurt the country and why pay off national debt by making the country suffer when you can do it without making the underprivileged suffer?Well-known politicians that support this plan are democratic presidential candidate and Senator Bernie Sanders(I-Vermont) and Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-Massachusetts).Centrist(moderate) Democrats:Their plan is similar to the liberals' plan, except centrists believe that military cuts will threaten our national security, therefore they believe in tax increases on the wealthy, and no spending cuts, only increases, in all departments. Their belief is that the increase in tax revenue will take care of the debt.Politicians who support this plan are US President Barack Obama, and former secy. of state and democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton.Independents: Independents have varying views on how to tackle the national debt.Moderate Republicans: These people want to cut taxes on the rich, and limit all programs except that they want to raise the military budget. Many moderates want to limit, but not abolish welfare. They believe spending cuts will get rid of the national debt. Examples include no one, because the Republican party has moved so far to the right allowing nothing to get done: Party Republicans: They also want to cut taxes on the wealthy and raise military spending. The difference between the Tea Party and the moderates is the Tea Party wants to abolish all welfare. Examples include the billionaire Koch Brothers, Senator Ted Cruz(R-Texas), and again, 90 percent of house republicans(click on above link).

Are there both Republicans and Democrats that are concerned about the rising debt? What can be done to create a bipartisan agenda to get it under control?

The right-wing mantra has always been that the Democratic Party is the “tax and spend” party, while holding up the Republican Party as some sort of ideal of “lower taxes, smaller government”. Let’s take a look at a few items.When Bill Clinton was elected president, he had an audit conducted of the federal government to look for ways to lower spending. He actually closed several redundant departments/agencies, infamously including an office that was charged with tasting tea to ensure quality standards. By the time Clinton left office, his final budget expected a surplus to pay down the federal debt, and all signs pointed to a future where the debt was steadily paid down.Clinton was called a tax-and-spend Democrat and was raked over the coals by the Republicans, while being praised by Democrats.When George W. Bush was elected president, he oversaw one of the largest expansions of the federal government ever. He added new agencies, including one of the largest, the Department of Homeland Security, which has frequently been criticized for its redundancy. The federal debt more than doubled under his budgets.Republicans hardly batted an eye. Democrats raised multiple objections to the excessive spending and irresponsible warmongering.Barack Obama was elected president after one of the most debt-inducing budgets of all time was passed and oversaw a massive shrinking of the federal budget. Like Clinton, he conducted an audit and sought to close several agencies, though he was blocked in most of those efforts, especially when he attempted to close redundant agencies related to the financial sector of the US. His final budget resulted in an increase of the federal debt of only 3.3%.Republicans burned him in effigy and still blame him for the financial collapse (and subsequent spending) in Bush’s last year while Democrats recognize what he did and tried to do.From February 13, 2018, to February 12, 2019, under President Trump, the federal debt has increased by $1.3 trillion, a 6.4% increase. With the presidency, Congress, and the Senate in Republican hands, a tax cut was passed that appears to be massively defunding the government while increasing the amount of money going to the upper-class.I hear absolutely no outcry from Republicans. In fact, I hear only praise. The Democrats are up in arms about it.The Democratic Party is the fiscally responsible party of the past 30 years or so. They’re the only ones who appear to even recognize reality.

Why does the economy always do better under Democratic presidents?


1. D FDR ('40-'44) 74.69
2. D FDR ('32-'36) 34.63
3. D LBJ ('64-'68) 21.81
4. D TRUMAN ('48-'52) 21.00
5. D JFK ('60-'64) 19.86
6. D FDR ('36-'40) 19.33
7. D CLINTON ('96-'00) 17.87
8. R REAGAN ('84-'88) 15.98
9. D CARTER ('76-'80) 13.67
10. D CLINTON ('92-'96) 13.53
11. R IKE ('52-'56) 13.45
12. R REAGAN ('80-'84) 12.63
13. R NIXON ('68-'72) 12.38
14. R IKE ('56-'60) 10.91
15. R FORD ('72-'76) 10.62
16. R BUSH SR ('88-'92) 8.81
17. R BUSH JR ('00-'04) 8.75
18. R BUSH JR ('04-'08) 2.00*
19. D TRUMAN ('44-'48) -9.04
20. R HOOVER ('29-'32) -25.60

Original figures are at
*Based on an estimate of economic performance in fourth quarter '08

Republican vs democrat views on issues?

Republicans are immoral and all about self. You only need to look at the hundred or so Republican insiders convicted of corruption in the last 8 years to see that.

Oh yeah, and one Democrat.

Just take a look at how much of our hard earned money is being spent to subsidize Haliburton. What does that tell you?

As far as your specifics, I'm with the Democrats on all of the issues you mentioned

Pro-choice (against government interference in our lives)
mixed on affirmative action
against deficit spending and fiscal irresponsibility

For homeland defense (strong educational system, for clean water for our children, for healthcare, against the occupation of Iraq, for against terrorism).

For same sex marriage (against government interference in our lives).

For social security.

Other issues that I support the Democrats on.
Against torture of political prisoners, for law enforcement, pro-Constitution, against political corruption, for free elections, against governmental graft, for personal responsibility, for everyone paying their fare share, against forcing one religion upon everyone, for honest and ethical dealings, against crime, and against govermental interference with our personal lives and support our troops both while overseas and when they come home.

Why should I vote Republican in 5 days?

There is no reason why you should. Great list!

Republican leader McConnell has promised to go after Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid and other programs that help the elderly, the disabled, the poor, and the middle class -- to lower his whopping deficit caused by giving tax breaks to the ultra-wealthy.

Republicans have an active lawsuit trying once again to destroy Obamacare and take pre-existing conditions exemption and lifetime caps exemptions away from everyone. They want to throw 13 million people off health insurance -- including very sick children who will die without it.

Was the leadership in Jefferson County, Alabama Republican or Democrat? Just curious, b/c they are bankrupt?

Democrat. They tow the line exactly as the D.C. Democrats. Anyone that thinks they are different than the rest of the DNC is woefully uninformed.

Not to mention, Obama won Jefferson County in the election.