Why Are Feminist So Annoying

Why are feminists so annoying?

First of all, before any feminazis go off on me, let me just say that I am a female who is in full support of women's rights. But I think that some feminists have forgotten the definition of feminism. Feminism just means that women have equal rights as men and the ability to choose for themselves. However, it seems to me that these feminist organizations are the only ones responsible for attacking women. They attack women for making the choice to have children and stay at home with their families, or they attack their decision to accept jobs that are defined by typical gender roles (secretaries, etc). But by them telling women that "real" women do not do these jobs, they are taking away their right to choose for themselves, making these organizations anti-feminist. Does anyone agree with me?

Why are feminist so stupid and annoying?

You are confusing Feminist with Feminazi. There is a difference. Feminist just basically support the fact that men and women should be treated equally.

Feminazi are the ones who think women should be treated better t than men. They are anti men. They are the ones who are cursing people out, showing their period blood on instagram and all the other extreme radical stuff.

They actually ruin it for real feminists because they give off a bad stigma.

Why are feminists so annoying?

They are always constantly trying to talk down man caves like twin peaks, hooters, and other breasterants. It’s annoying and other women have their own rights to work in the places. Just like promo girls, ring girls, Dallas Cowboys cheerleaders, or any other professional team.

What’s annoying about feminism?

For clarification, I am talking about the CURRENT form of Feminism (In Western society) not the first nor second wave.There are some things that I find particularly annoying about today’s Feminism:It spreads lies. They constantly whine about a patriarchy and rape culture that supposedly exists in the West. I do not disagree with the fact that a patriarchy (And even a rape culture) does exist in areas such as the Middle East, Africa but to say that those things exists in the US, for example, is extremely absurd.It is a bit hypocritical. They scream for equality, yet oddly enough, when it comes to the inequalities that men face, they seem to be very quiet or at the very least not vocal about it. For example, in the US, men are still forced to sign up for the draft whilst women aren’t. Or what about the fact that men usually receive a higher sentence than a woman for the same crime. I don’t see any Feminists taking to the streets to protest for those things. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯The “You’re either with us, or against us!” mentality. If you so much as slightly criticize Feminists, then you risk immediately being labeled a sexist, misogynist, Nazi, alt-Right or have internalized misogyny (If you’re a woman). Or you can get statements like “You’re a man, you don’t know the suffering that we women on this 1st world wealthy country are experiencing!” This attitude is quite “toxic” and only serves to further make people think that Feminism is “useless” or total bullshit.Whilst I don’t agree that equality has been totally achieved in Western society, the current form of Feminism is really making me doubt whether or not they are still fighting for equality.

As a feminist, what annoys you about other feminists?

March 2017, feminist groups in Melbourne had finally won a battle to change some of the traffic lights signs around the city to show female silhouette instead of male. Now we will have traffic lights depicting female figures. Phew.The cost to change only six traffic lights is $8,400 from Taxpayers’ money.Meanwhile, in another planet a million light years away from ours:Women are not allowed to drive cars in some countries because it affects their ovaries and pushed their pelvis upward! Genital Mutilation is practised in 30 countries and within immigrant communities in Europe, North America and Australia.At least 20.9 million adults and children are bought and sold worldwide into commercial sexual servitude, forced labor, and bonded labor. Women and girls make up 98% of victims of trafficking for sexual service.The number of victims of Family and Domestic Violence (FDV)-related Sexual assault increased by 7% (503 victims) in Australia between 2014 and 2015 to 7,464 victims. Female make up 85% of all FDV victims.There are many ways to spend money and energy to fight against gender inequality and atrocities against women and young girls. There are many people who devoted their life for such a noble purpose. NOT for changing the traffic light figure.

Are MRAs and MGTOWs more annoying than feminists?

Yes and no. They generalize much more frequently than feminists,they constantly bash ALL WOMEN EVERYWHERE,and they compare women to cockroaches and parasites.
Feminists however have done way more harm than MRAs. Feminists also tend to be more violent on protests,and in real life.

Most feminists are annoying and complainers?

All the feminists I've met have been very annoying and critical.

As an anti-feminist, what annoys you about other anti-feminists?

Not an anti-feminist, just a non-feminist here.NOTE: I’ll be generalizing a lot here.Lack of classI have seen many times, here’s how a typical anti feminist vs. a feminist conversation goes:Fem: I am a feminist!AF: OH MY GOD YOU STUPID MAN HATER!!!!Fem: But I just believe in equal rights for men and women.NF: NO YOU HATE MEN YOU HATE MEN YOU LIBTARD STUPID SJWWIf anything, this makes people lose respect for the non feminists.This is how I want an anti-feminist vs. feminist conversation to go:Fem: I am a feminist!NF: Cool, I am a non feminist. Nice to meet you.Fem: But don't you believe in equality between the genders??NF: Yes I do. I think most of us do. So, how was your day?Class, people. It’s not that tough. This type of command is what makes a man respect another man.Validation from feministsThere are a few people I met who think feminists are from some other planet, that they are morally superior, so whatever they do, they require validation from feminists. Sometimes respectfully, sometimes disrespectfully.The only thing this reveals, if any, is that their lack of confidence. Don’t seek validation about anything from any other.MisogynistsYeah, just like many misandrists hide under the feminist shield, many misogynists also hide under the anti-feminist shield. It’s natural, every movement in history has its share of flaws. There are people who think they own women etc etc. It’s better to stay away from them.MisandristsExplained brilliantly by Tom Ramsay here: Tom Ramsay's answer to As an anti-feminist, what annoys you about other anti-feminists?.There are such people who are actually sexists to the core, with believes like men can’t be raped, women don’t deserve education, looking down upon “sissy” males, no sympathy for men who are victims of abuse, etc.

Annoying feminist hypocrisy in the western world?

(Trigger warning for feminists that can't handle the truth: I don't mean that all feminists are like this!! What I'm writing is things that I've heard or seen feminists say/write)

"I'm such a feminist, but my boyfriend have to be at least 4 inches taller than me so that I can feel small, fragile and protected.."

"I don't have to look good at all, everyone should love me no matter how overweight or ugly I am. But I want a man how has ___ hair, ___ eyes, is at least _ tall and of course is rich."

"Women are so oppressed in the western world bla bla bla **** videogames, films and heroines in sexy costumes. It all makes sexism and the patriarchy 100 times worst." (But many don't care to help women who actually have it bad in countries like India.)

And btw I'm a (not so sound vain) pretty woman who loves men and everything they have done for women. I don't call my self a feminist -in countries like India and muslim countries I would.

Of course women have had it horrible and many women in todays world still have it like it was in europe or america 100 -give or take- years back, but now women in the western world are equal to men. The paygap accusation is a myth and it have been debunked many times but they still hold on to this view! Why? Why are feminists full of hypocrisy?

There are so many other things I can write down here, but I don't have enough time..
