Why Are Holywood Liberals Suddenly Concened With Sharia Law

Should Islam be banned, all mosques shut down and all muslims detained and deported?

Why don't liberals understand we are in a war against Islam? All people of middle eastern heritage whether they be muslim or not should be detained until this war is over. That includes impeaching Barack Hussein Obama too because of his affinity for muslims over the American people. There is too much at stake. We should take action now instead of waiting for a arab terrorist to destroy one of our cities and kill millions?

I don't care if the muslim was born here in the US. If they choose to side with the Arab fascist occult of death and terror then they should be treated as a foreign enemy and have their citizenship revoked. All muslims might not be active terrorists but they are all terrorist supporters. They look up to the terrorists as heroes and role models. If muslims don't like being treated like this then they are free to leave the country and live in one of the 57 Islamic nations.