Why Are Humans So Insecure

Why are so many women so insecure?

Your question is extremely subjective. First, I'll venture to say that most all humans seek companionship--not just a single sex. Further, most women who do seek such, rarely do so out of insecurity. Many men often grant women who are already secure a false sense of stability, emotional cohesion, financial dependability, etc.
While others prey on those women who are severely insecure, bestowing a false sense of emotional and physical confidence which they did not already have and, more than likely, cannot maintain independent of the person who implanted and enforced it. When this individual--i.e. the male--has left the picture, she becomes "needy" for that same sense of security that she's become accustomed to.
In a desperate attempt to recapture it--much like an addict chasing that first high--she becomes fleeced by a series of males who hold promise (in her eyes) of offering what she seeks. Most often, these are deadbeats who she shouldn't give the time of day, but she lacks adequate confidence to realize she can do better.
After being used a few times, her fantastic whimsy erodes into bitterness. She (and like others) passes complaints in regard to similar situations and similar men. This perpetuates the trend you’re talking about.

And yes…society does play a crucial part, not inadvertently, but directly. Not in respect to programming women to ‘want a man,’ especially with an increasingly growing bi and lesbian population, but in regard to propagandizing what I like to call “AAP” or “Artificial All-American Perfection.” In a society where diversity is flaw and perfection virtue, many women feel pressure to keep up with the exaggerated likes of Jessica Alba’s, Jessica Simpson’s, and Jessica Rabbits of our superficial top-graded culture. And shenanigans like Nick-Mariah hook-ups help not, cultivating in males an over-rated and under-deserved confidence that leaves the female underdogs in the dust. If we, as a society, fostered a more realistic culture, women—young and old--wouldn’t have to feel insecure about natural minor imperfections, and men wouldn’t expect all things breasted to reveal a Kim Kardashian when unclothed. If we stopped looking to California--and its superficial populace and zealots—as the Mecca and standardizing epicenter of our relevant universe, we wouldn’t be troubled with petty concerns. No offense intended.

Why is God so insecure that he would create humans, and insist they praise him?

It’s certainly easy to think this way. If you look at the first answer, you see what I consider a pretty typical response to this, along the lines of “how dare you, you puny presumptuous human?” There is no doubt that this sentiment exists in several different religions. A less accusatory approach is expressed as “you know, you really should love and praise God, for the sake of your own soul,” presumably to rescue you from regret later on. More rarely, there is the threat that failing to adequately praise God will visit punishment upon you, and in some cases, upon all humankind.That last one seems clearly associated with fear, rather than love, which seems odd. And the former sentiment (do it for your soul), raises a lot of questions about these weird conditions and arbitrary-seeming rules about being given an existence you didn’t ask for. “Here, now you’re alive, and make sure you praise God sufficiently so you aren’t afflicted with a guilt reflex He created in the event that you don’t.” Do you see how that’s kind of the same thing — actual hell, or the passive-aggressive hell of your own loneliness and/or guilt. “You have free will, you don’t HAVE to choose to praise God, but if you don’t…”Fine, you say, it’s just a simple choice between earthly pleasures and the ultimate pleasure of God’s love for all eternity. Well, then why were humans created so predisposed to near-term pleasure, and very little ability to postpone rewards?It doesn’t ring true. We know that praising God does not automatically and by itself make one a better person. And why do we have to trick ourselves into being better people? Why weren’t we just created better people? Free will? Why? It’s such a problem, fraught with challenges. The whole thing is utterly bizarre, and the existing explanations require such tortured logic (maybe God wants you to overcome struggles!) that none of these explanations is quite satisfying.

Why am i so insecure?

You have not seen the worth you may be. I know because I used to be overweight and ugly and I would cry because I had no boyfriend. I suffered with bulemia and even tried to kill myself... I am 16 and I found confidence. I started working out and surrounding myself with people who feel good. I think I felt that way because I was bullied and how my parents didn't pay attention sometimes. I don't know what you look like but you probably are beautiful because everyone is beautiful in their own way. Maybe you need to go outside and relax, go shopping, hang with your mom. Being a teen is hard but you can get through it, it sucks for everyone right now but I promise, it will get better. And people don't usually say you are pretty just to say it. Just relax and see how good things really are for you (:

Why are we so insecure about every thing?

Most of us feel insecure sometimes, but some of us feel insecure most of the time. The kind of childhood you had, past traumas, recent experiences of failure or rejection, loneliness, social anxiety, negative beliefs about yourself or perfectionism can all contribute to insecurity.This urge to hide starts with the perception that something is wrong with us—we’re awkward, annoying, boring, stupid, a big loser, incompetent or any of a million other not-good-enough traits. And we think unless we conceal our perceived flaw, it will become obvious to everyone, who will then judge and reject us.I guess it can be because of comparison, Maybe that's like that because we see only the strengths of others and not their faults or Maybe we don't accept our faults and flaws or see our strengths.

Why is everyone so insecure?

because humans are taught to be this way from the time they are born. be a good child and get a reward. do good in school and get praise for good grades, etc. it's a genetic defect i think. not to be arrogant but i'm the only person who is perfect (better than anyone i could ever be, not better than you or anyone else), that i have ever met or even know was or is alive. it's quite tragic. everyone has the ability to be 100% happy no matter what their life is like but they instead choose to be miserable and suicidal. just because they listen to pop music and go to clubs and and parties they think they're happy but if they were truly happy they would be happy if they didn't have any of those things and were completely alone. they them self would be able to make them happy. but if when you take the shiny objects away from the human race they get depressed and feel like killing them self. and a lot of the time they succeed. even if the human race masters science and conquers the universe they will always lose to the greatest foe they never saw coming, them self. then i'll be alone for the rest of eternity, thankfully i have myself.(this is perfection)

Everyone: Why is God so insecure?

If God is all powerful and all knowing, then why is he so insecure? I mean why does he need humans to worship him to remind him of how great he is, if he knows he's the greatest personage in the universe? A thank you here and there I can understand, but why does he need humans to always constantly thank him, is he really that insecure?

Are human beings naturally insecure?

To one degree or another, yes; the degree to which one is insecure would likely be inversely proportional to the degree to which one is confident/self-reliant. Insecurity is the feeling one gets when one is not sure of the extent to which one has grasp of/control of something unsettling. As one grows, gains experience, and becomes more confident/self-reliant, the amount of insecurity one feels should drop off.It may be that insecurity is a manifestation of separation anxiety - the feeling that makes little children cry when their parents leave them off at day care or kindergarten. Some pediatricians believe that this separation anxiety actually stays with us through our teen years, where a growing sense of self-reliance begins to conflict with our need for our parent's comfort - which would be why some teenagers have very volatile relations with their parents.