Why Are Leos Attracted To Aquarius But Aries Are Not Attracted To Libra

For Leos , Aries, Libra, Aquarius , Gemini and sagittarius ONLY !?

What zodiac sign do you prefer and why?
Out of Sagittarius, Libra, Aquarius, Gemini, Leo,
or an Aries?
good or bad experience and what do you love about them?


Will a Leo get attracted to an Aries or an Aquarian?

Many chances are there that he would get attracted to an Aries first. Aries are aggressive, energetic, lively and passionate which matches to their wavelength. Both of them offer good compatibility to a Leo, but Aries are so fast that if they are attracted to Leo they will know. Besides, Aquarius are casual people. They will approach later.

How can a Libra man attract an Aquarius woman?

As an Aquarius woman, I can tell you that we are straight forward in many ways, but almost never when it comes to our feelings. Chances of me or any of my Aquarius friends approaching someone first are next to zero. That is probably because of our pride or ego. I haven’t figured it out yet. As a Libra man you’ll probably need to initiate contact. Libras and Aquarius are both very sociable signs, so meeting through friends is always an option and it takes a lot of the pressure off.If you intend on approaching an Aquarius woman that you have never spoken to before , do it in a subtle but memorable way. Start the conversation with something that is not too straight forward but gives her an idea that you want to get to her. Dress nicely, some perfume always helps. Compliment the Aquarius woman, but don’t overdue it or else she will think that you are insincere.When talking to her, don’t be afraid of banter or silly jokes at your expense. It is not unusual when an Aquarius is nervous to make similar jokes. Try to spark intelligent conversations and don’t be intimidated by the passion they put into things. Also, Libra men are always up for a new relationship but Aquarius women love to do things and have no one to answer to. So be careful not to scare her off by being too affectionate or by wanting occupy all of her time from the start.Don’t put all your cards on the table at first. We like a bit of mystery and don’t like it when men are too forward with us. It is best to keep it light and leave us wishing for more. That way when asking an Aquarius out she will take it as a challenge and accept.Showing her you are charming and flirty given the fact the man is a Libra is a bonus, but flirting with all of her friends in a social setting makes you look bad in her eyes. Aquarius women love being the centre of attention. A brush of a hand or helping her to her car are gestures that she would appreciate.Also, keep in mind that Aquarius women like to be informed and have intelligent conversations and most of all they love to be different. Put your imagination into work when picking the place for your dates and if you cannot decide (Libras always weight things) give her options. She would love to help.Libras are good at being balanced which will help them a lot. Good luck.

What zodiac signs are aquarius attracted to?

Not Leos.

HeidiT is the one that is TDing everyone who posts that they are a Capricorn or who posts an answer that is positive about Capricorn people because she is a bigoted Capricorn Hater .
She's 60ish, unemployed, bitter, lonely, fat, and sits around eating cookies and playing on her mother's computer all day long, living off her old mom's social security, and chasing married insurance salesmen . She also hates Virgos.

Who are Libras attracted to the most?

Libras are attracted to Aquarius the most. They are also very good with Gemini, Leo, Sagittarius and Aries.

What astrology signs are attracted to Aries females?

Aries women are attractive to many sun signs, but truly as one of the other respondents said, there are so many other factors. What signs are attracted is an entirely different question.I think the better question is, “What signs are attractive to Aries?” as that is something we can answer more logically given what we know about Arien women.But going with what you asked, which is what signs are attracted to Aries women, here are some indications of signs that might be attracted to a woman with a strong showing of Sun in Aries or Aries Rising:Fire signs and air signs are attracted to fire signs and do well with it. Fire likes fire, and air feeds fire. Gemini and Aries make an awesome match, as does Sagittarius and Aries.It is the native free spirit in all three of these signs that make them, basically, more attracted to a sign like Aries than say, Cancer. However, an example of where this might not work as well as the stars indicate would be in a case where moon is in Cancer or Capricorn, or some other sign that just doesn’t mesh very well with an Aries woman.Aries is a Cardinal sign which is what gives Ariens their typical self-starter/initiator attitude. So what signs would probably be attracted to that quality in a woman? Probably people are self-starters themselves, which would be other Cardinal signs like Aries and Libra. Capricorn and Cancer are also Cardinal, but for other reasons these signs just don’t make great matches for Aries women.Scorpio men are going to be attracted to Aries women - but they make a terrible match for each other. But again, your question was who would be attracted to, not who would make a great match.Aquarius and Aries is said to be a good match. I am not of that mindset, but I do believe Aquarius and Aries make great friends, therefore there may be some underlying attraction going on. In my opinion, Aries women may be more attracted to Aquarius men than the other way around.

What should an Aquarian woman do to attract a Leo man?

Now in Astrology,Fire and Air element always compatible with each other because without Air there is no Fire and without Fire there cannot be Air.Similarly Water and Earth signs are compatible with each other.Leo people are very prideful and when their pride is lost they are hurt. They always like someone praising them for their achievements.Leo and Aquarius is compatible,But Aquarius is not egoistic like Leo.Leo people like people who are loyal and faithful to them.Aquarius are both.They are highly spirited and cheerful and Aquarius is no exception.

Which pair is better between a Leo man and an Aquarius woman versus a Leo man and an Aries woman? Which of these two is more likely to attract a Leo? Which of these two women is Leo more likely to fall in love with?

Now Aquarius is fixed air sign and Leo is fixed fire sign.Now Aquarius and Leo are considered opposite to each other. Both Leo and Aquarius are independent and highly spirited by nature.Aquarius are rebellious and Leo are dominant.Leo people are possessive and therefore are jealous,while Aquarius are not jealous so they are not possessive.The compatibility between Leo and Aquarius is good(the compatibility between fire and air signs are good)Aries is cardinal fire sign. Both Leo and Aries have same intense,spirit. Both are independent. The guardian angel of Leo is Aries.Both the pairs(Leo man and Aquarius woman vs Leo man and Aries women)are good in own way.Leo likes the independent and rebellious Aquarius and also the stubborn and energetic Aries.So according to me Leo can more likely fall in love with Aries because Leo are more dominant and Aquarius being air sign doesn't like to be dominated. But Aquarius and Leo though opposite are compatible.But Aries is fellow fire sign and both have similar qualities. Aries like to be a leader and very commanding.The compatibility between fire and air signs are always good.Note:Answer is written based on Sun signs only.

Which Zodiac sign to attracted to a Leo women?

The sign of your 7th house is your best match. Since you are a Cancer Rising, it might be Capricorn or Aquarius. So my guess is Capricorn. It's your best match!

Just whatever you do, don’t listen to the non-leo females in here. Fire signs aren’t particularly compatible to Leo females. Air signs are: Aquarius, Gemini, Libra.

Generally we Leo females like strong people that we can look up to but at the same time learn a lot from. We like consistency and we’re very physical. Our best match is therefore in this order:
1) Aquarius men. Attraction is strong. We have the ability to turn these cool and aloof smart boys into clingy romantic freaks. And sexually, it’s the best. Trust me. Lots of conversations and thoughts. Travelling with them is the best. That’s how you learn that Leos and Aquarius are much alike.
2) Gemini and Libra men: lots of communication and great in bed.
3) Capricorn: they are our total opposites and we do match.
4) Aries: I’m personally not attracted to them, but they are attracted to me. They are good friends. But that’s about it.
5) Scorpios: they are soft and romantic with Leos females. They like us. We like them. But as far as compatibility goes for long term, I wouldn’t recommend it.
6) Pisces: they are sympathetic and very kind. But aren’t known for being consistent. That bothers us a lot

The least compatible sign to a Leo female is other Leo men, Cancer and a Sagittarius males.