Why Are Liberals So Smug

Why are liberals so smug & arrogant?

Every liberal I know is an arrogant know-it-all who thinks they're superior even though they're the stupidest people on the planet. They can't distinguish right from wrong, they have an elitist mindset, always turning up their noses at the common man & looking at people as peasants, completely ungrateful of all the real people who make their privileged lifestyle possible.

They think like children, blissfully ignorant with a Utopian outlook on life, not realizing that it's regular people, Christians, conservatives, the military & the police who protect them from all the evil barbarians of the world.

Why are they so douchey & smug? They enjoy all the technology produced by the very people they look down on, but without an ounce of gratitude. Then they turn around & call everybody else racist if we simply use logic. What the hell is wrong with these creatures?

Why are raving liberals so smug?

Sometimes I feel the same way. But I feel like the most ill informed people are from my mother's generation rather than mine. I am in my twenties and always live with the philosophy "It is better to be educated than ignorant". THat is why- before I form an opinion about something like religion, culture and politics- I reserch it thouroughly. And yes! I think alot of people are uneducated about the REAL issues in the US. I think people are so wrapped up in there new-found patriotism- they forget to see that alot of their enemies and major things to be concerned about are right here.... not always over seas. I think people should stand up for what they believe in (as you are) but always have superior understanding of what they are standing up for. I somewhat agree with you and I think half of the protesters that we see on TV and in the street are not fully knowlegable on what that are protesting for. THey find a concept or potential concern and they just run with it. But not everybody is the same. In a crowd of morons, its refreshing to know that there are people like myself who dont follow along with those conformist attitudes and who are doing there homework.
Oh, yes...very important! I dont know about you- but all the "pot smoking dorks" that I know are too busy frying there brains to care about any of the major issues. Hope this is help

Why are liberals so arrogant?

I am a conservative, but I will not be biased. Liberals are ignorant people who don't like America. They claim that we shouldn't cut down trees to build buildings. If they don't want us to build new buildings, then they should stop living in a house. Hippies claim that big business is causing pollution. While they protest, they step on thousands of grass and disturb the animals. Although I am personally not an animal lover, I am not a hypocrite. I don't just say I love nature and hurt it too. Another fact is that hippies claim to not like big business, but their cigarettes they smoke come from big business. IDIOTS!!! Another thing is that they complain about global warming and that the environment is being polluted. Although I don't believe in global warming, don't they think that their oh so called "GLOBAL WARMING is being caused by their smoking. Besides, they are a bunch of unfair, baby hating (abortions) bunch of people. They want to save animals but not unborn fetuses. When someone becomes pregnant, their job is to deliver that baby, "you do the crime, you pay the time." They do this just so a woman can maintain their body, I mean why! They also ruin the economy by forcing rich people to pay more taxes to help the poor. What do they have against rich people. Just because they can't be rich because they don't work hard doesn't mean that they should hate rich people. Many people claim to be democrat but aren't only so they can be lazy. It's a fact that republicans better the economy. Ronald Reagan made the 1980s so good with his leadership. The last thing is that they act so smug and annoying. They think they are making a difference but are really not. Their actions are to small to be making a difference. They act tolerant but are not, because they think that men are sexist every time we talk about women or that a man is racist just because they don't like illegal immigrants. NEXT TIME, GET SOME DAMN EVIDENCE STATING THAT DONALD TRUMP IS A RACIST CAUSE HE'S NOT!!!!!!

Why are liberals so smug and negative?

... well you obviously aren't looking very hard,

there are many "liberal" organizations that do a lot to help with both education and homelessness issues.. NAACP gives out tons of scholarships and is working very hard on furthering education, and groups like John Edward's One America ( ) also is working hard on poverty issues, but they take a more political take on it and it has a lot of other policy ideas on it too... and I know there are many more that have a lot of information as well...

There are also MANY churches that aren't "conservative" that do a lot... just because it's a church, doesn't mean it's "Republican or Conservative," in fact, in many of those catholic churches, there are probably a lot of "liberals" helping out...

in fact the more conservative churches in my area are the ones that aren't doing anything... much like the conservative government... interesting?

It's also very hard to "fix things" when you are out voted every time you do something... the Republicans have a majority and have clearly cut funds to education while instituting new programs, with no real new funding, like "No Child Left Behind." Maybe you don't know anything about Government, but a majority has a lot of power and there is not much you can do about it, if you're in the minority...

In the 90s, when Clinton was in office, the school system seemed to me, to be in much better shape and much better funded...

And as for the judge thing... I'm sure if Bush would have asked, many democratic senators would have been more than happy to give him another suggestion... but I don't think he would be too keen on listening...

Why are liberals so pretentious and smug? Why do they think they know everything?

I find it quite ironic that you choose to berate Liberal Democrats (about 27% of the very diverse and huge Democratic Party) as being thinking they "know everything" and then, in the same sentence, you proceed to ask Liberals to explain how it is that they "know everything." [Insert condescending smiley face here.]

Let's engage in some "what if'n": If Liberals actually do know stuff because, by and large, the Liberals within the Democratic party do tend to go for higher education far more often than do the homeschooled biblical-literalist narrow-minded science-fearing rightwing Republicans, then you appear to be suggesting these knowledgeable Liberals should not attempt to share their knowledge in any way because to do so would be to appear "pretentious and smug." Sorry, asker Elliot, but this simply does not make sense...especially when you take into account that the too-far rightwing Republican extremists are the ones who keep on getting caught with their pants down (anti-gay Senator Craig arrested in an airport men's room for soliciting sex from a male undercover police officer); smug "family-values" fanatic rightwing Republican Mark Sanford disappearing and being derelict in his duty as Governor to have himself an extramarital affair down Argentina way; or the ethically challenged former House Speaker Newt Gingrich arrogantly berating Bill Clinton for fellatio with consenting adult Monica Lewinski while he (Newt) cheated on his cancer stricken first wife, presenting her with divorce papers at the hospital, then cheated on his second wife with the wife of a long-time trusted Congressional aide, divorcing her to marry his third wife Camilla. Sanctimony and hypocrisy abound within the "pretentious and smug" GOP, as evidence repeatedly shows.

Our free-spirited, kind-hearted, highly educated, social-justice-loving Liberals, however...not so much.

Why are liberals so smug and arrogant? Why do they viciously attack those who disagree with them?

I dare you. Just go to the first page and count the number of times cons trash liberals and compare it to the opposite number. You'll find the ratio about 5:1.

Why are liberals so smug in their hatred of Christianity and our Founding Fathers, while defending terrorist Islam?

Because if we weren't, how would you distract yourself from the things that are really going on around you?

Do you feel any better now that you have lied about liberals yet again? Is your life any better? Or is your propaganda blinkered mind simply eased by spouting it out when the pressure gets too great?

Why do college liberals act so smug and sanctimonious?

Maybe you haven’t noticed but everybody in college acts smug and sanctimonious. It has mainly to do with youthful, first time experiences. When we are young, we are on a journey of discovery. We THINK we have all the answers to all the important issues around us. We learn that not all people care about the same things as we do, we learn about the effects of poverty and wealth, we learn that some people in positions of authority are real arse-holes and some are saints. We actually learn about how things are in the rest of the real world. With any luck, by the time we graduate, we discover that we have just begun to learn about life. Now if we could stop acting like a bunch of self-serving arse-holes, we might be able to accomplish something really great.

Why are liberals so smug and condescending? Watching Bill Maher makes me cringe?

Comedian and oft-times political commentator Bill Maher is a self-confessed and unabashed Liberal Democrat who backed Bernie Sanders (I-VT) initially, but who now is a strong supporter of Hillary. The HBO series "Real Time with Bill Maher" can be rather fun to watch, even for those of us who do not agree with everything being said, and each political viewpoint is represented by the panel of guests chosen.

Try not to make judgements about many millions of this nation's Liberals based only upon your dislike one one. Liberals are fun-loving folks who champion those facing discrimination or injustice in life---kind-hearted people who believe strongly in preventing our U.S. Constitution from being abused or hijacked by the alt-right fanatics in charge of the GOP.

Why do so many Liberals act sanctimonious?

In short, they’re so sanctimonious because they’ve gotten away with terrible things for such a long time.The data-dumps by Wikileaks (Hillary’s email server, as well as Podesta’s) and the spectacular undercover work by James O’Keefe and Project Veritas reveal that the Clinton campaign, which can be used here to represent Liberals collectively, has been in constant communication and cooperation with the press for a long time.Liberals are full of themselves in every sense of the word. They’re so confident in their superiority, they’re so sanctimonious, that they’ve stopped trying to hide many of their dirty deeds.Progressivism is the modern term for Hillary, as she publicly claims that label herself. However, this has been a trend within the Democrat party all the way back to Andrew Jackson. Liberal-Progressives have only changed their name several times throughout the years. Whenever one name becomes to tarnished to be used effectively, Democrats change it to something else.I would highly suggest reading some of the work by David Horowitz. Raised in a Communist household, Horowitz was himself a proponent of Communism, working alongside the Black Panther Party of the 1960’s. Horowitz is now an outspoken Conservative has written many books on a variety of issues vital to the continuity of freedom.If you’re interested in a truly unfiltered, politically-incorrect refuge for Conservatives (considering almost all of the press is privately funded and Liberal now,) I recommend you visit Conservative Articles, sign up for the Newsletter, and connect on social media (FB, Twitter) and get involved in the discussions.