Why Are Most Conservatives I Can Tolerate The Atheist Ones

Can you be an atheist and conservative?

If by conservative you mean someone who believes that there is some natural order such as two differentiated sex/genders in human beings, and that any attempt to subvert this reality can cause measurable changes. Then this does not depends on beliefs in gods. (You can change gender for class, race, individual character traits, or something else.)If by conservative you mean someone who believes that wealth should be the result of effort, and that attempts by central governments to draw the deserved product of effort by some people to rescue other people who don’t care to make an effort, creating both negative incentives and bureaucracy. Then, again, this does not depends on beliefs in gods.So, under those or other definitions of conservative, atheists can be conservatives and conservatives can be atheists.

Is being a Conservative Atheist an oxymoron?

I don't believe in the invisible man but I I believe in fiscal responsibility in government and believe there is too much welfare..
I also think we should tone down the sexual content on public TV.
Though I don't think Homosexuals should be discriminated against, I still cringe at the idea of two men kissing, though women doing hit has a lesser cringe factor for me.I really don't want to see it(men anyways) Am I against the grain of Atheist mainstream thinking or do others feel this way?

Is it possible for an atheist to be conservative?

No.By all known laws of physics and all that stuff, it is impossible and you will be shunned if you are.I am joking of course.To be conservative, you don’t have to follow the different policies as gospel. A lot of the conservative bloggers and journalists like Ben Shapiro and Milo Yiannopoulous believe that abortion should be pro-life. I personally don’t believe in that. And the same goes for the religion argument. Most Conservatives believe that Christianity is the best religion since it is the closest to the Conservative belief.I don’t believe in any faith, I am agnostic which means I am looking for answers yet I still believe in conservatism.Yes, it is possible for an atheist to be conservative. And it will happen more than you think.

If I am a conservative atheist should I vote Democrat or Republican?

Vote for whoever seems the right fit for the job

Can a conservative be a pro-gay atheist?

There is a “we want all the loose marbles” ideal among the left. It is not so much that they really do everything they claim to do for people, but they talk about it a lot (hoping those groups will vote for them, of course). Some causes, liberals actually do well on, but for me, on balance, they are not really representing where I want to live. If you recall, Hillary (and a lot of other Democrats) were against gay marriage until it looked like the issue was going to be slam-dunked by the courts. Now they can’t remember a single time they were against it. Conservatives have a fairly big tent, with intersecting sets of values, with some groups of conservatives holding views distinct to them. These people usually get along, and manage to hammer out their differences over time. One thing that seems to be common among Conservatives that is not nearly so common among Liberals is speed of change. Conservatives are not (always) opposed to change, but they do think it should be done in a more measured, thought out way. Sometimes, they are slower than paint drying, but most of the time, when the liberals are done ramming something through, a lot of us wish we could have waited just a little while and done it right. Gay issues, however we feel about the various aspects of the subject personally, were bound to arrive about where they are now anyway. The libertarians among us (and a lot of us ex hippies) kind of want to get out of everybody’s personal business anyway. The issues in America are largely sorted anyway, so there really isn’t anything to stop a person from exploring their political facets freely. Wouldn’t it be nice if we finally had a rainbow coalition that actually made sense?

Can a liberal atheist and Conservative Christian be good friends?

Charles Darwin failed miserably in his quest to validate his argument on Evolution.

God created the Heaven and Earth as the Holy Bible declares (Genesis 1:1). Don't put faith in theories. Have faith in God.

Charles Darwin did not use good logic in his famous book, "The Origin of Species."

W.R. Thompson, a Canadian entomologist(entomology-study of insects) of international repute, wrote in his introduction to the centennial edition of Darwin's Origen, "Darwin did not show in the Origin that species had originated by natural selection; he merely showed, on the basis of certain facts and assumptions, how this might have happened, and as he had convinced himself he was able to convince others.

Chapter 4 of the Origin, entitled "Natural Selection; or the Survival of the Fittest," occupies 44 pages in the 1958 mentor edition. In this chapter Darwin used the language of speculation, imagination, and assumption at least 187 times. For example, pages 118 and 119 contain the following phrases; "may have been," "is supposed to," perhaps," "If we suppose," "may still be," 'it is probable," "will generally tend," "may" "will generally tend," 'If," 'if...assumed," "supposed," "supposed," "probably," "It seems, therefore, extremely probable," and "We may suppose." Is this really the language of science? No, it is not.

Of Darwin's speculative arguments Thompson wrote, "....Personal convictions, simple possibilities, are presented as if they were proofs, or at least valid arguments in favor of the theory....The demonstration can be modified without difficulty to fit any conceivable case. It is without scientific value, since it cannot be verified; but since the imagination has free rein, it is easy to convey the impression that a concrete example of real transmutation (change of one species to another) has been given."

Source: Thompson, W.R., Introduction to The Origin of Species by Charles Darwin, E.P. Dutton and Co., New York.

Have faith dear friends in God, not theories.

Genesis 1:1
Isaiah 45:18
Colossians 1:16
Hebrews 11:1-6
Genesis 2:1-3
Exodus 20:8-11
Psalm 14:1

Why are conservatives more religious?

"The reverse was true for tolerance, a value sometimes (though hardly always) at odds with religion. Fully 88% of the most liberal said tolerance was especially important to teach, with 22% saying it was among the most important. Among the most conservative, 41% said it was especially important and just 3% said it was among the most important."

Do Christian conservatives have more in common with conservative atheists or with liberal Christians?

Modern Christian conservatives seem to have more in common with Ayn Rand, the ultra-conservative atheist Objectivist of The Fountainhead and Atlas Shrugged fame, for sure. Many top conservatives consider her philosophy to be one of the prime reasons they believe what they do, including Paul Ryan and Rand Paul. This is very strange and disconcerting, since she was not only an atheist, but HATED religion of any kind, especially Christianity. One of her own “heroes” was a Russian serial killer, and she espoused selfishness and greed as the highest of virtues. Her teachings are so diametrically opposed to those of Christianity that it is difficult to wrap one’s head around how she became so beloved among conservatives. As a Christian, I am as repulsed by her philosophy as any purely Satanic one. Indeed, Anton LaVey cites her as a seminal influence on his own Satanic philosophy as well!Christian conservatives really appreciate her economics, which again, would be at complete odds with scripture, especially as regards to the gleaning laws and 7th year/Jubilee requirements. “…what do righteousness and wickedness have in common? Or what fellowship can light have with darkness? What harmony is there between Christ and Belial? Or what does a believer have in common with an unbeliever? What agreement is there between the temple of God and idols?” 2 Corinthians 6:14–16; “Have no fellowship with the fruitless deeds of darkness, but rather expose them.” Ephesians 5:11American conservatives have been in bed with Rand for years; it is that association that is one of the main reasons I ultimately could no longer call myself a conservative.