Why Are Muslim Countries So Strict

Is Turkey a very strict Muslim country or Secular?

Completely secular. Kemal Ataturk established an entirely secular Turkish state in 1921.

He abolished things like the Arabic alphabet for Turkish, Hijab (veil) for women, sex segregation, gave religious minorities equal rights, remodelled the education system and modernized Turkey in attempt to create better relations with Europe after years of bitter rivalry during the Ottoman period.

Turkey nowadays is one of the most liberal, Muslim countries in the world. The Turkish people as a whole are still fairly religious but the newer generations are becoming increasingly Westernised and secular.

Ramadan what is the strictest muslim country and the least strict muslim country?

Strictest by far: Saudi Arabia

Least strict, at least for the moment: Turkey

Why is Turkey less strict and more secular than other Muslim countries?

Because leader of Turkey after world war Kamal Attaturk got very much against Muslims and Islam because Turkey lost leadership of Islam (Ottoman Empire), he made his country Secular. He also banned worshipping in Mosques in Turkey. He himself became atheist. Army continued secularim in country after Kamal Attaturk died until recently. The current leaders of Turkey are more Islam minded. Governmnent is now coming closer to Muslim countries. For last 30 years or so they have allowed people to perform Muslim prayers in Mosques. Current leader of Turkey has made his country ally of Palestinian cause and have become against Israel. When majority of Turkish people become practicing Muslims. Then they will demand to close the night clubs and liquor stores and government will meet their demands. Turkey does also have influence of western culture.

Why is Saudi Arabia so strict compared to other Gulf countries?

I can't imagine Saudi people or culture being that significantly different to other Gulf Arab nations like Kuwaitis, Qataris, Emiratis and Bahrainis, so why is there such a huge difference in government? Why is the government in Saudi Arabia so strict and conservative, whereas in the other neighbouring countries the government is more relaxed, people can wear what they like and there is generally more freedom, etc.

What is the reason for this difference? And the thing is that I've seen some of the Saudi royalty and they are quite liberal people. So why is the laws in Saudi Arabia the way they are, when a lot of the royalty is quite liberal-minded people, and when the neighbouring countries have governments that are more free and modern?

Muslims? why does saudi arabia is very strict?

Saudi Arabia is a Wahhabi center. not sunni center. Egypt is sunni center.

please distinguish between sunni and extremist Wahhabi
sunni Muslims are good to shia. look at Egypt Muslims. they are very similar and friendly with shia.
but Wahhabi love to kill shia. they believe who kill 10 shia will go to Heaven.
they believe if they bomb shia and themselves be killed with eat lunch with prophet in Heaven. their brain is completely washed and they are all hate of shia.
Wahhabi is world in cloth of ship.
bin laden Al-Qaeda Taliban all are Wahhabi.
Wahhabi is in fact supported by Israel and England to destroy Islam.
Ashura day keep the message of Hussein (sa) alive to reach all humans.
Husain (sa) wanted to send his message with his blood to all the world and to all the humans.
the message of Hussain is:
there is two different Kind of Islam.
the pure Islam of prophet and Islam of Yazid (Ummayids) who celebrated killing of Husain (sa) the Imam and real Caliph of their time.
Husain (sa) said:
with Yazid, Salam [bye] to Islam.

please read:

the only way of peace is to finish Wahhabism (based in Saudi Arabia and financially supported by Oil money of Saudi Royal Family. Royal family support them as blackmail to US support Saudi Royal family politically and militarily and guarantee survive of Saudi family Kingdom)

Which country is the most strict on religion?

Religon is the new racism. Religon is responsable for seems most of this planets trouble lately. So, before long its going to be the first question counties ask you when you try to obtain right of passage. Who do you worship ? Too bad it has to be this way. I blame all of you. Christians, Muslims, Jews and all the the rest of you better than thou armys.

Why is Islam so strict?!?

You think Islam is strict? Well me as a muslim women I have a very different view point.

Firstly, people have too much desires in this world and it's getting even more ridiculous as years go past. Some people believe money can bring them happiness, all they ever do is work all their life, by the biggest mansion, marry a pretty woman, just to get what, a moment of pleasure? Everyone knows that your not going to live forever in this world, death is just around the corner and you don't even know it, so what's the point in working all your life and gaining money, when it can't help you in the grave. Others think drinking can bring them happiness - how deluded they are. If only they knew that the consequences for drinking were higher than what little happiness they gain from it.

You might be thinking where am I going with this. Well, I don't expect you to see it as clearly in my perspective as I'm guessing you're not a muslim? Being a muslim women, I don't feel the say way as you do, obviously because I embraced islam. These things such as: singing, dancing, plucking eyebrows, I don't feel that it will help me in the hereafter. I already have a purpose in life, and it's submitting myself to god. Don't get me wrong I'm not a saint, I do make mistakes. I am still a woman, I do have my own desires, but I put these aside because why would I choose something that's temporary when Allah promises me something eternal?

You might be thinking what am I on about, but what matters is (Alhamdulillah) I'm thankful to Allah for what he has given me already, what more could I ask for?

P.S: Muslim women are not restricted from play chess, saying the word 'pig' and having pets. Also I can shake hands with my non-muslim women friends.

Why is Islam so strict?

But they aren’t!!There are ONLY 5 things you MUST do, and 5 THINGS that are Haram (you cannot do).All other things are open to interpretation, and must be performed within the circumstances you find yourself in.The 5 DO’s are:Believe in GodPrayFast in RamadanGive charityDo Hajj if you can afford itThe 5 DON’T’s areDrink Alcohol (medicine is ok)Have sex outside of marriageConsume pork, carrion or animals sacrificed to someone other than the One God. (If no “sacrifice” is made, it is lawful)Indulge in usuary (interest rates excessively beyond the market rate)Murder an innocent, or even a guilt person outside of societies rules.ALL other rules are either basic human ethics (don’t lie, don’t steal, don’t cheat, don’t hurt anyone’s feelings) or are to be interpreted on the circumstances you find yourself in.Like covering ones hair. It stems from “dressing modestly”. Muslims should dress modestly, but the definition of modestly will change from time to time and from place to place.So, Islamic laws are not strict. It is just humans who have chosen to codify things that God chose NOT to codify that makes it seem so.