Why Are Muslims Communities More Prevalent In The West Of China Compared To The East Of China

Discuss and compare Christianity and Islam. Analyze their affects on western civilization.?

Christianity is the basis of Western Civilization, the Church, the Catholic Church ruled things for over a thousand years. Kings were approved by Popes, Bishops were approved by Kings, the two were completely interlocked. Monks in the Middle Ages kept writing alive,the Bible and some other works of literature at a time when few except the monks could read or write. Art, literature, everything was affected by or run by the Catholic Church until the reformation in the 1400's and 1500's.

Islam had less of a direct effect on the West, especially at first. It probably had a great deal of effect on Eastern Europe and of course total control of the mid east. The Crusades brought some of the ideas of the Muslims to Europe, but probably very few. Moorish Muslims in Spain kept much knowledge, science and medicine alive although it was often not used by Christians. But the Arab and Muslim advances in math, medicine and science were important in the middle ages and eventually became part of western culture.

PS: These are just a few ideas, I don't know how good, you can use them for ideas to look up. I hope you are not writing this question in a classroom during a test, I hope you are doing homework or in a library doing research. You have to do your own work.

Why can Muslims, Christians, Budist, Induism, and all the religions get along?

The reason why religious people cannot get along is because we have the so called religious leaders who want the world to follow exactly what they believe in. if the average religious person where to sit down and think about it we all want peace and harmony. I compare groups like the Taliban 2 groups like the tea Party. 1 of them instigates conflict and the other 1 is so blinded by self conflict they engage all others who they feel are attacking them. when all people realize that religion is a strictly internal thing regardless of belief the world will stop the nonsense that we find associated today. despite what some people believe muslims are not commanded to kill everyone who is not muslim. those are once again an example of people who choose to take others religious scriptures severely out of context. now if they were to read that in context with they will see why certain conflict has not ended. it basically says that if you continue to fight me I have the right to fight you back. if you cease to fight me and say you want peace then I should meet you with peace. it goes further as I paraphrase as long as you are trying to kill me I should basically get you first. The only real way stop war is too literally stop war. the problem with that is if peace were to break out many people would go broke . and Republicans do not like broke people. I bet they don't explain it that way on Fox News. the truth is that other religious scriptures are at everyones fingertips all you have to do is go to a library or a bookstore. read these books for yourself and stop listening to what the so called leaders are telling. they lie to promote their own religious views. that is what causes or conflict about the world opposing perceptions and lack of understanding 1 anothers culture and religion.

Why can't the West understand the difference between muslims (Islam) and terrorist (terrorism)?

The feeling in the West today seem to be that most Muslims actually DO support the terrorist activities of fanatical islamists, if not directly, then indirectly.

Do most of the Muslims in the world actually wnat this to be the view on their religion?

When a Westerner criticizes Islam and/or Muslims, Muslims react violently, burn down embassies, issue death threats and generally act irrationally.

Like the cartoon things with Denmark; at the same time as Muslims burned down Danish embassies they themselves depicted Israel and the Jewish people as demons of Satan, as animals who should be murdered etc... Just plain ugly racism and hatred against Jewish people, from "peace-loving" Muslims!

So do Muslims have a double standard here? It is ok for them to critizise everyone else, but if someone dares to criticise their beloved religious beliefs, all Hell breaks loose?

Are Muslims in fact hypocrites?

If Muslims are so "peace-loving" and Islam is a religion of "peace", so why do they seem to be so violent and hateful, keen on destroying the West and the United States?

If islamists like Al-Qaeda think they can "spread" Islam with violence and terrorism, they are wrong. If they got a hold on a nuclear weapon and blew it up in, say, New York or Washington, the next places going up in nuclear fireballs would probably be the holy sites of Islam and the capital cities of most Muslim countries. This is where terrorism will lead in the long run, straight into a nuclear holocaust. Maybe this is exactly what the terrorists want after all?

Why do you think Christianity is much more prevalent in the West rather than the East? Since the origin?

If I'm not mistaken, it has something to do with the acceptance of Christianity into the Roman Empire when Constantine was the ruler. He promoted Christianity within the empire, where Christian holidays would be observed and celebrate. Besides that, Christians would be excused on Sundays to go to church. From here on, Christianity spread to Europe and was brought to the Americas, Asia and Africa by European colonization. So you see, Christianity spread from the West to the of course its natural for Christianity to be prevalent in the West. To top that off, in Asia, the spread of Indian religions such as Hinduism and Buddhism, as well as Islam to the East occurred long before Christianity was introduced. Islam being the major religion in the Middle East and other parts of Asia has affected Asia to a more extent than Christianity, in terms of culture and customs. Islamic laws in countries such as Pakistan and Iran have also made it difficult for early Christian missionaries. Buddhism in countries like China have integrated with the Chinese culture and Chinese folk religions (Taoism, Confucianism) until identifying a Buddhist from a Tao and a Confucian would be difficult as they practice all three together as one. I hope this helps in telling you why Christianity is not so prevalent in the East. Thanks.

Why is ISLAM THE number 1 growing religion and Christianity the number 1 DIEING RELIGION?

There is nothing special about Islam. It may be the fasting growing RELIGION but ATHEISM (basically intelligence) IS SPREADING FASTER STILL! The thing with religion is that it is a label that you are given from birth. You have no choice and most people "follow" what their parents "believe". In the past 10 years or so Islam has been in the media almost daily. When they insult Islam, unfortunately people who were given the Islamic label (i.e. born to Islamic parents) get defensive and by default become more religious. I live in East London which has a large muslim community. Before 2001 hardly anyone had a beard, or worse head scarfs/Vail's. Within a year of 9/11 people became religious. The reason is because a part of their Identity (label of Islam) was being attacked. As an example, I support Arsenal football club. I always have because my family do. I don't follow football much but if someone attacks my team I get defensive. This is my label, Islam is theirs. Labels brainwash people and make them accept things without reason. Atheism is growing as people across the world see the consequences of religion (i.e. War or segregation or prejudice) and learn about the true origins of life and the world we see based on real science and reason. RELIGION IS DYING OUT AND THIS ISLAMIC RISE IS A BLIP DUE TO MEDIA ATTENTION.

Why are muslims at war with all the world?

You know what, you just listed something that does piss me off.

They say Israel is the worst with religious tolerance, but the term "Christian flight" is a term that describes a lot of the Middle East.

Don't get me wrong: I don't have Muslims as a rule, nor am I trying to paint all of them, not even all Arab ones, in a negative light. However, you do list a phenomenon that is occurring throughout the Middle East that is NOT pretty, so it will come off that way. I'm more than aware that there are good ones, but this does not excuse many instances for the countries as a whole.

Christians ARE leaving the Middle East. Many feel forced to, believing that their lives are in some sort of danger. Many others feel less and know more, since unquestionably their lives are in danger. Of course Israel isn't an exception; though, I'm sure you realize that it's not necessarily the Jews. For starters, percentage wise, the State of Israel is rather tame compared to other countries, since not as many Christians are leaving. However, it's noticeably from the Arabic cities that many flee. You note Bethlehem, which does have recorded cases of Christians having problems with Muslim thugs. Many recorded cases, and one I know of personally. It's ironic, since I think the Palestinian community outside the Middle East doesn't mind the Christians one bit but relies on them a lot.

Personally, besides the Palestinian case I allude to, I know a Syrian Christian and an Iranian as well. The Lebanese girl's father left Lebanon, and all I know is that it wasn't on good terms. She complained once that he didn't talk about it. The Syrian, though, is an interesting case. He hates Israel, but when push came to shove I found out that he has no desire to return to Syria. He hinted at things awful and most fowl, so I did make a point once that he's probably like a Syrian Jew desiring to return. He shut up.

I've always been critical of the Middle Eastern world on it's treatment of Christians. Though, it always really strikes me how much it's beginning to look like the depopulation of Jews from Arab lands. Not Israel, since it's Christian population is actually increasing, and even the "claims" many make about Israel are mild compared to these. Not that I hold most of those to be true.

Is there any Western country where Muslim immigrants successfully integrate?

My answer speaks for itself.....

Nowadays the issue of Islam in Europe has moved up the European political agenda.
The Muslim diaspora communities now constitute the largest immigrant population in the EU. Contrary to expectations that Muslim immigrants would successfully assimilate, they are reaffirming their Islamic identity, as a new political identification, and some of them turn to terrorism against their adopted country.
Ineffective Muslim integration and political representation, as well as the social exclusion, unemployment and discrimination that the Muslims experience in their adopted countries- all have led to their deeper exclusion and marginalization, facilitating the development of Islamic radicalism and home-grown terrorism. The two different and independent social phenomena, with different social sources and objectives, namely international immigration and Islamist terrorism, find a convergence in Europe. The terrorist threat comes primary from European indigenous Muslim immigrant population, and only then from “imported” radicalism. That’s why the significant step forward in the EU counterterrorism strategy is putting in the forefront four main pillars: prevent, protect, pursue and respond. In the context of Islamist terrorism the first pillar “to prevent” is particularly important.

Why do so many people hate muslims in America and England?

The media has portrayed to Americans that all muslims are arabic, and many of these are terrorists, and that the muslims invented terrorism. If you do your own homework, you will find that only 14% of muslims are arabic, and few are terrorists, and some they claim did terrorist attacks, are false flag operations, a lot of which have been made public access, so you can read about them. It is common overseas to have people dress as Muslims, go attack some Christians, and then dress as Christians and go attack Muslims, to make a fight. And the media loves to cut the muslims down saying they will have 40 virgins...not understanding what that really means. We are ignorant, and the powers that be laugh at us, saying all they have to do is tell us an untruth 6-8 times and we will believe it, since we think were so free makes us gullible. as they say in the X-files, the Truth is Out There, let's make it our mission to pursue it and stop programmed parroted discrimination.