Why Are My Miracle Berry Leaves Turning Red On The Edges Pics Included

Why does my baby red eared slider seem to be floating lopsided?

Your turtle has a respiratory infection. The lung on the side that is lower is filled with water which is creating this. You need to get it to a vet immediately as these are deadly. This is possibly the early stages of pneumonia as listing (floating sideways) is a sign of pneumonia. Raise the temps in the tank by 5 degreese and consult your vet.

What type of mold only grows on the inside of oranges?

I have eaten oranges all my life and have only encountered blue-green molds on the outside of oranges, the type which penetrate through the outside of the peel. Recently I bought a case of oranges which looked immaculate from the outside, and moreover, they felt firm, but when cut open, - every single one of them was infected with some blackish red mold on the inside which grew along the core axis first before spreading out toward the peel (in later stages).

In the many years I have eaten oranges, I have never seen this before. Besides feeling ripped off having wasted money on a case of oranges, I am a little concerned since I can no longer trust the integrity (since I can not verify it prior) of oranges in stores any longer.

I suspect it has something to do with the fact that navel orange peels have been cultured to be so loose now that molds can easily penetrate through the stem area, and thereby escape detection. In the earliest stages of infection, you see a reddish tint on the inside edges of the orange slices (facing the core axis). As the infection spreads outward from there, and intensifies, it turns from a grapefruit red to black. However at the early "red" stages the orange is already ruined, as it tastes bitter and causes gastric distress.

What is this mold, and what is the story behind it? Is this even a mold, or is it a viral or bacterial infection? Is this something new coming in from foreign sources that should not be here%

Turmeric root for scars?

I'm 19 and i have a shingles scar on the side of my face that is about a year old. Its not that bad but in certain lighting its very noticeable. I went to an asian supermarket and they told me to buy the turmeric root, grind it down, and apply it directly to the scar. Then, the man told me not to eat beef or shrimp as beef can make the scar turn brown and shrimp can make it puff up...He really seemed to know a lot but im confused about that.. anyways, has anyone had any luck with turmeric root for their scars and can someone explain the beef/shrimp thing? thanks!!