Why Are My Older Cousins So Concerned

Should I be concerned after finding a box of condoms in my 10 year-old daughter's room?

Woah! That's insane. She's 10 years old, of course she is not ready for sex. Sit her down and talk to her, and make sure you know what is going on and where she is at all times. She shouldn't even be kissing boys yet!!

I found a box of condoms in my 15 year old cousins room, should i be concerned?

Ummm well look at every aspect it doesn't mean she had sex but she is becoming of age so young generation is doing it but try talking to her about it get her to open up because if she is atleast you see protection and not just doing it raw like most kids are.

What do I do if i am very possive and concerned for my cousin sister?

Well, it’s kind of normal in your situation that you are actually infatuated towards your cousin sister, which is obviously involuntary. This is how human mind works, you were never so comfortable with any other girl so your mind is actually trying to connect with her and in process you are getting very much possessive and concerned for her, which is good until it becomes passion.Solution for your case: Go out, meet new people, try to make out friends, start talking to other girls too, your cousin will always be your cousin and will always be there for you, but you can’t cling on to her.

Should I be concerned as an Older American woman marrying a young Pakistani man?

I dated a younger Bangladeshi for 4 years.  He was unable to marry me.  If your young man is in love with you and he is a modern American or Brittish citizen, you should get along.  If he is only looking for status by marrying you, and you don't fill his wishes, then the marriage won't last.For me, I knew that my own boyfriend could also marry other women during our marriage, but not in the States. That is something you should be aware of. He can be married to one in Pakistan and one here! It's totally legitimate in his culture. I say use that philosophy and your marriage will be great!  I was heartbroken to see my boyfriend leave for Bangladesh and marry a cousin who was arranged for his bride! I had options to be his mistress here.  I didn't think my family or friends would understand and feel sorry for me.  So he just thought I did not love him.  I offered to go to Bangladesh for marriage and he said no.  So your fiance might just be saying he wants to marry, but you are not in control.  If it's your destiny and he loves you, you will marry.According a religious custom, I had my boyfriend say aloud I divorce you three times! This made whatever connection in his beliefs funsevered. I had 4 beautiful years with him!  If he wanted to marry me he knows that he could have, but was forced by his culture to marry his COUSIN.  I read some law books here and in Florida and Mass. It's OK to marry a cousin.I really hope that your marriage works.  rFloia where we live, he can do that byobanglh a marry him.  I have no regrets! No one knows howtkistan or USA, what ever reasons you are marrying for, have a blessed life!  Here is a pic of Robin Fox and Mowgli, and the wedding pics I got from him at Christmas! \U0001f615

Why does my little 6 year old cousin prefers to play with the PlayStation alone rather than being together with the family having lunch on Sundays?

Videogames are designed to constantly trigger your body to create dopamine by constantly giving you small goals to achieve (build the next thing, defeat the next orc, attain a higher level, earn enough credits to purchase the next thing, unlock the next level etc etc)Dopamine makes you feel good. It is the bodies natural way of rewarding you for reaching your goals in an effort to coax you into doing that (it has other less relevant functions as well). Originally this was for example to get you to go hunting or gathering berries before you were hungry since waiting until there is a high need is dangerous (you might not catch/find anything and if you are already hungry that was your one chance).Sadly dopamine is also a large part what makes us addicted to things. I’m not saying your cousin is dangerously addicted to videogames just because he prefers it over sunday lunch, don’t start panicking, but dopamine is for sure partly the reason why he might find the videogames more stimulating/interesting than lunch with the family.It is not my intention to demonize videogames. I am a gamer myself and play them almost daily. But they can be addictive. In and of itself this is not necessarily a problem, a lot of people are addicted to something (social media, television, cigarettes, alcohol, smartphone etc) but it is only a problem when it really start interfering with your ability to perform as an individual in society. A kid preferring to play with toys (digital or otherwise) over eating with family is no immediate grounds for concern.Its also not my intention to demonize dopamine, we’d be useless and long extinct without it. The fact that it can make us addicted to something is an unfortunate side effect though, if that addiction is of a level that impacts our ability to function as a person.

My 1 year old baby cousin named jacy has a fever of 101.9 should we be concerned or just let her sleep it off?

A 102 fever is NOTHING for a one year old.
You can give her some infant tylenol or infant motrin to try to reduce the fever if she seems uncomfortable. But unless there are symptoms of a bacterial infection causing this fever, the most likely culprit is a virus, for which the doctors can't do anything but treat symptoms for comfort and try to keep her hydrated if the starts to vomit or have diareha.

Reasons to call the docter with a 102 fever of a 1yo would be:
1. Child is listless and very inactive during what should normally be play time. ( a little extra sleep time is to be expected, but if they are awake trying to play, but seem too disoriented to do so, there is a problem).
2. The fever doesn't respond to tylenol or motrin (taken alone every 4 to 6 hours should reduce the fever by at least a degree, alternating every 2 to 3 hours should reduce the fever by at least two degrees).
3. You find other signs or symptoms of an illness.
4. They are vomitting/diarreha to the point that they are possibly getting dehydrated.
5. If the fever gets above 104, then you should at least get some input from the doctor's office or an after-hours on-call nurse. But even at 104.5, the nurse is likely to just recomend tylenol and motrin if the fever is the only sign of something being wrong.

*** Additional ***
And please don't listen to these morons telling you to rush your child to the ER. They are crowded enough as it is, and there is not need to waist both the time and money on an issue that a doctor can't do anything about anyway.

Case in point, sure for an adult a fever of 102-104 is dabilatating. But children are different. There "take her to the ER NOW!" idiots don't know what they are talking about.

*** Additional ***
Check out this web site. It tells you that a fever isn't a bad thing (it just makes you uncomfortable) unless it gets to 107 (and that will only occur from something like heat stroke). It also confirms that there is nothing to worry a fever alone. It's other symptoms that would indicate something other than a simple virus young kids tend to catch because their immune system is not as mature as adults. (i.e. the fever is likely from a virus and you likely will not catch it from her... unless it turns out to be a stomic virus... then you are not going to have a good weekend).

My cousin is extremely rude to everyone?

I have 8 younger cousins in my family. I am 14, but all 8 of my younger cousins are 7 and under. My 7 year old cousin is so extremely rude to not only me, but to all of her other cousins. She even influences my 6 year old cousin and she even becomes rude and mean around her so she can be accepted by her. Today at a family gathering her and my 6 year old cousin ganged up on my 3 year old cousin and were telling her all she did was ruin their game and were just very mean to her. Then later on in the day the 7 year old screamed at the 3 year old saying she was a "spoiled child" and "was not having any of it"... The whole family heard her scream this from upstairs, and this is not the first time she has said things like this to her. Once she told me she was going to "kill me til I was dead" because I didn't do what she wanted. Another time she tried to pants me when I had a swimsuit on. Every time I see her she calls me something mean or does something mean to me. I'm just extremely concerned not only for her, but for all the rest of my cousins who have to deal with her bullying. She does get disciplined, and if her parents are around the matter is taken directly to them, but the thing is that she doesn't care. She gets yelled at, she gets time outs, she gets things taken away, but she does not care and will keep doing whatever mean thing she is doing. It probably does not help that she is spoiled either. She gets paid for good behavior and good grades. She has 4 expensive American Girl dolls, and knows how to manipulate pretty much everyone but me into giving her what she wants, and she's only 7 years old! Please help! I love her, but it can't keep going like this.

Why is my 9 month old dog so unenergetic?

If you feel this isn't normal, the first thing you should do is get him/her to a vet and discuss your concerns. Lethargy is often the first sign of injury or illness. If your vet gives a thorough check and can't find anything and delivers a clean bill of health, it could be a few other things. Maybe the food you are feeding is not giving enough nutrition and they are feeling logey. Or perhaps they are getting enough exercise that it's too much for their age and you should cut back for a bit. Or maybe they are in a growth spurt where most of their energy is going elsewhere for developing their bodies for the moment and it will pass soon. Best to talk to the vet first, they would be in the position most capable of determining the answer.

Why does my 12 year old cousin run after and hurt stray cats and dogs?

This is not good. Not all kids who hurt animals are future human abusers but almost all humans who have violent or killing tendencies have hurt animals in their past. This is a well known fact but I'll cite paychology today and quote them below:“Since the 1970"s, research has consistently reported childhood cruelty to animals as the first warning sign of later delinquency, violence, and criminal behavior. In fact, nearly all violent crime perpetrators have a history of animal cruelty in their profiles.”Children Who are Cruel to Animals: When to WorryIf he is receiving satisfaction from this he needs mental health help. As an adult (17 is close enough), you are abetting his behavior. That is a legal term for assisting/participating by watching/not stopping something a crime that could be prevented. It's being perpetrated on someone that cannot adequately defend themselves (animals).Inserting personal opinion: tell his parents and yours before he starts getting bored with animals and starts hurting snaller children. And also stop standing by and allowing him to do this even if you don't do more than tell him you won't be a party to his abusive behavior and walk away. You are responsible for your behavior and you need to act.“If the "child" is a teen, contact your local animal welfare center (shelters work too) or the police. Animal abuse is a crime, and if very serious, the teen can be sent to juvenile hall. This article is meant for a short span of time; please don't allow abuse to go on for a long time. Tackle it as soon as you see it. Contact authorities ASAP if the animal is in serious danger.”from How to Stop a Kid Who Is Hurting Animals

Why does my 2 and a half year old cousin still not sleep completely through the night?

First, all children are different. My first didn’t sleep through the night until she was 2 1/2. I was a new Mother when she was born, and I didn’t want her to cry and be alone, so as soon as I heard her moving around, I would go check on her. She got used to having company a couple of times a night, Since I was breast feeding her, she woke up quite a bit at night anyway. But as time went by, she was still waking up, and sometimes she’d make a noise that sounded like, “Mom where are you when I want you.” And I realized she was expecting me to show up, just because she was awake. So I started waiting, nervously laying in bed hoping she didn’t feel unloved or unhappy or scared. And I realized she was going back to sleep on her own.My second child never woke up from the first night on, she could be sick with strep throat or any number of children’s illnesses and she’d never wake up in the night, I’d find her sick when she woke up after the sun came up. Because she never got up until it was light. I don’t know if she thought one should wait through the night or what. She’s now an EMT on an ambulance. LOL.Every kid does it different. Whether we have parents that hover and worry over the health, or parents are hoping the child isn’t starving to death (LOL). Sooner or later, we all start sleeping through the night.