Why Are People Always Trying To Prove That Vegans And Vegatarians Are Unhealthy And Under Nourished

Why do many vegans often look pale, thin and unhealthy?

You encounter most likely vegans that are vegans for animal rights issues only and don’t really know or care to be healthy as well.I have been a strict vegetarian for over 30 years and a full vegan for 3.5 years now… During all this time, I have been also a full contact martial artist, body builder, mountain climber (still doing it), technical scuba diver and much much more. While I am concerned about animal rights, I belief that a plant based diet is the natural diet for humans. (I am not going into a debate on this in this post!) and by eating plant based as the normal human diet, the animal abuse is being taken care of by default.Now… This is me at 51 years of age, after eating plant based for about 35 years:You also are not aware of the vegan athletes, including strong man competition, that all experience a significant increase and strength after turning to a 100 percent vegan diet.Well… here is a video… called “Vegans are weak!”Enjoy!

Why do people always stereotype vegetarians as being pale and sick looking?

hahaha story time :) when school was still in I had a class period where I sat in a group with these 2 guys. okay, they are like total menly men, hunt/fish/sports/ etc. I'm really tiny. 5'2 & 100 - 105 lbs (kept this weight even before being a vegetarian lol). one day one of the guys is like "I bet your a vegetarian" Im like, "why?" & he goess, "youre a stick" (wtf? lol like people who eat meat arent skinny?) then, the other one is like, "na man. she HAS to eat meat" the other guys says "why?" & he goes "shes too tan to be a vegetarian... theyre really pale cause they dont get the nutrients of meat and it amkes there skin weaker so they cant tan as much" yes, these were actual quotes & yes they were serious.

oh dear god... -_-

Why do most vegetarians look sickly and unhealthy?

Simple - because they ARE sickly. The human body, in it's ideal form, is a amazing piece of equipment, but just like any other piece of equipment it requires ongoing maintenance and fuel to function properly. Without this maintenance (exercise) and fuel (from ALL food groups) it will begin to fail.As much as vegetarians and vegans like to pretend otherwise, the human body was designed to assimilate nutrients from both meat and vegetable matter. Eating nothing but vegetable matter is in fact worse for you than eating nothing but meat as meat can have every essential nutrient in it, where as no single vegetable on the face of this planet does.Having said that, it IS possible to lead a healthy vegan life - it is just VERY difficult.So why put yourself through the daily hell of eating garbage only to look like a mangy malnourished alley cat? Enjoy a nice big steak and live a long, happy and healthy life.

Why do some vegans look sick and unhealthy?

Does he look sick and unhealthy to you?Or him?In fact, many athletes and body builders nowadays are going vegan for better performance. Carl Lewis who won 10 Olympic medals: "Vegan diet is the best...My best performances were when I was on vegan diet."Curious of what vegan food they eat? Surprisingly simply. The two body builders in the following video will give you some down-to-earth talk. They said, "My strength increases a lot faster now… I have increased my lift a lot… a lot of people experienced this."I myself found all my aliments (including rheumatoid arthritis, IBS and acid reflux) cured after going vegan, and I’m healthier and more energetic than ever. I also know many vegans, probably more than you do, and they are healthier than the general public.Vegan diet is the healthiest diet overall based on studies, because meat, eggs and dairy cause us all kinds of illnesses, including cancer, heart disease, erectile dysfunction, diabetes, osteoporosis and bone loss, dementia and Alzheimer's disease, arthritis, anemia in infants and toddlers, infant apnea and crib death, postpartum psychosis, circulatory disorders, food allergies, acne, etc.This links to hundreds of studies. If you would download the document, you can search the document by illness or food type.The only supplement generally recommended for vegans by licensed dieticians is B12. It is because farm animals are fed B12 supplement these days, and non-vegans are in fact getting B12 supplement second-hand through eating animal products. However, non-vegans have B12 deficiencies too. You can read more here:Helen Tam-Semmens's answer to If vegans eat all natural foods, are we actually meant to be vegans, because vegans have to take vitamin B12 tablets, (and that’s not natural)?Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics: "Vegetarian and vegan diets are appropriate for all stages of life, including during infancy, pregnancy, childhood, adolescence and old age... People who adopt a vegan diet reduce the risk of diabetes by 62 percent, the risk of prostate cancer by 35 percent, the chance of being hospitalized for a heart attack by 33 percent, the risk of heart disease by 29 percent and the risk of all forms of cancer by 18 percent."Vegetarian and vegan diets good for kids and adults, nutritionists sayPosition of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics: Vegetarian Diets

Why do vegetarians looks gaunt and pale? I don't think eating just veggies is good for you. Do you agree?

Seal, Russell Simmons, Forrest Whitaker, Hank Aaron, Carl Lewis, Erykah Badu, Prince, Angela Bassett, KRS-One, Brandy, Salim Stoudamire, Edwin Moses, Lisa Bonet, Raja Bell, Lenny Kravitz and RuPaul are all vegetarians.

Why do some vegans look underweight and malnourished?

Me & the pandas — proof positive you can be a fat vegan!When I went vegan in 2011 (after 10 years of being a fat vegetarian), I did lose about 9 or 10 kg (20 lbs) — but I was eating less processed food and went wild on the fruit & veg fresh smoothies ('nutrient density'). I'd almost credit my weight loss to that specifically and not broadly 'veganism'.But I gained it all back sooner or later. I'm still 105 kg (230 lb) — I'm 186 cm (6'1") — whether that's fat or "chunky" is in the eye of the beholder.To be honest, I know hundreds of vegans and I only know TWO who are 'very thin'. One is naturally thin, very healthy & exercises but lives for sugar & deserts — he's just thin. The other is a woman who may very well have an eating disorder — I wouldn't pin her thinness on veganism.But my world is very much full of "ethical vegans" — who went vegan for the animals (as opposed to health, the environment, trendiness, etc). Most vegans are perfectly normal size, some are athletic & fit, some are a little fat, a few are surprisingly plump! Takes all sorts.I do often wonder where all these rail-thin vegans are — I never see them or meet them — maybe they all live on that desert island full of bacon but, mysteriously, no plants that I keep hearing about! I think they hide from us and only hang out with meat-eaters.

Is bringing children up on a vegan diet unhealthy?

Either vegan, vegetarian or omnivorous diets can all be unhealthy or healthy.I honestly believe anyone can be healthy on a plant based diet- the animals people eat have bodies like ours and are healthy and strong from only eating plants. You can't get away with being an unhealthy-vegan as easily as you can as an unhealthy-omnivore, the omnivores use healthy animal flesh which has received adequate nutrition from a variety plants, so you get everything you need for a healthy body- because you are eating a healthy body. It's a “complete source of protein", created by a variety of plants (which have amino acids- the building blocks of protein) plus fats which can be turned into carbs and burned for fuel.So you can either get the raw materials fresh from a variety of plants (vegan) or have another animal have done that for you (omnivore/carnivore). The perk with choosing plants is that you also get phytonutrients, more micronutrients, Its alkalizing, etc.. if you eat a lot of plants while an omnivore you'll these benefits too.The body still has to break down animal protein into it's amino acids before it can use them, so your not skipping a step and using the protein as it is. You have to have good stomach acid. Regardless, the scaremongering about veganism isn't warranted. You do need to know about nutrition: get enough greens, omega 3, protein, fats and plant matter in general. The only thing you are likely to need to supplement is B12 (which is only due to modern sterilisation of food). Unhealthy diets given to children in general should be the focus. No-one gets up in arms about a kid eating Cheetos, but vegan food: child abuse!