Why Are People Randomly Declaring That Its About Race

Why do people think Eritreans aren't Black?

So I was walking on the street this random guy game & started talking to me in Indian or something.
I was like "excuse me" he goes like aren't u Indian? I said no I'm African. he Smh
That makes me mad Even @ my school I go to Black school but they think I'm Indian or mixed w/ white. We have d/t hair & choclate color but why most people don't get that?

Eritrea is in East Africa

SPLC Declares White People Children Of The Corn?

There are articles out there suggesting that if you give the SPLC enough money, they'll label any right-leaning group a 'hate group'.

Southern Poverty Law Center's Lucrative 'Hate Group' Label

Racial Racketeering for Fun and Profit: The Southern Poverty Law Center Scam

If an alien race publicly declared war on NASA how would NASA react given two years to prepare?

If an alien race publicly declared war on NASA how would NASA react given two years to prepare?Some or all people would be made aware of the alien race’s declaration of war.There would be a lot less forward planning, a lot more parties and a lot more meaningless sex.I would be on the roof of our house waving a wooden sword at them and shouting “SPARTA”.Then they would put metal meshes on our heads and meaninglessly roam the countryside in their tripods while we would all be under their control, doing all the same things as before.Except me, I would oppose the Global Unconditional Surrender issued unanimously by UN and I’d run through forests shining laser pointers at their tripods and when they’d be asleep I’d bang my wooden sword against the legs of their tripods while making random American Revolutionary War quotes and references and talking bullshit about invasions failing due to resistance.I wouldn’t even be reported to the alien overlords but people would from time to time recommend me to “deal with my problems”.Screw this guy, I’d look good while opposing the alien overlords.“Even if it takes me 100 years, I’ll drive the aliens back to sea”-”They came from space”“I’ll drive them back to space”-”They never actually landed. They sent us instructions on how to build mind control meshes and we obliged lest they’d exterminate our species”“I’ll never surrender, I will fight them in the cities and on the hills!”-”Please don’t, if you ever hurt one of them they’ll kill 10,000 of us.”

What's a possible solution for people who make clearly offensive, racist statements who seem to be unaware of why they were offensive?

This isn’t the first time someone’s insensitivity has created public blowback for them, with them declaring “I didn’t mean it that way….”If a person tells you something you said was offensive, racist, sexist, whatever, don’t double down. You ask them to explain how what you said was offensive, so you can avoid offending again, and you apologize. That is basic good manners. This is called listening and adjusting. This is called showing good taste.There was a study I heard about recently. If people are convinced they won’t be punished for a behavior, then they are more likely to do it. Have you noticed how much more racist speech we have heard since Trump got elected? It’s not because people suddenly got more racist. It’s because now they think they can get away with it. So, Christina Ignatius has now learned that, Trump’s example notwithstanding, she can’t actually get away with it.I hate to say it, but it’s no different than with little kids. If those negative impulses are inside them, fear of punishment will keep them from expressing those negative impulses.Yeah, much better if we can educate them to have a lot more empathy, compassion, and consideration, but I ain’t holding my breath on that.

What race is skrillex?

Sonny John Moore AKA Skrillrex is a caucasian.

Is there a declared goal of human evolution? Or are we just evolving randomly? (Or maybe going in the wrong direction)?

What do you mean "declared" ? Declared by what or whom? ... There is no declaration, there is no aim or meaning. There is no "more evolved" or "less evolved". There is no wrong or right direction either.Let me try to explain. Living things just change over time. That is an observed fact. Those changes are mostly due to random mutations in the genes. That's because genes copy themselves, but the process is not perfect and results in small changes. Most of the time, those changes are insignificant, but eventually a change will be more beneficial to the survival of a species (for instance, a skin colour mutation that makes it easier to e.g. hide from a predator). Not everyone will have this mutation but the ones who do have a better chance of surviving and thus live longer and thus reproduce more. In time, the individuals without this new treat will die off, leaving only the ones with that new skin colour.That's it... There was no aim. Nothing or no one declared that changing skin colour was good or bad. The species may well have never developed that mutation and stay with the same skin colour... So in that sense, yes, it is random.

Is it part of Black women's rights & freedoms to have sex with random White men?

This commercial was distateful. The commercial mentioned race, so I did too. I get that side of it (3rd answer), but whats the point in making a commercial like this?? Having sex with a random man whose name she didn't even know to push people to vote! Besides, Bw/Wm is nothing new... maybe the other way around... but not this.