Why Are People So Emotional

Why are people so emotional these days?

Lack of self awareness.

Why do people get so emotional over sports?

Well, alien, I think you'll find the human race is an utterly irrational, contradictory, and wholly incomprehensible species as far as our race is concerned. I'd say the quality of most of the answers others have posted on here gives you a good core sample of humanity's collective intellect and why such a mind would be attracted to a handful of neanderthals in shiny tight clothes throwing their balls around on a grass field. Well, maybe not all of humanity. But certainly western civilization.

I, for one, as a proud heterosexual male have never had the slightest interest in sports. Unlike the arts or humanities, which provide stimulation for the mind and intellect, or the pursuit of crafts and hobbies, which also provide the aforementioned mental stimulation, sports are ultimately a shallow, fruitless endeavor. While one can debate endlessly about the meaning and interpretation of, say, an Ingmar Bergman film or a da Vinci painting, or appreciate the visceral nuance and technical virtuosity of a carefully composed piece of music, the merits of a sports game as a spectator activity are superficial at best. And, to be frank, the almost frightening devotion with which so many people commit themselves to these rambling collections of teams and jerseys speaks more towards the innate human need to identify with symbols and subjugate themselves to fabricated "higher powers" in the unending, neurotic struggle to find purpose in their lives.

Since sports as a spectator event require little to no critical thinking and the act of watching a sports game poses virtually no challenge to your average human's way of experiencing the world, it fills the need for this collective identification and allows human beings to congregate over something of grossly exaggerated importance, something, I might add, us humans are immensely prone to doing. Sports are fun, distracting, and ultimately meaningless, and therefore a safe and consistent diversion for a culture hellbent on keeping things as pleasant as possible until cold, frightening death embraces us all.

Why do some people become too emotional?

I figure that you'd ask that because you've seen someone "overreact" to something. A lot of the time, it's because there's a layer that you can't see.For example, I'm a perfectionist, and sometimes when I make a mistake, even if it's something that is not a big deal, the wave of self-loathing comes at me so fast that I can't intervene with logic in time to keep from getting emotional about it. You could be seeing how someone's childhood looked. If your parents give in every time you have a tantrum, you can carry that behavior into adulthood. At the same time, if your parents ignore you, you may learn that pitching a fit is the only way to be heard. If you suffered major losses growing up--the death of a parent or sibling, you might panic about "little things" like un-returned phone calls or plans that are cancelled at the last minute, because you've learned to worry that loved ones could vanish at any moment.Also, some people are highly connected to the experiences of others--they feel so much empathy that it's hard for them not to feel what others feel. I once saw a historian start crying during an interview about the Titanic.On the other hand, some people have learned that extreme emotion makes others uncomfortable, and they use it as a tool to manipulate their behavior.The important thing is, if someone is yelling or crying, even if it doesn't make sense to you, it makes sense to them. That's why it's always a waste of time to tell people they're overreacting or that they should calm down.

Why do people get so emotional about politics?

It seems the best way to get smart about politics is to discuss the actual issues, educate yourself, and be pragmatic by listening to all opinions of an issue -- also, to not get too locked into one viewpoint, since eventually you might stumble upon information that changes your view. Basically, it's better to keep an open mind than get all emotional about politics.

It seems that people on Y!A are constantly bickering but never really saying anything, just because they get so emotional about their views. Why don't they discuss the actual issues? Please give me your take.

Why do people get so emotional about politics?

Politics has replaced religion for many. Too many have turned from church. Instead of trying to imporve your life or do what you think is right, politics focuses heavily on doing in others.