Why Are People Staring At Me At Work

Why do people stare at me a lot?

I am not paranoid.

Even my girl friend tells me people look at me for way too long. Mostly men too, they stare at me and won't look away until I've given them a look. What could it be? I've been told I look like a young version of Donny Osmond, that I look like one of the Brady Bunch kids, that I look like a rockstar's son or someone famous' son. I can't even pay at the checkout area without having the rest of the line observe me.

Sometimes when I'm stressed, I even get more stressed noticing people checking me out. How do I not let this get to me? How do I ignore for good? Not make anyone think I am indifferent? Or should I not care what anyone thinks about me? This is getting out of hand. It's annoying me.

When I'm driving why do people stare at me?

When I'm driving in the car and look over at another car, someone ( always another guy) will be looking at me with a mean look and they keep staring?? I'm a straight man but I'm pretty sure there are a ton of gay guys who are attracted to me or want to rape me because they don't stop looking at me, it's every single time I drive

Why are people staring at me at work?

It could be any number of things, but here are a few ideas.

1. Many people's eyes are immediately drawn to activity, be it physical or visual. Is the rest of their surroundings plain or even ugly.

2. A security guard is a symbol of 'big brother' watching them & they don't like it so they just eye you right back.

3. Some people are just nosy beyond belief.

4. Some people are just rude.

I'd be willing to bet you're just dealing with nosy & rude people who probably wonder why you look at them. You have a choice, you can either

1,ignore them at all cost unless it's your job to watch everyone who enters & leaves. Then all you can do is

2, look at them right back and just get use to it. Yes, it's still creepy but it can only annoy you if you let it.

Why do people stare at me in public and work?

The fact you're getting an ‘inner feeling’ but nothing more than glances, odds are people are staring because they're curious. People stare sometimes, it's what humans do, we’re curious creatures often it's an uncontrollable reaction and people don't mean any harm or malice by it.People are often consumed by their own problems or thoughts and aren't spending their time thinking about strangers. However if you feel like you're being stared it it seems more like an issue with you feeling self conscious or being paranoid.People frequently judge and sum people up they see on the street, it often isn't a bad judgement but if you don't actually see people staring odds are you're imagining it.

Why do people STARE at me so much!?

Maybe your just pretty or have great style. U might think ur nothing special but when people see u it's totally different. But sometimes, certain people r like magnets. U just have to stare at them ya know? Don't get pissed off, these people probably just look up to u :)

Why do people stare at me in public?

Maybe because you are pretty, or attractive.Or, maybe you look like a weirdo, or unusual, or maybe just different from them.Or, maybe you are in some place where they were not expecting to see someone like you, like in a foreign country.Or, maybe you are too self-conscious. And you just have the feeling that everyone is staring at you. This happens with many.This comic relates this in a funny way.Source: Loading ArtistSo don't bother too much. Don't think about that too much. And be confident doing your work :)

Why do people stare at me at the gym?

When I coach people I notice them wandering their eyes around and targeting other people, especially the ones who don't fit their expectance.I always tell them to stay focused on what they are doing instead of slacking around. Because in all essence they are just looking for someone to put their pain to. To pack the judgement and feel better about themselves.It is a harsh truth, however I always tell them that you or anyone else are in the gym to get better. Does not matter what is the size, what do you do - if you made to the gym you are there to do business. Your business, not anyone who is staring. Let them stare, let them judge, and if they are making you uncomfortable tell them that. They will not attempt it again. Use it to your advantage and motivation to keep at it. Random stares should not discourage you from achieving YOUR goals. Show up and just do what you have to do.Fact is some people just don't understand that other people have own struggles, thus see everything through own lens. They almost expect everyone at the gym to be in the top shape, which does not make any sense whatsoever.I wish you strenght and don't think that everyone is that judgemental. Only those who have no clue why you are were are going to stare. The others are supporting you fully.

Why do people always stare at me/?

Now, people always say on these websites, that its all in your head. But instead of just taking a glance; they just keep staring. And its like when they stop I'm like thank god, but then they start staring again. I don't know whats going on, I was a really social person. and I used to enjoy meeting people, but now I fear that people judge me. Plus since this started in there summer. I'm scared that my classmates will stare at me too. Someone help me please!

Why do people stare or laugh at me?

i'm starting to want find out, but i'm still too scared to ask a stranger. everyone chuckle or snicker when they first see me. it's not in my head, if it has happened with almost every stranger that has seen me. people tend to avoid sitting next to me on the train and just downright stare, either in disgust or in laughter. people tend to find me attractive from afar (they smile and blush) upclose it's like eww. it's bringing me down, and i feel like nothing. i took a picture of myself and noticed that the top part of my face is much darker as is the circle around my eyes compared to my nose (which is very light) and the bottom part of my face. people call me ugly all the time, but i don't think i'm stop the traffic ugly. i'm starting to think my skin hyper pigmentation has something to do with it. but when i take pictures in warm lighting, my skin tone matches and i look better. btw i'm African-American. could this be it? i am not looking for encouragement, just answers.