Why Are So Many Americans Losing Their Health Insurance Plans Due To The Affordable Health Care

Why do many Americans still think that access to health care by all citizens is a debatable idea?

About 58% of Americans support replacing Obamacare with a universal health care system.Many of the 42% than don’t have religious beliefs that focus their attention elsewhere and have little real understanding of what the current laws really are or what costs are really like in the US compared to other countries.Many Americans live in an information desert where the only real information sources they have are filtered by corporate media. That is also true of many political leaders who may heve no access to analysis on many topics other than that provided by lobbyists and corporate funded think tanks.. The megaphones of corporate funded media and corporate funded academic institutions and think tanks can drown out all other voices.

What are Americans who cannot afford ACA/Obamacare plans doing for health insurance?

With subsidies, every American can afford some level of Obamacare even if only for catastrophic coverage. (Above $7,500 full coverage)

Why are Americans so obsessed with healthcare?

Because one wrong fall, one bad illness, one major accident and you are done. Finished. Bankrupt. Financially, everything you had is gone, house, car, cash----all of it. The hospitals will sue you for the money and seize everything you have. You can die and your family will lose everything paying your medical bills. It happens every day.

Just one emergency hospital visit will put you back a few thousand. if you don't have insurance, which is not easy to get or to afford, you are in for some long term headaches. I have been to court and seen hospitals sue somebody's family member for $1000.00 hospital bill when the person died!

There are pills that cost $12 for one! And you need them to stay alive. There are people who have to starve so they can pay for their medicine. A lot of seniors have this problem.

I am not exaggerating.

Why do many US citizens blame the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) for losing their health insurance?

Misinformation. From the beginning the decision as to whether you could keep your pre-ACA plan was not your decision. But it also was not the Affordable Care Act that caused you to lose your former insurance plan. Under the law the choice of whether you could keep your plan or not was given to the states or the insurance companies.Contrary to popular belief some states and some companies did not cancel their pre-ACA plans and gave the consumer the option to keep their old plan our change to an ACA plan.What the former president failed to say is “If you like your plan you can keep your plan, if your state or your insurance company allows you to.” He just like many misinformed people believed it when he said it but that’s what happens when you speak about something before you verify it. What they failed to do is inform the public who would make the final decision on the matter.I am one of the 1.2 million who still have a pre-ACA plan thanks to my state and my insurance company.We should all inform ourselves and get the facts then we can put blame where blame is due.Can you keep your grandmothered health plan?

Do you want lower costing US healthcare or not?

The American medical products & services industries have been very successful in creating shareholder value, and increasing revenues far beyond inflation and population growth rates.

Improving health outcomes? Not so much.

We simply can't afford this inefficient industry. Yes, there will be job loss. We can manage it.


> (jakemcclake) Do you want lower healthcare cost?

Of course I do. Let it come from a reduction in corporate profits, and unnecessary capital expenditures. (e.g.: I've got three big medical centers within 20 miles; each with full-on CAT scan and MRI facilities. The demand isn't there to pay for all that - unless the bean counters tell the doctors to funnel patients that way, for the revenue.)