Why Are So Many Cops Crooked And Breaking The Law Abusive Etc.

Why do people always blame the cops for everything?

I guess in the United States it's okay for you to swing at the cop but it's not okay for the cop to do something about it.. you know, such as detaining you, either with a taser or hands on methods.

I've noticed that a lot of people on this Law Enforcement Yahoo Answers site just use it to answer questions as stupidly as possible. Most people who answered honest questions with honest answers no longer use Yahoo Answers due to all the cop hating idiots that now run it.. I hope this does not start any internet arguments, but I am being completely serious with my question.

Why do people always blame the cops for everything?

Why? Do they not protect you? Do they not help you? Do they not solve your problems? I mean, when you are scared to death because someone is breaking into your house, or they are holding you hostage, or they waved a gun in your face.. who do you call? and who comes as fast as possible? Who is willing to enter those deadly situations to help you?

Once again, I am not trying to start any arguments or anything else of that type. I am being completely dead honest, I want to know why?

-This question is directed to citizens of the United States of America.

If you think America's cops are corrupt or overly powerful, take a look at other countries and how police departments in the US can be.
Germany for example, the Polizei can pull you over without any reason at all, you can get into car accidents and they won't even ask you your side of the story, if you refuse a breathalyzer they are authorized a blood test on the spot (the way they do that is by making your nose bleed). Those are just small examples, and if you think I'm lying.. I'm not, I currently live in Germany and have been here for over the past year. I spoke with some german polizei officers when I first got here and they warned me about it.

Please answer honestly and don't be an immature idiot with this question.

Why do criminals hate cops?

seriously when you talk to all the ghetto people or people who hate th Police 9 out of 10 it's people who have criminal backgrounds...seriously if one is a career criminal and one gets caught than maybe one should have been slicker in order not to get caught...I grew up in the "ghetto" and while I will admit the cop weren't the nicest people to be around they all simply did their job. I don't understand how people can defend these criminals who destroys communities and families with all their illegal activities...

Should government break the law to catch "criminals"?


Why do cops get no respect?

When I told my fellow employees and friends that I was trying to get into the police academy, you would think I told them all that I hated their mother. Immediately, the sour faces and the eye rolls, and more than one tried to sell me on the fire department instead.The fact is that, as police officers and detectives, most our interaction with the public is negative-based. If we respond to their home on a call, it is generally going to be the worst day of their life- for one reason or another. If we stop them in the street, we are intruding upon their personal space, asking a lot of questions, and generally treat them suspiciously- for a good reason (otherwise, why would we talk with them?). If we’re not arresting them, we’re arresting their friend, their spouse, their child, etc. if we show up in the middle of the night, and get them out of bed, it’s NOT to sell them tickets to the Policemen’s Ball. It is usually the worst news imaginable.Add to that, social media and mainstream (liberal) media, that is NOT very supportive of police agency; there are too many questionable shootings; they’re too militaristic; it's not diverse enough; they don't respond quickly enough; they spend too much time in urban areas; the officers are rascist; blah, blah, blah.Compare that image and reputation to that of firemen; they race INTO the fire; they save people from fires or awful car accidents; they catch babies thrown from windows; they revive drowning children; they pose for beefcake calendars, while cops eat donuts 24–7.Another thing is, you will lose friends if you're a young person just joining the department. Being law-abiding in every respect is not exactly the “coolest” thing in the world, and they're NOT going to stop driving drunk or snorting blow because you joined the force. They're just going to “unfriend” you- in real life.So overall, people who don't know any better or want very much to avoid police interactions at all cost, don't respect what the officer represents: the last line between civility and anarchy.

Why don't cops face the consequences of their actions?

they can murder children, kill for no reason, illegally arrest people, rape women, beat people to death smuggle and sell drugs etc... and the most that ever happens to them is a few fines and it's the communities these officers terrorize that have to pay the fines out of their tax dollars.

Does the Department of Justice actually do anything?

Why does everyone hate and fear the police so much?

I think I am blown away by the answers for this question which I just read. I am 6 months from graduating the Criminal Justice Program. I will be working as a police officer in less than a year and I am just shocked by how horrible an image police officers have.

Media is a HUGE factor when it comes to stereotyping police officers. If even a fraction of you people had an idea the turmoil and responsibility placed on the shoulders of officers maybe you would have a new found respect!

FIRST off, by Classifying all officers as being one in the same you are blind and immature! It is illegal for police officers to do racial profiling. What is the difference by what society does to police officers?

SECONDLY, what other profession is out in harms way day in and day out not knowing if some moron is going to take their life? (besides our brave soliders).... Why are police officers out there busting the "criminals"? OHHH yes, to keep the streets safe.

THIRDLY, you are right some officers do disobey the law, some officers are rough, some officers are not law abiding citizens, but that ONE bad seed SHOULD not be the profile all officers are held to.

FOURTH, if you are not committing a crime, then you should be helping the law enforcement agency with community relations.

DO you lock your door at night? Do you lock your vehicle? Think about this stuff... why do you do it? BECAUSE YOU ARE untrusting, afraid to be robbed, murdered, etc.... Police officers are underpaid servants to a community, which holds a low self image of these brave men and women.

Take a little time to realize NOT all officers are bad, most of them understand and live by the oath and that is to protect and serve.

Help me deal with corrupt cops?

People always say that most cops are not corrupt. In my experiences with officers, I was choke slammed and threatened to be thrown out a window etc for talking when they are talking or being "rude." My 15 year old brother once ignored a police officer when he talked to him and( he didn't do anything and was never convicted of any crime or declared a delinquent in any court, nor has he every been to court." Said officer grabbed my brother by the neck and held him against the wall, saying I am not your father, dont **** with me.I am 17 and the police department says you must be an adult to report the incident, my parents saw but they side with the police. They called the police on these occasions because of either my blatant intoxication or the aroma of marijuana. I was locked up in a juvenile detention center once and after this officer grabbed my brother by the neck, he joked saying you got raped in hickey, the name of the detention center here in baltimore, didnt you. No I did not get raped for those wondering, it doesn't happen either. Inmates were reluctant to even shower with each other and were disgusted with the fact of being forced too. In total it was three corrupt officers in the past who did things like this to me. When I turn 18, can I take legal action for things that happened over a year ago from the date of my 18th birthday?