Why Are Some Fruits Available All The Time

Why do you think the length of time that many fresh fruits are available in supermarkets has increased?

NO, especially in the Organic aisle.
With air carriers, they're just obtained from different areas. Example:
GRAPES, available from California....and I haven't bought a Cali grape in over 40 years....not since Cesar Chevas fought so hard starting up the UFW. and worked so tirelessly on ridding the farms of pesticide spray.

When grapes don't come from Cali, they're available from Chili or Brazil.

Pomegranate :- If you’ve ever suffered from erectile dysfunction, try adding this “natural Viagra” to your daily diet.Apple :- One medium-size apple is a filling, ready-to-eat snack that's packed with 4g of soluble fiber—17% of the daily value, or the amount you need each day. “This is important for colon health and controlling blood sugar levels,”Grapes :- Research has shown that consuming high-glycemic carbs after workouts produces a greater amount of glycogen—replenishing what you’ve depleted after a hard session—than consuming carbs that are lower on the glycemic index. “Grapes are a very high-glycemic fruit,”Cherries :- inflammation in the body is the root cause of most disease and discomfort. “Chronic inflammation can wreak havoc on your vascular system.”Blackberries :- blackberries for their exceptional phytonutrient power and vitamin K content (36% of the daily value). “This is important for men because it’s been shown to help lower the risk of prostate cancer,”Grapefruit :- Grapefruit Diet” study showed that participants who ate half a grapefruit before each meal lost an average of 3.6lbs in 12 weeks. “It’s a great appetite suppressant,”Lemon :- “The citric acid in lemons helps break down lipids and stimulates digestive juices,”Papaya :- Papain, an enzyme in papaya, has been shown to relieve gas from indigestion. Another of its enzymes, chymopapain, has been used to relieve inflammation. One cup of fresh, ripe papaya has only 60 calories, yet packs a whopping 144% of the daily value of vitamin C..This is the reason of the fruits to eat…All the healthy and fresh fruits are available at this online store….Fresh Fruits Suppliers | Fresh Fruits Exporters | Retailers

Can dogs eat fruits?

Most dogs do fine with bananas, and love them. But my sister's bulldog was very allergic to bananas; she got huge hives all over her body. It was about two weeks and two trips to the vet before we figured out it was the bananas!
Here's a bit of an article from a veterinarian website:
Many human foods can cause problems for pets. Chocolate, onions, alcohol, and foods high in fat, sugar, or salt can be very harmful. Chocolate, coffee, and tea all contain dangerous components called "xanthines," which cause nervous system or urinary system damage and heart muscle stimulation. Problems from ingestion of chocolate range from diarrhea to seizures and death. All chocolate, fudge, and other candy should be placed out of your dog's reach. Grapes and raisins contain an unknown toxin, which can damage the kidneys.
And here's the link to the whole article:

The reasons are1> Demand and Supply. All fruits are seasonal but these days available the year round. So Apple trees bear fruit in a particular time of the year while Grapes do in a particular time of the year. Mango is a fine example. At the start of the Mango season the fruit availability is low hence the cost is high and as the season peaks the price comes down.2> Cost of Production. Because of gestation periods and yields the input cost of producing a particular fruit is higher so the Price is also higher.3> Supply chain cost. As you may be aware that Apples are mostly grown in J&K and Himachal Pradesh. ( I am using states just for illustration). The cost of storing and bringing the apples to say TN Vs Delhi would also play a role.4> Eating Habits. Some regions/ States prefer some fruits because of dietary habits as well as historical reason. Eg Pomegranate is more popular in the south than say the east.One can add on factors like the way the trade is organized, import, marketing by various bodies and finally , processing and finally consumer awareness and willingness to pay. :)

Supermarkets are very carefully calibrated to make you buy more stuff. And people who design supermarkets have realized that people who have filled their carts with fruits and vegetables are still tempted to buy ice cream, cheese, potato chips, hot dogs, and TV dinners as they progress through the rest of the store, but people who have already filled their carts with ice cream, cheese, potato chips, hot dogs, and TV dinners won't be tempted in the slightest to buy fruits and vegetables; instead they'll just leave.As you can see, a supermarket will capture more revenue if people buy fruits and vegetables in addition to junk food, meat, cheese, etc., rather than just junk food, meat, cheese, etc.

You may have a sucrose intolerance or a fructose intolerance: your body is deficient or lacking in an enzyme that digests the sugars in fruits.Go to a doctor. The former is treatable, the latter needs to be managed, but first you need to be sure this is the problem. Only a real, medical doctor examining you in person can diagnose you, not the internet.Also, pro-tip: don't eat foods that make you vomit. That works for most humans and animals.

Fruit leather : HELP !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?

My goodness, such drama, lol!!!! Fruit leather is just fruit that has been pureed, spread on a teflex sheet, and dehydrated in a food dehydrator for about 12 hours. I make them from pears, apples, apricots, and peaches, sometimes a combination of fruits. Last time I was in the UK, I found them at Tescos and Marks and Spencer. They are usually found in the section where raisins and other dried fruits are.