Why Are Some Liberals Like Mnfg Man Happy That Veterans Are Dying Do To Va Incompetency

Why do so many African Americans vote democrat? Why are all the race riots and crime in liberal cities?

African Americans migrated from the agricultural jobs in the south, to cities in the north for jobs... mostly in manufacturing. Cities became 'liberal' due to the dynamics of diversity and commerce.  When everybody is working and making money liberalism flourishes.  The demise of manufacturing, the failure of that population to retool for a different economy has led to unemployment, and it's cousins:  crime, dysfunctional families, drug trade, along with crumbling tax revenue, infrastructure, schools, housing and other sustaining and supportive social services.  FDR and the democrats after him have tended to be 'liberal' and embracing of diversity. Except for the southern "blue dog" democrats who mostly became Republicans over the segregation issue, the Democratic Party aligns itself not only with urban areas (where there are lots of blacks and other's votes), but with other groups such as labor.  The other choice for voters is the current two-party system is the GOP which tends to be rural, southern, bible belt, affluent, and conservative (status-quo-seeking) and does not seem to speak to issues of major concern of African American voters.P.S. There were many race riots after WWI where returning African American veterans prospered and built thriving communities.  These race riots were perpetrated by pissed off whites in places like Oklahoma, Texas, and Florida.See wiki for more info on white race riots:

Why is America so opposed to universal health care when so many other developed countries (if not all) have it?

FYI America already has the world's largest universal healthcare system in the world. It's called Medicare. Unfortunately you can only access it If you are over 65 or disabled. Most states also have Medicaid.Not all of us are opposed to universal healthcare [UHC]. I would like to see a two-payer system in place. But there are couple of reasons as to why most of America (not all) are against the idea.Americans mistrust their government. I somewhat agree with this. The government is also too corrupt and inefficient.Most people confuse universal healthcare with socialized medicine. Even though the concept of health insurance is a socialist concept. Money you pay goes to someone else who is sick. When you get sick someone else's money comes to you. So for those who say UHC is a form of socialized medicine guess what your insurance company is doing now?The main reason why UHC wouldn't work in America is because of the COST. Healthcare is just too damn expensive in America. Thats partly because of parasitic lawyers and greedy insurance companies. Simple procedure in US will cost three times as much as it does in Australia. Getting private insurance in Australia is about $3000 AUD per year. A simple HMO plan in NYC will cost your $1500 per month. We have too many frivolous lawsuits that are driving up the cost of malpractice insurance.Affordable Care Act [aka Obama Care] is a horrible idea. Pres.Obama and the administration royally screwed the American people, especially the working class people. The law forced us to buy insurance from the same corrupt/greedy insurance companies that have been ripping us off for decades.