Why Are Some Liberals Such Hypocritical Judgmental. Anti-religion Intolerant Bigoted Idiots

Who here is bigoted idiot?


My "loving, caring, Christian" family is incredibly xenophobic, racist and homophobic; how do I address their hypocrisy?

My “loving, caring, Christian” family is incredibly xenophobic, racist and homophobic: how do I address their hypocrisy?We don’t get to choose our family. We do get to choose our friends.If your parents and siblings are kind and loving and supportive of you, that has to be good enough.I’m not religious. But equating having a family of conservative Christians to a bunch of ax murderers is a bit much and smacks of progressive hyperventilation.I have very religious friends who go to church regularly, volunteer their time and efforts to help the needy, contribute donations of significant sums of money and food routinely to homeless shelters regardless of race. And yet, they definitely want border enforcement and don’t support gay marriage. Without hesitation, they attended and gave their blessings to their gay daughter and her new wife.By all accounts, they are considered good people.People cannot be condemned for what they think. They can be condemned for how they act.I am fortunate to have a loving family who are mostly very liberal. I’m absolutely know that they will be there when I need them. I never try to change their minds on politics. They are all great people. If during a family gathering, the subject comes up about politics, I ignore the question and ask someone to pass the potatoes and make a statement about how great the food is and what a tremendous amount of work it must have been to prepare it.So how do you, the OP, address your situation? If your family members are decent people (and you know what I mean, by the things that they do and by how they treat you), you love them back. If they act poorly based on their beliefs then that is a different issue all together and you have to decide how to weigh any good against the bad.

Am I wrong to think that liberals are more close-minded on LGBT issues than conservatives? Liberals say if you do oppose gay marriage, you are narrow-minded. I find this hypocritical. I have never once seen a conservative talk like this.

I agree with you. Liberals are very narrow minded, you either are in lock step or you are out. You are also right Conservatives are actually much more inclusive and open minded.Case in point, liberals were trying to get Chip and Joanna Gains of HGTV ousted because they go to a church that does not support SSM. Never mind that the Gains never discriminated against LGBT.I am actually for the right for SSM. But I really don’t care if you are or are not. I can still be friends with you and treat you with respect if you think SSM is sinful. Liberals can’t do this. Liberals are very hateful people often times.Liberals persecuted at CEO who was against SSM and got him outed. Even though he treated his LGBT employees with respect and was well liked in his company and was considered a good CEO, Brenden Eich of Mozilla. The liberal mafia decided he was not to be allowed such beliefs sot they launched a smear campaign against him to get him ousted.Guess what, a lot of GAY ACTIVISTS believe that liberals are intolerant and assholish and wish they would stop. They signed a public statement because they were so concerned about how horrible liberals are being in the name of LGBT rights. Freedom to Marry, Freedom to Dissent: Why We Must Have Both | RealClearPoliticsThey call it the Right to Marry and the Freedom to DissentA New EDIT:Another thing  liberals get absolutely crazy furious if you suggest a person’s sexuality might change over time,  or their gender identity.  I agree that these things don’t change often and we should not expect them to change.  I am not for any kind of conditioning therapy or anything like that.  However,  the fact is occasionally people do in fact appear to change.  A person might have a history of being bisexual or gay and then become heterosexual.Now if it is the reverse,  if a person lived a fairly contented life as a heterosexual and then at some point became gay around age 40 or something.  Well then that person is living their “truth”.  They were always gay.  But if a homosexual around the age of 32 or something decides that they want to live with people of the opposite sex - well then they are just repressed and denying their true self.There are also cases (rare but still important to acknowledge)  where people change their gender identity back after living life as a transgender.People change so many things about themselves and liberals like to think that sexuality is something impossible to change - they are wrong!

Why do people bash and hate on Christianity, and the Bible.?

What I am asking is, why do people have such hatred towards Christians? A lot of people for example fight over homosexuality. As a Christian I do not believe in it, nor do I agree with it. But that is my right as a human. I understand there are people who call homosexuals and people names and bully them. But they will be judged. But why don't people see Christians (the real ones) as peaceful. I don't bug people who aren't Christian or gays. I do preach openly when I can but only to people who really want to know. I don't push my faith on people that don't want to hear it. But yet I have been called names that I am not ashamed of like Jesus boy and things like that for my love of Christ and for the Spirit. I am dearly sorry people are picked on but so are we. God judges all, so I try to do right but do sin. I am only human not perfect like Jesus.