Why Are Some People Hurt By Words So Much

How can words hurt people?

I can’t even remember how many times I have heard or had someone say to me the old “sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me” saying. All I know is that I think it’s one of the most untrue things I have ever heard in my life. I get how it might be something to tell to children when they are being bullied or picked on but when they get older they will only learn like myself that it’s a bunch of crap and words do in fact hurt!Throughout my life, I have honestly had people say things to me that hurt much more than if I would have been hit with a stone! I know that may seem unbelievable but if you have ever been in love with someone and they say they don't feel the same or if you are in a relationship with someone you love deeply, the words or things they might say in the heat of a fight can truly break you inside. I have experienced both and can honestly say I would of rather they had just punched me in the stomach or my face instead of saying the words they did. I am sure it would of felt the same.

Why do words hurt so much?

I know this is not likely going to be what you want to hear, but I think that if you internalize this true-ism, it will go a long way toward helping you deal with this.

Nothing hurts you that you don't choose to permit to. When someone else speaks, you have the choice between being hurt or not. Choose not to be hurt and you won't. Choose to be hurt and you will be. It really is as simple as that. Words are words. You have the power, nay the responsibility to choose how you react to them.

If you allow yourself to be hurt by what other people say, you give the words they have spoken power that is undeserved. Don't give your power away by endorsing hate speech.

Why do words hurt you if they are just words? Why are some humans more sensitive than others?

I’m going to answer this in two parts:Why do words hurt you if they are just words?Words aren’t “just words”. That’s an easy lie that cruel people tell to make themselves feel better about contemptible behavior.The law is made up of “just words”. You don’t see anyone suggesting they shouldn’t matter, do you?People’s words can hurt more keenly and more deeply than physical trauma. Let me give you a few examples.A husband of 20+ years goes to his wife and says, “I never loved you; I despise you and these envelope contains a divorce settlement I expect signed in the next hour.”Mother says to her 12 year old daughter, “You’re ugly, and I am putting you in an orphanage. Tell anyone I’m still living and it will go very, very badly for you.”Wife says to her husband, “You’ll be happy but sad to know that after a lot of field research, I can confirm that you’re better endowed than any of your friends.”So the question isn’t whether or not there’s any such thing as “just words”. As I have demonstrated above, that’s nonsense.Why are some humans more sensitive than others?Because humans are a widely-varied, disparate, and extraordinarily adaptable species. I like chocolate; my wife is meh to chocolate. I enjoy craft beer; several of my friends prefer national brands.Some people are more surprised by bad behavior by people in their lives than others. And some people are paranoid, expecting bad behavior by practically everyone. Other people are more trusting, and prefer to see the best in people, not the worst. This last group tends to be more sensitive. Abusing trust is pretty atrocious behavior.That said, I’m curious why you ask.

Do words hurt?

trini, um how to say this... wtf, so words only hurt women, that's even more messed up then the genral concept that words hurt at all. Get beat up, infront of someone who loves you, you've got physical pain to go ontop of all that emotion and mental your trying to pass off.

How do I not let words hurt me?

How old are you? When I was little, I went through the exact same mom would often repeat to me "Sticks and stones can break my bones, but words will never hurt me". I'm sure you've heard that...but the truth is words do hurt. I think you need to focus on the positive attributes that you do have. Those that are picking on you are lacking something in their own lives. It's been this way for ages. The stronger ones pick on the weaker ones. You will grow out of it or live through it. My concern is your emotional state of being right now. Have you talked with your parents or a guidance couselor? The friends you do have, what is their take on the situation? There is basically nothing you can do to stop these kids from making fun of you; you just have to be the bigger person and not let them see that it phases you. Picking on you only makes them feel big in their own clique. It will get better I promise you that. I have my own little mantra that I will share with you and I have to say this to myself even today and I'm in my 40's now: "IT'S NICE TO BE IMPORTANT, BUT MORE IMPORTANT TO BE NICE"...good luck

People who use the word "butt hurt" comebacks?

lol I've never heard of that but I would tear that up if I ever heard it...I don't like yours no offense, they just might think you're trying to hit on them or they might get creeped out or something. If it's a guy I would say: "if anyone's butt's hurting it's yours you friggin homo...who the hell says butt hurt anyway?...homos do."

If it's a girl I would say.."ew, you're trashy for saying that."

or..."people who blame others for doing something have often done it their a confession? I won't tell anyone about your butt hurt, I swear."

lol I guess every reaction depends on who you are and if you would say it or not. I would def. say these but everyones different...just make them stop saying that...please.

Why are some people so sensitive to words in general? They are just words. You bring the meaning out of them.

People think with feelings and emotions. Every word has an emotional feeling connected with it in any given person’s mind. This is a result of a person’s upbringing and culture, and the subconscious programming that results from it. Each word is slightly different for each individual.On top of that, there are thoughts and attitudes that are connected in a persons mind with certain words and references. Abstract concepts like ‘kindness’ or ‘motivation’ or ‘fun’ will evoke different responses in different people. What I think is fun, you may think is boring. Dancing is fun to some people, yet boring to others. References of objects, people, or events are the same. Think of the word ‘dog’. When I taught university classes, I would ask my students to think of the word ‘dog’, then I would ask them what was their first thought of a dog. It was different, they thought of one type or another, but everyone did not think of a chihuahua. The word ‘dog’ to a dog lover has a different emotional content from that of a cat lover.Someone who loves cars can easily notice the different makes and models that they see on the road. Their vocabularies and perceptions of cars are different from mine since I am not into cars. My vocabulary is basically ‘car’, ‘truck’, and ‘pick-up’, I do not notice the types of car around me on the road. However, if languages are brought up, I notice. To me the words ‘Sumerian, Yoruba, or Hungarian’ mean something different, because I think of the typologies and cultural references of those languages. Most people I know would have no clue about any of the ideas that those languages bring to my mind.Now think about Medgar Wiley Evers. Who? Most of you probably do not know who he was, and have no reaction to the name. On the other hand, if I were to mention Martin Luther King Jr., you would know who he was and have an emotional reaction. Yet Medgar Evers was an important mover and shaker of the Civil Right Movement before he was assassinated, just like Martin Luther King was. The difference is that Martin Luther King wrote brilliant speeches that moved the world with his words, so you know who he was.