Why Are Some People Poor Others Rich

Why God made some people poor and others RICH??

Because communism fails over time. There wouldn't be any rich people without poor people to compare with.

If you are worried about this, think of how many ways you are truly RICH!!

You are not blind, you can walk, you might even be a babe magnet!
You don't have AIDS and you can carry a tune while caroling at the oldfolks home during the holidays.

The list goes on and on. Wait until you get out of school or, maybe they will load all of you kids onto a bus for a "career day." You'll get to tour a dreary box factory or a potato peeling plant to get an idea of your future.

The worst case scenario is, you fill out endless forms applying for federal assistance so you can continue as a full time student at a community college.

Gawd! one day you wake up and discover you are an old hippie and your days are remembered in a bong-hitting fog!

You never hiked through the mountains, had a dog, walked a sandy beach.
Your life is what makes you rich. Don't waste it!!!

Do some people have to be poor for others to be rich?

Rich and poor are relative terms. So yes, for some to be considered rich, there have to be some who are considered poor certainly and vice versa. Even the poorest person you know, if they possessed no less than anyone they knew of would not consider themselves poor...even if none of them were able to scrape together enough to even keep their body and soul together.

Why are some people "rich" and others "poor"?

And I would imagine that you were able to go to college and on to graduate school because your father's military benefits paid for, or helped to pay for, that education?

I'll tell you what I cannot understand.

I cannot understand that there are some people apparently incapable of comprehending any other circumstances other than their own.

Everybody didn't grow up like you.

Everybody didn't grow up with a mother and a father and a supportive family network.

Everybody is not capable of, or able to obtain a higher education.

Everybody does not live in the same part of the country, with the same opportunities or the same job availability network.

Everybody does not have the same skills, the same ability, the same upbringing, the same boundaries.

This does not mean they don't work hard. This does not mean that they don't deserve the basic necessities of life.

Does being compassionate COST you anything?
To MikeGolf-- Didn't say that it DID. I said that I would imagine it did. And if it doesn't - and I do not KNOW that it doesn't -- then I know for a fact that being in the military does indeed qualify you for MANY benefits that the average citizen is not afforded. For instance, you're able to BUY A FRIKKING HOUSE on the GI Bill. It doesn't take too much stretch of imagination to see parents taking a second mortgage out on their home to pay for their kid's college tuition.

Why are some people born rich and some people born poor?

Why does my quarter sometimes land heads up and sometimes tails up?

Why are some people born rich & beautiful, while others poor & unattractive?

Good question, I have asked myself this question many times, and will post an excerpt from a book called The Present, written by Michael Smith which should answer this question for you.

'' "For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction." FAB = -FBA

People do not realize what Isaac Newton's third law of motion really means.

Everything is balanced. Everything physical (matter/energy) goes back and forth in balanced circles, cycles, or the equivalent. Birth-death, old-young, big-small, strong-weak, start-stop, up-down, rich-poor, beginning-end, fast-slow, hot-cold, pain-pleasure, win-lose, day-night, full-empty, high-low, in-out, success-failure, united-divided, give-receive, creation-destruction, on-off, positive-negative, etc.

Positive and negative forces moving in balance are the physical universe.

There are no exceptions to the laws of nature Newton revealed. They apply to all matter and energy. Human beings are matter and energy, thus you and all humans are governed by the same laws.

Luck: Good luck and bad luck are the balance in action and the way the balance most affects our lives. Luck is manifested on many levels. There is the day-to-day luck, from little things like getting a good parking space or a bad one, to big things, such as winning the lottery or finding out you have cancer. Then there is the long-term luck. You are lucky if you are born with good looks, money, health, talent and intelligence. You are unlucky if you are born unattractive, poor, sickly and without talent or intelligence. Most people are in between the extremes, but it does not matter, because we are immortal, and it will all balance out. Luck will move back and forth; everyone will get equal amounts of good and bad luck.

What goes around comes around. Everyone gets their turn.

Death is the great equalizer: If you are born with advantages, you can have more good times than bad times in your life, but when you die, you are reborn with disadvantages, and have more bad times than good times and vice versa. In the long run, no one has it better or worse than anyone else does, because life will always balance eventually. It is the known nature of the universe we live in. "

Why is it that some people are born rich and some poor? Who decides this?

Why are some children born blind? Who decides this? God, perhaps? Science? Mere chance?It depends what you mean by rich. Even poorer Americans are rich compared to most of the rest of the world or even compared to the richest people 100 years ago. What if someone is born with poor parents but has great natural skill in singing and goes on to make millions? Was she born rich or poor? What about Charles Dickens’ concept of being rich? A child with poor but loving and nurturing parents may lead a richer life than one with rich but terrible parents. A child born in a free society may have more chance of becoming rich than a child born in a communist or totalitarian society.Many people seem to rue that capitalism causes injustice, that it reinforces inequality. But every system has had inequality and in fact, it’s an inescapable part of reality - some people are better at some things than other people, people look different, some are more resistant to certain diseases. Capitalism aims for equality under the law and rewards anyone who is productive in ways that other people are willing to pay them for. It encourages you to find ways to be useful in society, whatever your circumstances may be. It results in broad, sustained economic growth, improved standards of living and individual freedom. But the price is that some people are born poor - a state which can’t be avoided by any system.Also, let me point out that children do not just spontaneously appear. They may not have had a say in their coming into existence but their parents did. Are adults randomly rich/poor? Or does it depend on their skills, occupations and life choices? If your idea is to take money from rich parents to give to poor parents, bear in mind that you are taking away hard-earned money as a punishment for success. And by subsiding poor parents, you’d be encouraging people to have children they may not be able to afford independently (leading to more poor children than you’d have otherwise).

Why did God create some people rich and others poor??

God didn't create them that way. The status into which you are born is not part of God's Creative act -- it is man's pro-creative act. God does know, though, who can handle being rich and who can't. If I'm to have a problem with money which will keep me out of the kingdom, then I pray God will make me poor.

Why is it that certain people are born rich whereas many others are born poor and languish in poverty?

I have a feeling that this is more of a question of statistics, although it's categorized in philosophy of life. A large majority of the world's wealth is held by very few people, and so there are a great deal more poor people than rich. There's also a lot of data which supports the claim that lower income families tend to have more children, which would only increase the probability that a person born into this world at this exact moment will be born into a poor family. You can also make correlations with where the person is born: developing nations tend to have a larger population growth rate than developed nations, and you can superimpose GDP to calculate the probability that a person born in either a developing or developed nation will be born into a rich or poor family. My intuition is that what you will find using these data points is that a higher fraction of the rich will be born in developed nations, while a higher fraction of the poor will be born into developing nations.I think it's also important to think about the people who are born neither rich or poor, because I know that this group would make up a large portion of the world's population and should be taken into consideration when philosophizing about inequality in life. Why consider only the two extremes of wealth, when there's a large group that is part of neither?While I think that it's important to attach human meaning to the inequality that exists today in our world, I think that a healthy balance of objective and subjective thinking will help you move closer towards an answer to your question.

Why are people poor?

An assessment:A lack of inherited assets - If your parents were poor, there's a strong likelihood that you'll also be as you haven't been given any inherited wealth to cushion your climb up the financial ladder.A lack of skills - Highly skilled people are rarely poor. This is because they have skills which can earn them wealth. People with few demonstrable skills are often poor for the inverse reason.A lack of education - If you lack an education, you'll find a number of doors closed to you. Those closed doors represent opportunities to gain wealth which are closed off to you.An addiction to substances - While there are more than a few people who are wealthy and who are addicted to substances, they have their wealth to cushion them from the effects of substance use/abuse. The poor do not and will often fall victim to circumstances created by their addictions.Untreated or poorly mental or emotional illnesses - See substance addictions above. If you are mentally and/or emotionally ill, you are likely to also be poor.Geographic location - If you are located in remote areas or in small towns, you are likely to be poor. The opportunities which exist in larger cities simply don't exist those areas and thus you have to "make do" with whatever exists where you are at.A lack of motivation - If you aren't motivated to constantly seek out new opportunities or to excel at what you are currently doing, you are likely to remain poor,.Illiteracy - Similar to No. 3, but more extreme. Unless you are an exceptional person, if you cannot read nor write in the language which you speak, you will invariably be poor.Problems with the legal system - If you enter the legal system you are almost always consigning yourself to a life of poverty. Between court appearances, fines and lost wages due to incarceration, you will be unlikely to save money which in turn means you'll remain poor.A lack of savings - Most people who are unable to save are doomed to a life of poverty. Because they are unable to create a financial cushion for themselves or their families, they are poor and they will almost certainly remain poor for the majority of their lives.While not all of the above are present in every case of poverty, at least one element is and that is likely the cause of a person being poor.