Why Are Some Things Mot Meant To Be Why

Why long for things if they're not meant to be ours?

to give us purpose and challenging to get those things. We will one day, if we keep trying.

Why long for things if they're not meant to be ours?

All of us need dreams. They give us goals and something to work toward in our lives. If we never had dreams or goals we as individuals would die inside. Longing for things is what keeps us going from day to day.

Do you believe that some things are not meant to be in your life however hard you might try to get them?

Yes.Like Tom Hiddleston.I gave in my best efforts, but after a certain point, I realized that my efforts were directed towards an immovable object and there was no point in pushing any further. Once I had given it my best shot, I could happily give up. Somethings in life never turn out the way you want them to. If they did, everyone would be a millionaire. So in life, learn to move on. Try till your legs can't take it any longer. But walk away when it is not meant to be. Something that's not meant for you is surely meant for someone else. That doesn't make you a loser. It was just not your story to begin with.There's a quote from Nora Ephron's Heartburn."And then the dreams break into a million tiny pieces. The dream dies. Which leaves you with a choice:You can settle for reality, or you can go off like a fool, anddream another dream"

Why are some things that are not meant to be together?

From what I understand of your question, you are saying why are some things that are not meant to be, but yet together? … and I would take this as you actually meant why are some people who are not meant to be, yet together as this question has been posted in the forum of " Love" "Dating and Relationship" ..Beyond doubt that they had something to learn from each other that they are together … things to learn that would help them to be more an evolved person in their lives !No matter, how tough it might be to accept this at this moment, when seen with a positive attitude, you will accept the togetherness gracefully and make your journey easier! Be in the now and things will change when they need to with faith in the fact that "Everything is happening for the best" Every incident and every person we come across is sent to us by the universe as a learning lesson for us! If we will move with this attitude and be grateful to the universe for everything … we will make our journey filled with infinite happiness and love all the way!The universe is trying to take us back to our true self that knew nothing but Unconditional way of loving , a self which accepted everyone and everything just the way they are!And then there is always the theory of Karma that plays its part but I would not let it rule my thoughts and rather take a different approach as mentioned above!Lots of love …

How can I learn to accept that there are things that are not meant-to-be and that sometimes I cannot have things that I really want, no matter how hard I work on them?

The fact is that the things you really think you want at a certain point turn out to be the very things you grow to feel relieved you missed out on later on.I've mourned the loss of all sorts of hopes and dreams and people along the way but every decision has an opportunity cost and taking those other choices would have meant I wouldn't have all the good things that I really cherish now. Now, looking back I am glad I made most of the choices I did and what was great at 22  doesn't really seem so appealing at 44. I hope and believe this will be  the same for you. And honestly, that will prove to be a great consolation to you in future - the fact that certain dreams have not come true is often the best thing that can happen to you. Though you won't feel that now, of course.The best way to overcome your situation, in terms of regrets and current day frustrations, is to dust yourself down and resolve to make some good moves once you've licked your wounds. I think you  can do that and I wish you all the very best along the way. It is right that you are sad but there are consolations. 'The best of times and the worst of times are always falling away' and things can and will turn again for you.

Do you believe that some things are just meant to be?

Yes, I do believe that our whole life “was meant to be”. In other words I believe -and now I am studying this to actually confirm it - we exist in a fully deterministic, lawful Natural system that is governed by an intelligent evolutionary plan through predetermined cause and effect processes from start to finish.Our unique Human free choice does not relate to determining, changing states, events or even our final goal, most optimal state. Our free choice and unique Human ability relates to proactively, consciously studying, understanding and then fully justifying the whole process, all the cause and effect processes we go through.Measuring The Perfect World With Crooked Rulers | Laitman.comJudging The World To The Scale Of Merit |