Why Are The Dumbest People On Earth Always To First Ones To Judge Others

Why do we judge people by their appearances?

I love this question!We are judged by outer appearances because our outer appearances are a good indication of what is going on inside.Now I must say this before I go to far. Judgement has such a negative connotation. Judgement is not, of itself, bad. Judgement, and specifically good judgement is a necessary part of life. It’s what protects us from bad food, going to seedy places, watching unsavory material, or getting into situations we would be sorry about.Judgement can be a good thing.But there is a line and every person needs to draw it for themselves where it is. Society at large will draw lines and then try to impose them on people, but judgement is still not bad unless you’re a jackass about it. The farther from societal lines you get, the more you will be judged (oh yes, judgement is a two way street - for every person offended by the judgement of somebody else, the offended is judging too!).The issue is that Judging, and how to judge kindly is a learned trait. It is the correct and useful application of knowledge which grants Wisdom, and with wisdom comes just judgement. I firmly believe that this is what is actually meant by the “Judge not that ye be not judged…” it just means judge with just and wise judgement for with what judgement you judge you shall also be judged.We cannot stop judging, but we can work to know that our judgments are just, and wise.

Why do people judge other people?

I believe it's because they are filled with too many insecurities of their own. They are too hollow inside. Too conscious of themselves. They are too afraid of their own shortcomings that they have this desperate need to look down upon others asap before the others might do it to them.I had a friend in school. She would do this a lot. Like a lot. She would judge everyone from that one frizzy strand of hair to their unpolished toe nail. I swear I don't exaggerate. I still remember one of the incidents very clear in my head. A girl from another section came to our class to give something to one of the students.Friend- Her walk is too weird. Why does she keep her legs that apart. Ohh…probably it's because of her fat thighs.She is too loud. Why isn't she talking softly. She needs to talk to one person and not the whole class.Her hair is too oily. I can see every dirt particle settled.The skirt is this…the shirt is that….yada yada yada….Let me tell you the girl that came was very beautiful. I honestly believe that everyone is very beautiful but she was like extraordinarily beautiful, everyone was staring at her from the moment she entered our class. But that was it. That was the whole deal. My friend, stupid teenager just couldn't see getting anybody else the “highschool attention.”Not that my friend wasn't pretty. She was. She is infact. Thing is the friend thought that the girl was a threat and before she might have become a threat. The class will give the new girl the attention. The new, perfect girl would hog the attention. So, the friend made sure that nobody could even think of anything nice about her even if they wanted to because by then she was done mocking her completely.I have actually noticed it this too much. People who are very content with themselves are usually the ones who have learnt from their lives and have understood a great deal about how the world functions and so they actually don't judge people. They understand or rather try to understand by giving everyone a benefit of doubt. Everyone is going through something on their personal levels - be it good or bad. Judging them on what they do and how they do it is not how any mature person would react.

Why are religious people so judgemental of others?

It goes along with do as I say, not as I do. A lot of "religious" people want to believe that they are holier than thou. I think that their lives are so empty and are so meaningless they have to put other religions or people of other religions to make themselves feel better. I'm not sure how turning your nose up at people makes you a better Christian, or how putting down those that do not believe what you do gets you into heaven (if there is one).

I think people are going to act how they want no matter what, believe what they want to believe, and discard the rest. I have asked quite a few "Christians" and none of them knew their religion stemmed from Paganism. However, they would be the first ones to put Pagans down not knowing anything about the religion.

Why do people think I'm dumb because I'm black?

I'm Ethiopian, not even black - black (which isn't a bad thing, I love all my African brothers and sisters) but I asked a new kid from my class about his first impression of me and he said he was surprised that I was intelligent and thought I was dumb. I asked him how come and told me "well, because you're black." I'm in Middle School, honors student and I do admit I dress up kind of like a jock (Shorts, a T, b-ball shoes and a fro) but it irritates me. Why do people think I'm dumb?

Is it correct to judge someone by their appearance? Why?

In the absence of other input, such as social interaction, reputation or audible stimuli, all we have for initial judgement of others is their appearance. Yes, I believe it is 100% natural to judge others based on their appearances.Humans are very visual creatures. We rely on our sight probably more than all of our other senses combined. We just can't help but to judge others by their appearances. However, through years of experience, I have come to the conclusion that first impressions based primarily on appearance are almost always wrong.The primary reason for this is that we all wear “masks", often subconsciously. A wise individual will try to get past initial judgements on appearance and make every attempt to peer through these masks to find the true person beneath. Masks come in many forms ranging from minor adjustments to our speech, behaviors, facial expressions and personalities to suit our surroundings, to changes in our mannerisms, attitudes and even how we dress or style our hair while in different social venues.My advice is to go ahead and make those judgements based on appearance, but set them aside, take the time necessary to get to know the person on a deeper level and see if your first impressions coincide with the bigger picture. Does your judgement based on appearance match the true individual you found beneath? You may be surprised at what you find underneath the superficial facades that us humans almost always project upon others in an attempt to hide our true inner selves. Be empathetic when you judge others. Put yourself in their shoes and walk a mile or two.You will find that judgements based on more than just appearances are always more accurate and offer us much more insight into a person's true nature. It is unfortunate that we are so often judged by others solely based on our appearance, which is the predominant portion of most first impressions. I believe if we only had the time and patience to peer beyond the superficial boundaries we all project, the world would be a much better place.Just think about all of the fulfilling relationships we may have missed because of inaccurate feelings in our gut based on false first impressions. Even when not readily apparent, deep inside, we all have something good to offer each other. All we have to do is open our eyes, use all of our other senses and see the real person behind that fragile outer mask.

Seriously! Why do people even want to have kids?

Now I could go on talking the whole day why people should NOT have kids. Environment, population, finance...the list goes on!! I could talk all day.
Now I've been reading a lot about this and I can't find even ONE! not ONE reason why we should have kids.
I see a lot of couples who started out happy with children and are now divorced with the mom struggling to be a single mom and the guy paying through his nose for child support.
Alright, even in marriages, theyre all frustrated and arguing about finance, taking care of kids, less sex...list goes on and on and on!
So seriously!
"Theyre a blessing from God" Oh yea, I dont see how a squirming being with leaky orifices and screaming vocal cords who later becomes a selfish demanding and "independent" teen is blessing.
"They make you so happy" another brainless jackass brays. I felt happy when I ran my first marathon. I felt happy when I got my first job. I don;t need more happiness thank you!
So what is ONE good reason to have kids? Other than some stupid emotional, selfish and social reasons