Why Are Women Obsessed About Men Being Obsessed With $

Men: Why are you obsessed with women?

Good question

The only difference between men and women is that women are much more selective and find very few men desirable.

Men check out, flirt and are attracted to many women. They find the bodies of most women visually appealing and sexually arousing.

Women ONLY do these things when the man is exceptionally attractive. A man with the body of a Greek god will get similar attention and stares from women. He will have women lust after his body just as men lust after the ordinary women's bodies.

In short, when a man is extremely attractive, women become just like men in their behavior and responses.

Why are our men so obsessed with women?

Because sexual desire is a hunger which is driven by brain structure and chemistry. Some men are fat because their desire for food overcomes their desire for exercise. Some men are lean because their natural body chemistry and brain structure gives them less hunger for food, more hunger for exercise. Some men desire other men because their brains are wired to find men attractive, probably with circuitry that normally occurs in heterosexual women.  The majority of men obsess over women because that is the avenue by which we propagate our genes, which is the overarching purpose for all these desires.  Men have very little invested in the quality of women that they reproduce with.  Obviously, they want to pick the prettiest (most genetically  Women are the same way, but it is often manifest in different behaviors, and there is the additional chemistry of menstruation which boosts and suppresses desire periodically.

Ladies, why do men become obsessed over women they like?

i believe men obsess over women they like because society has changed dramatically. women are allowed to dress different act different and speak their opinions. men these days are frightened that by not being in charge means they are not real men.... also they feel by not being obsessed might mean their not in for the long haul, or their obsessed because their frightened someone else may take their place one day. men need to realise we are not puppies you can't microchip us and lay ownership, we are like flowers, if you plant a seed make sure you water, give warmth and keep the weeds away so we can breath....

Why are MGTOW so obsessed with women?

So, you're "men going your own way". Great, go your own way. You would think that MGTOW websites would be full of single men talking about video games, beer, lumberjacks, whatever the hell men talk about.

But every MGTOW website is brimming with posts about almost nothing but, you guessed it, women!

Isn't that a little ironic? How can you be going your own way if you're THAT obsessed with women? It seems like a mental illness honestly. Like the raging homophobes who spend all day ranting about how evil gay people are and then they end up in a scandal with male escorts.

Why are some men so obsessed with cars?

As Kent is saying… The automobile is a whole lot more than just a tin can with wheels and a motor.To many, it’s a status symbol, an item of “personal expression”, a fashion statement, (I heard a young woman at a dealership say, “how will I look in this car?) a sex symbol…. Let’s face it, the first sexual experience of many youngsters takes place in the family car….As well, we’ve loved motorsports for almost as long as the very first “horseless carriage” rolled out of Damlier’s garage. “Hey, how fast will that go?” So, by extension, when Vettel gets the checkered flag at an F1 circuit, we want a piece of that glory too… If we can afford a Ferrari.And make no mistake, the automotive industry plays up each and every one of these things to the max in their advertising and marketing.When did you see a truck ad that did not emphasize the power, strength, and “manliness” of the thing? Or how about the “family car” ad that didn’t emphasize safety, gear-carrying capacity, and security?And of course the high-end car ads have glamorous people doing glamorous things…. With the promise that you’ll attract glamorous women, of course.

Why are some women obsessed with a mans hands???

I LOVE A MAN WITH SEXY HANDS! The most sexiest hands ive ever seen was Jamie Foxx's hand when he played in Ray. Remember at the begining of the movie when it was first coming on and he was playing the piano, the whole scene was just sexy hands!

Why are women obsessed with shiny things.?

They like to have loads of them to give them compensation for their own ugliness and insecurities. lol. I am obsessed with music and films, stuff that requires more intellgence to utilise rather than something that looks pretty that i might decorate myself with as if i am a xmas tree or something. Women are too vain and greedy.

Are women obsessed with male pectorals as much as men are attracted to women’s breasts?

All women are individuals and thus have unique preferences (or no preference at all) towards pectorals.I can't speak from a male perspective but being attracted to both men and women, I find in general boobs are far more attractive than pecs. I don't know if this is because they've been overly sexualised in society, or just because it's my own personal preference.I say in general because my partner’s pecs and entire chest are, to me, incredibly desirable. Moreso than any other breasts or pectorals I've come across, particularly as recently he was telling me about the exercises he's been doing at the gym and when he demonstrates his pecs, shoulders, arms, back all feel amazingly tight and fill my palm which is the most incredible sensation and makes me swoon.So I guess I personally find men and women's chests equally desirable, although the only pecs I'd say I'm close to being obsessed with are my boyfriend's. Other men and women will have unique preferences, almost as though we're all individuals.

Can we blame some men for being obsessed with sex? Are they responsible?

I don’t think you can blame anyone for actions that have a biological basis.Testes secrete the hormone testosterone. This hormone causes an increase in aggression and sexual drive. Women’s ovaries (and adrenal glands) also produce this hormone, but to a much lesser degree.The high levels of this hormone corresponds to the higher level of sex drive in men.So men may have little control over their “obsession” with sex. Men do have the ability to control their actions though. Testosterone does NOT make the sexual drive uncontrollable. So men may think about sex daily, and engage in it daily if appropriate and consensual opportunities present themselves.But elevated testosterone levels do not excuse sexual violence. While they may not be responsible for their obsession, they remain responsible for their actions. That includes harassing a women for sex more often than she is comfortable and making her feel like something is wrong with her if she doesn’t want it.I added the final sentence because as an outpatient gynecologist for 16 years, I saw this every day. Women would come in convinced by their partners that something was wrong with them because their libido was lower than their partner’s libido. For these men, I’d suggest a playboy magazine and a bottle of hand cream.