Why Are Women Only Attracted To Other Women

I could respond by asking "why is it that men only respond to and marry women who are young, with perfect bodies and look like models?"But I can't because it isn't true.No one does anything, all the time, regarding anything. That reduces people into simple stereotypes and assumes that these things hold true for EVERYONE and they absolutely do not.I could have married, or even just dated, men for money but I didn't, ever. Every man in my life has not had money of any consequence. Both the men I married made average salaries, so why did I marry them? Because I loved them. Love was, and continues to be, more important to me than how much money a man has. I am assuming you are young and have not had many years of experience with women. Or if you have, you have deliberately chosen to be around this type of woman or you'd already know that not all women, in fact not most women, are solely interested in wealth. Having money means security. Having a huge sum of money means you can afford expensive toys besides just living comfortably. There are too many people in the world living under even comfortable standards to make this claim. And it's important that people that have money use it to help others rather than worry about who has the bigger yacht.

Why am I only attracted to East-Asian women?

Interesting article I found. It says Asian-American women have a higher rate of STD's than Caucasian women. And Asian-American women are 4 times more likely to have STD's than Asian-American men.

Over the course the study, Hahm unmasked some myths common about Asian Americans. She said, “There’s a perception that Asian Americans in particular aren’t practicing sexually risky behaviors. But we found that Asian American young women are at risk of high STDs. For instance, Asian American women had a higher prevalence of STDs than White women in both 1995 (10.4% vs. 7.7) and 2001 (13.5% vs. 8.3%). The incidence of STDs (not diagnosed with STDs in 1995, but developed STIs in 2001) among Asian American women was also higher than that of White women."

Moreover, the power dynamic between genders became immediately clear. Asian American women were four times more likely to have a STD than their male counterparts. “This was shocking,” said Hahm, “It was so much higher than the males.”

There are a lot of factors that determine what visual traits we come to think of as attractive (experiences in the past, cultural context, even marketing campaigns in the media around us), so there's no one reason as to why.But is there something wrong with this? I personally believe that it is not racist at all to have a racial preference when it comes to dating and mating. It's like preferring certain colors in one's wardrobe. Your brain just goes for some things, and just doesn't go for others.

WHY am i only attracted to asian women? is it racist? ?

I think a lot of people go through a "phase" where they are attracted to a certain type of person. Even a race of people.

But let me tell you. As someone who has been with/around Asians, the women are not "super kind" and they are NOT submissive at all. They are dragon ladies and a lot of them are straight-up crazy.

I don't even think they're very attractive. Most of them have the stereotypical misshapen head and slanted eyes. Not to mention, almost all of them have got BAD teeth. I mean, BAD. Yuck. If that doesn't bother you, I guess you're aces.

ALSO, I have noticed that a lot of people like to say Asians age so well. They do, up until about 35. After that, it's like waxing your 1978 Datsun. They look awful and the really old ones look like men.

WHY am i only attracted to asian women? is it racist? ?

no you are not racist, i am only attracted to asian guys, in particular muslim asians- but get this i am a christian trinidadian who does not like the muslim theres a prob!! their parents always hate me, they don't drink or go out so i'm always bored, but still there is something about asians that i like, now my sister hates asians, she is into black guys, always has been always will be, i guess it comes from what you are like inside, when i was growing up i had a group of friends 1 ghanian, 1 jamaican, 1 chinese, 2 whites, 2 asians, so i was pretty surrounded by multi-cultured people, my sister was only ever with black friends, today she has more black friends than asians, and prob no white friends, she is not racist but she gets along with black people more. she is also very scepticle about changing, she hates trying different foods, hates going places where she has never been before and i love change, i love trying weird and wonderful dishes, new places, new people, i guess its just the way some people are, it does not make you racist nor do you have a prob, but it may be wise to venture out a bit, i was married to a white guy, i have dated black guys and i now know i prefer asians. its just taste, your taste is asians and thats that.

What’s wrong with that? Do you find black women unattractive?I can only speak from my own experience, which would be very different from yours if you’re Black yourself. During my years of being single and unattached, I attracted Black women at a disproportionate level to the general population of single women in the area I live in, and I tried for a long time to figure out why that was, especially since I’m very white. Now, this didn’t bother me in any way, but I didn’t understand it.I did date some of them, and I eventually felt comfortable enough with a few of them to discuss this. I received a very similar response from almost every one of them—they all felt like there was a shortage of quality single Black men available for them to date, and that most of the “good catches” in the way of Black men get “snagged” and their women never let them go. In light of that, they decided to take their chances with single White men that they thought might be open-minded to dating outside their race. (I was always impressed by any Black woman who had enough brass to approach me…and I never turned one down if they did.)I’ll sum up the experience by saying that some of these ladies were of a caliber that any man would be lucky to have. There is one in particular that I might well still be with today, except that her family would have disowned her. It’s a shame the world is still like that today. I’m with someone now and I hope it will be forever, but if something happened and I were single again, I’d gladly give Black women just as much a chance as any other. If anything, they’re very underappreciated.

Are straight women attracted to other women?

for a long time i was attracted to the woman that i am with now for the most part. Now I would consider myself bisexual. I didn't start having sex with her until i was 28 years old. I had alway had gay friends and would get offended if they hit on me but at the same time some of them i was attracted to. i don't know if it was fear or just me trying to play into society but either way at this point i feel like i was let down. I have been 5'6 sense high school and i didn't break 100 til i started being with my girl( oh and by the way to the one that said who wants to eat cat. I do both and i can tell you cat tastes and smells alot better than dawg). I thin ki finally became happy because i found myself not what people wanted me to be. I'm not walking around here saggin and wearing do wrags and stuff either. she and i both wear heals and think we're cute as hell. I don't know if it happens to alot of women but it happened to me.

Why are women attracted to the wrong types of men? Why have women allowed society to dictate what . . .?

I agree with mama k.

There are women (and men) that find a wonderful mate and live happy love filled lives, then you have people that say they can't tell the difference between a good and bad man, all men cheat, all men use women for sex, have dysfunctional relationship after dysfunction relationship etc.

If you grew up in a house where everything said about men was negative, or all you see around you are abusive men, men cheating and men treating women poorly then that's what you look for and that is what you will find.

If you grew up in a house where men where men were responsible, romantic and respectful of women, that is what you will look for and that is what you will find.

If you buy into the unrealistic images of men from romance novels and chick flicks, then you will dismiss every man that doesn't live up to that and be alone or settle and be frustrated.

However, if you're one of those people that complains that good men are boring or whatever, then you forfeit you right to be taken seriously when the alternative takes advantage of you. I feel the same way about men that pass up a woman that will treat him right only to marry a btich that destroys him in a divorce just because she looked better than average.

Attraction is a very complicated subject. It's not just society but your family life, the teachers you had growing up, past experiences and so on. Many people get too much advice from people that don't know what they're talking about. Women will get advice about men from people that have never been men, like their angy, bitter, jilted, single or formerly abused friends and family. How are you going to be successful at something by taking advice from someone that failed to accomplish what you're trying to succeed at? If you want a successful relationship, get advice from people that have successful relationships instead of some divorced person that thinks all men cheat or abandon their families or whatever.