Why Ask If Feminism Is Anti-male

Why is feminism so anti-men?

No, not at all.Wikipedia defines feminism as :Feminism is a range of political movements, ideologies, and social movements that share a common goal: to define, establish, and achieve political, economic, personal, and social equality of sexes.This includes seeking to establish educational and professional opportunities for women that are equal to such opportunities for menThough, i love the concept of feminism, i am a totally against this ideology.Feminism has turned more as religion than ideology where someone is trying to be god and make others worship them and some are trying to be priest and make others control and teach them how to worship. This is the most ridiculous fact about Feminism in present time.There is absolute no need of anything like Feminism if we all can bring equality in our thought.And if we can’t do it in our thought, then ideology can hardly bring change, it can only bring chaos.What I believe in is the equality between both the sexes, but what the so called Feminist are trying is to misunderstand Feminism is with anti-men ideology. There has started a cold war between two genders and gender clash is sure to happen in soon time. This is what Feminism has turned into.Coming back to question, Feminism in reality doesn’t regard anti-men or clash with men, but with change in time, it has changed actually as a weapon for men. The false-Feminism only means anti-men. There is clearly lack of orientation between ideology and action in today’s competitive society.#peace

Has feminism always been anti-male?

"Has feminism always been anti-male?"

To a large extent, yes. Remember that when they speak of women "liberation". Liberation is from men. Thus men have always been this nemesis of sorts. But it has certainly gotten demonstrably worse over time. Check it out for yourself.


-I think the degree of a nation's civilization
may be measured by the degree of enlightenment of its women. —Helen Keller

-I believe that the influence of woman
will save the country before every other power. —Lucy Stone


-“I feel that ‘man-hating’ is an honourable and viable political act, that the oppressed have a right to class-hatred against the class that is oppressing them.” – Robin Morgan, Ms. Magazine Editor

-“The proportion of men must be reduced to and maintained at approximately 10% of the human race.” — Sally Miller Gearhart



-I bathe in male tears

-Put all men in concentration camps (as per her quote) - Julie Bindel 


When did feminism become so anti-male, and why did it become so?

It's always been anti-male. They've always *said* it's about equality. But all you have to do is read the post on here to see that this is flatly incorrect. What answer do the feminists have to questions such as:
- what have feminists ever done about the age pension gap?
- when did feminists ever fight for equal male decision-making rights about abortion?
- what have feminists ever done about the work death gap?

And so on and on.

When universal *male* suffrage was introduced, it was on the rationale that men were being conscripted to kill or be killed. What was the "equal" female claim? They sent white feathers to taunt the males who didn't want to be enslaved to the State to protect the women.

Even seemingly equal claims, like equal pay for equal work, on analysis turn out to be nothing but claims for female privilege. Because if the *costs* of employing women are higher, it's not "fair" and it's not a "right" to threaten people with imprisonment for not pretending that the costs are the same, or for preferring men.

Feminism is and always has been a political movement to advantage women. It is based on self-contradiction and hypocrisy. It is only amazing that it has taken this long for people to be able to see it, after decades of government indoctrination of young people, and propaganda in academe, government, and the media.

Why is feminism so hated?

Until a few years ago, most people thought feminism was about women having the same rights as men.

Now it's really clear that most feminists hate men and are only working towards getting more rights and eliminating all responsibilities. It's kinda sad but that's the reality.

Is mainstream feminism anti-male, or is only radical feminism anti-male?

"Is mainstream feminism anti-male, or is only radical feminism anti-male? "

If we want to get technical, then today's mainstream feminism IS radical feminism. Why? Because everything after the original feminist quest that advocated for women to obtain equal Rights to men is no longer simple feminism.

Radical feminism is anything other than equality via equal Rights. So --radical-- feminist theories like "Patriarchy" and "toxic masculinity" and -gender as a social construct- which are all considered to be normal feminism in today's first world IS yesterday's radical feminism. And yes ... it is anti-male as is evident right out in public with the misandrist comments made by today's prominent feminists to no challenge to those ideas as feminism by other feminists.

What is referred to as radical feminism today is actually EXTREMIST feminism that hates on men and masculinity, openly and shamelessly. #KillAllMen and "I bathe in male tears" and the openly misandrist Jezebel website with over 10 million hits a month is extremist feminism that is so far removed from any concept of original feminism that was basic women's advocacy. And --still-- no "mainstream" feminists will challenge any of that stuff as not being feminism. Therefore, anything that any "feminist" wants to call feminism ... including the extremist man-hating stuff ... is all feminism.

Why do anti-feminist women hate feminists more than men do?

As an anti-feminist woman (yes I AM a woman, yes I do identify in the outside world as anti-feminist) I have to say that I don't hate feminists. I totally disagree with about 90% of their beliefs. I dislike just about everything that is to be found in the feminist propaganda. I despise the feminist movement.

It is my contention that feminism has hurt women far more than anything men have done. I believe that the de-femiisization of women has been a major factor in the rise of depression in women and in the divorce rate. I believe that the emasculization of men has harmed men singularly and as a gender within our society. I am sick to death of reading all the little girlies spouting their feminist dogma when they haven't even left their parents homes to experience real life. And I can clearly see how much harm feminism has caused in our families and hence harmed our children and continues to harm our children. Therefore, I will always speak out against feminism, here and in the real world. And I further think that men speak out less becuase they are so vilified if they dare to raise their voices in their own defence.

Why do feminists commit anti-men actions in the name of feminism?

I’m really curious to hear what these “anti-men” actions are that you speak of. Apparently asking for equal rights is too anti male.I remember my eighth grade teacher summed up why minorities and women shouldn’t hold their breath on getting equal opportunities. White men will never willingly give up their power.Let’s say you’re an only child. You always get all of the attention, all of the sweets, and all of the love. Life is good. Then, your mom is pregnant with your little sister. Soon, she’s taking half of your attention, sweets, and love. You’re still cool because you are getting 50% of it all. Life is still good, albeit a little annoying.Then, you get a third sibling. Little baby brother. You’re only getting 33% of the sweets and stuff. You’re starting to feel a little jaded and neglected.Surprise surprise, twins! Two baby sisters. A slim 20% of love for you. You’re getting mad now. You came first! You should get all of the attention! Whatever. You’re getting older now, so soon youll be in charge of all your siblings.Just when you thought it was impossible, another brother! Full house now. So little love spread so thin.You’re old enough to be left at the house to take care of your little siblings. Soon,