Why Can I Not Leave My Inbox To Other Folder

All mails in inbox folder older than two weeks disappeared.?

Yahoo can only restore emails that were deleted up to 7 days ago so I'd guess that why this didn't change anything.

You say you set up Outlook 2010, was this on your laptop, desktop, or mobile device. IMAP is the default way a mobile device accesses your Yahoo! Mail account. Changes made to messages on a mobile device automatically reflect in Yahoo! Mail on the web and vice versa. If you deleted mails on this device that would be reflected on the web.

When you say all mail older than two weeks wasn't in your inbox, was that on Yahoo Mail on the web, in the inbox on your device, or both.

There is a setting when using POP settings called "Always leave messages on server". If it's checked then your message are left on Yahoo Mail on the web, unchecked they're deleted when you sync your account. I don't know if there is a similar setting for IMAP.

Deleted emails reappear in my inbox?

For about the last month or so, I've noticed that when I delete an email, or a group of emails from my inbox they will reappear in my inbox, sometimes almost immediately and other times after several minutes.

I am not using Yahoo basic.

I do go to my yahoo inbox via several browsers, mostly firefox (v21.0), chrome (Version 27.0.1453.110 m) and IE (8.0 at work, later version at home). I noticed this issue happens across all of these browsers.

How can i get yahoo to NOT automatically delete my trash folder. I want to delete them manually always.?

Move them to another folder YOU create ... (You can even call it 'MY Trash'). Then you have copies just in case. We have absolutely no control over when Yahoo deletes the Trash. Copies might still be in Sent Mail if you have set that Option in your Profile. Save what you might need by moving them into a separate folder you create - they stay there until YOU decide to delete them, and you can delete many at one time too.
NOW . . . ACT FAST! You have just posted all your e-mail addresses online for many spammer programs to harvest or create malicious attacks. You will get oodles of spam from now on.
DELETE THIS QUESTION NOW! (No, I'm not yelling at you, just trying to save your addies.) If you let this question go to voting, these addresses will be search-able on the web forever. I'm offering advice, so I don't care about losing points for answering.

My Inbox shows Two (2) Unreadd Messages, when there are none, what do I do?

This is a glitch that I discovered a couple of weeks ago. For some reason not all emails that are actually *in* the inbox show up in the inbox view. I discovered it because a particular piece of mail I had just read (and not deleted) was not showing up in my box when I wanted to go back and reply to it.

You can however, get to the "missing" messages that aren't showing up (whether they're new or old) by clicking on another message that *does* show up and then using the 'previous' and 'next' links at the top or bottom of the email to browse through the other messages in the inbox and you will eventually find the missing "unread" mails (or any other piece of mail you know is in your inbox, but can't access because it doesn't show up on the inbox view).

The best solution for the time being (until this glitch is resolved) is to leave a couple of older mails in your inbox at all times so you always have an older message to click on and then you can just keep clicking the "next" link to get to the newer messages you can't see.

It seems the system seems to make 2-3 messages at a time disappear (though occasionally it's more) and I've found that as long as I have at least 4-5 messages in my Inbox at least *one* link will show up for me to use to click through to the others. Try to keep at least five other messages there at any time for right now, move them from another folder to the inbox right now if no messages at all are showing up in your inbox view.

Why does gmail delete my sent mail?

As others have said, Gmail does not do this - or not normally. Default behavior is for your sent items to be “archived”, with a “sent” label on them. So if you click on the sent label in the left hand column, or do a search, you should see all your sent mail. If you do not, then there are only a couple of possibilities. Google Groupswdurham said:If you are using the webmail interface, GMail automatically applies a Sent label to all mail you send, and those mails - and thus any conversation which contains a message sent by you - will show up when you click Sent in your sidebar. This label cannot be removed.If you don't see your Sent mail when you click Sent, then either:1. Something is deleting those conversations from your account. The most common culprit is a misconfigured filter designed to work on incoming mail. But filters also work on outgoing mail and can produce unexpected and unwanted results. A second common reason is that people mistakenly believe that what they see in Sent mail is a duplicate of what they see elsewhere, and so they delete the "duplicates".OR2. You are using another device or client to send mail, and this sent mail appears only on that client or device. So check the settings in the client or the app you use on the device, and make sure that you haven't opted for mail sent from there to appear in another folder, usually a local one, instead of having it go to the GMail Sent folder.

In my Yahoo! Mail inbox it always says I have 1 unread message, even though I don't.?

This is a glitch that I discovered a couple of weeks ago. For some reason not all emails that are actually *in* the inbox show up in the inbox view. I discovered it because a particular piece of mail I had just read (and not deleted) was not showing up in my box when I wanted to go back and reply to it.

You can however, get to the "missing" messages that aren't showing up (whether they're new/unread or old/read) by clicking on another message that *does* show up and then using the 'previous' and 'next' links at the top or bottom of the email to browse through the other messages in the inbox and you will eventually find the missing "unread" mails (or any other piece of mail you know is in your inbox, but can't access because it doesn't show up on the inbox view).

The best solution for the time being (until this glitch is resolved) is to leave a couple of older mails in your inbox at all times so you always have an older message to click on and then you can just keep clicking the "next" link to get to the newer messages you can't see.

It seems the system seems to make 2-3 messages at a time disappear (though occasionally it's more) and I've found that as long as I have at least 4-5 messages in my Inbox at least *one* link will show up for me to use to click through to the others. Try to keep at least five other messages there at any time for right now, move them from another folder to the inbox right now if no messages at all are showing up in your inbox view.

How do I delete the Smart Folder as well as the Email from contacts folder in my yahoo mail?

I just noticed the same thing and chatted to a Yahoo agent about it, here is the script of the chat. hope this helps...

Phoebe: yes its a folder that I dont need. it basically shows some of the same mails in my inbox,
Nikki: Thanks for waiting.
Nikki: Smart folder is a new default folder created by Yahoo! Mail that gives you an option to view emails came from your Contacts and not from outside Contacts. Unfortunately, this feature cannot be remove nor disable.
Phoebe: why isnt that option available?
Phoebe: i mean i already have so many folders and I do not need another one just repeating some of the mails in my inbox
Nikki: The feature or functionality that you're describing is not currently available.
Nikki: However, our Engineering and Marketing teams want to hear from you about what you would like to see enhanced in Yahoo! Mail.
Phoebe: i do understand the purpose... to help narrow it down for emails from contacts but I think users should have a say in whether they want to use it or not
Nikki: The best way to send us your input is by submitting a feedback form.
Phoebe: ok where do i do that?
Nikki: Here's the URL:
Nikki: In the meantime, is there anything else that I can assist you with?
Phoebe: nope thatd be all.
Phoebe: thanks
Phoebe: bye bye
Nikki: Allow me to give you a recap of our conversation.
Nikki: Just to recap, the feature you requested was currently not available but I advice you to fill out the Feedback form in order to inform our Engineers about this.
Nikki: Thank you for using Yahoo! Mail. If you have any other questions, please feel free to come back and chat with us at any time and to end this chat, please click the "END CHAT" button on the top right of the chat window.
Nikki: I wish all the customers were like you because you’re a cut above the rest.
Nikki: Goodbye and you have a great one.
Nikki: :)
Thank you for contacting us. Have a great day.

If I were to message someone who's not my friend on Facebook using the Messenger app, would they get the notifications on their phone even if they don't have messenger?

Previously the message would hop into the Others folder which was usually considered a graveyard. No one ever looks into that even when I went into it for first time I was amazed that I had like 39 messages from others users. Besides Now, I can see that facebook has added a new feature and whenever you receive a new message you will get a notification saying "You have a new message request" so you can easily look into and its your wish to accept or to decline that message.So I would suggest you to send him a message again now and It will surely be seen by him and if he does not reply then stop stalking him. Hoping that would clear your doubts.

How do I rid my Yahoo inbox of 12000 junk e-mail messages that's not by manually deleting them page by page?

My inbox reached the 1 GB limit but it's full of spam. Is there a shortcut or a function key I could use to delete all the junk e-mail? Doing it manually would take forever.