Why Can People Say What Ever They Want About Whites But When You State Facts About Their Race It Is

Why are some white people threatened by affirmative action tactics?

I know that not all white people feel this way but I was reading an article about the increase of black enrollment in higher education due to public assistance, and some of those in the forum were incredibly angry. I personally think that most things today have to do with class rather than race but I don't understand why some white people get so upset about affirmative action it not enough that to be born white, male, and wealthy in America is a ticket for success? We all like to believe that we live in a meritocracy but it just isn't true.

Why do some whites feel so threatened? They are the MAJORITY, always have been and probably always will be. The civil rights movement was only about 50 years ago when EVERYONE started getting equal can 50 years compete with over 300 years of whites being able to succeed without someone trying to tear them down?

I'm not racist, just stating facts...

Why do white people try to act so innocent on racist comments?

I'm not racists but I have to state color. It seems as though white people try to sneak racist comments in toward blacks. It seems as though they know certain things are sensitive but they continue to straddle the line.

Do most white people consider themselves superior to other races?

The problem is that they don't realise it.Most of them will tell you that they don't. But privilege is a tricky,  blinding thing. Had you asked the question "Do non-white people realise how much whites are constantly discriminating against them?" then you would have had many an interesting answer. The defensiveness in the answers above is already something to go by, mind you.It's really in the very simple things.I have a friend, a white male, who thinks any work I show him elicits that I want his 'advice' on it. I don't see him doing that with other people we know in our design school over past year or so that I've known him. But he does it with me. As a result, I try less and less to show him any of my work. I always thank him for his 'friendly' advice because whenever he decides to give me this 'advice', because it's true that I get a bit cross and glare at him a bit when this happens. When he acts as if he can't see how cross I am, I am just relieved that we didn't argue and thank him. And so it continues in a vicious continuum, because I guess he'll reckon I liked his advice.I think this kind of 'overnice-ness' is also one of the strategems of superiority. They either dismiss you if they're really racist, or they are overly kind and nice and ginger and generous with you. [Edit: Of course this 'over-niceness' is like neo-tokenism, because he first forced his advice on me, and then he's being overly nice that I glared at him, instead of getting the message that I can ask for help when I need it, and that I'd rather be friends on a more genuine rather than "give and take" relationship.]I am in a school full of white people, and the easiest way to get their attention to me or get them to know me better is to talk about the country I come from, even if it's about the most mundane thing. This kind of constant reminder that makes the 'white perspective' is some kind of 'default' way to look at things is what is so exhausting. I have been in the opposite situation too: in a class full of brown people with one or two white exchange kids. The brown kids never assumed that their point of view was a default one, and in fact they made sensitive links through appropriate cultural references and approached the foreigners to make them welcome. watch:

Can you be racist against white people?

Some people state that in the united states since white people are not a minority and the government is mainly white males you can not be racist against white people. You can be prejudice but not racist. I disagree with this wholeheartedly but I'm still curious to know what the truth is. If anyone can help that would be great.

Whites are Racsist?

Ok, I have been called a racsist, most white people have. Now I'm gonna point out something fast:

Black people have their own college fund for black people. If white people had a white college fund, would that be racsist?

Black people have BET, Black Entertainment Television. If white people have CET, Caucasian Entertainment Television, would that be racsist?

Some Black people can call us whitey, The Man, honkey, and it seems to be acceptable. But once you say N1gg@r or sp00k, you're racsist.

Some Blacks claim that NYC police are racsist in regards to the law as 70% of accused criminals are black. Well in a city of 70% black people, its not state law thats against you, its the law of probability.

I am not a racsist, i think most racsist people are idiots, this includes homophobes and antisemetics, but I just do not understand how we can be racsist when they have so many more rights than we do.