Why Conservatives Attacked The New Deal About The General Goal Of The Most Popular Dissident

What is the difference between a Neo-Con (new conservative) and a traditional conservative?

Well,since you obviously want to avoid all the insults the right hurls
at everyone(wink wink) we'll just skip over that.

Conservatism-Rule of society by an aristocracy.
Sorry.That is atrocious.

Neo-Con:A heavy slanderer of all non-conservatives who believes we should domesticate the world at any price.Morally and fiscally irresponsible.

Liberalism? Conservative? What do these really mean?

Wow...good job! Pretty much sums it up and yeah...prepare to be attacked with namecalling. I'm sure they are on their way!

Why do conservatives believe global warming is a hoax and why do liberals believe it’s real?

«Liberal» is an USA-only misnomer: in the world the genereal meaning for «liberal» is «capitalist». We rather say «left», or «progressist» if we do not want to refer to marxism or socialism.So the relationship between being progressis and conservative is a Yin☯Yang dialectics. This makes that «believing» is not specially related to one of the two. Instead belief is a neurosis of opinion.The rational way to do is not to believe, but to know. For this, an excellent way is to look at science results. And about climate change, they are univocal and very conclusive: climate change not only is real, but is a hazard requiring urgent action. Happily the Green New Deal allows to fund the required changes in time for the 2030 deadline.That people choose to believe a dangerous false opinion about climate change is a serious psychological problem. It is unrelated to the progressis to conservative orientation of that party (it happened too in progressist parties like bolchevism). And if in a political party, either Yin or Yang, there is more occurrence of psychological problems, the heads of that party should start a serious cleansing, if they do not want to pass for complete fools or dangerous crooks.

Why do libs avoid President Bush's Accomplishments?

Great post! Libs quake at the thought of people who do things the right way.