Why Did He Do This Answer It

Why do people ask questions that they know the answer to?

Do you already have an answer to this question? You do, right? That’s a sign of growing up. Innocent kids ask questions and no matter how silly they are, they ask because they really don’t know the answer. Adults on the other hand have lost their innocence and you have to play the game to find out the ulterior motive or hidden agendas.Take this simple question that is circling daily in households across the globe; “Do I look fat in this XXX?” Boy, was that a loaded question or what? How about this one-”Is that what you really want to do?” Most questioner who posed this question already know the answer but want you to CHANGE your mind and do it differently. So many questions asked by those who already knew the answers.Human Resources are people who often ask questions they already knew the answers to. They just want YOUR answer. Interrogators are good at bomb blasting the usual suspect questions to satisfy their inquisitive instincts. Mothers asked questions just to confirm their suspicions. Polices asked questions for self incriminating evidences. Siblings asked questions for confessions as to “who ate the ears off my chocolate bunny?”Lewis Carroll posted this classical non question in Alice in the Wonderland: “What is a nice looking kid like you doing in a place like this?” Many questions are non questions that are leading questions with hidden agendas. See how many you can think of. Have fun.

Why is he doing this? Please answer...

Just out of curiosity: how old are you?  I am really hoping that you are 11 of 12 so that I can say that this is totally natural for you to be worried about this type of stuff.  Otherwise, one of two things is going on:1)  this question is a joke posted by an internet troll (in which case, bravo!)or 2)  the poster is not only narcissistic enough to be constantly posting selfies on facebook, but is also shallow enough to value whether someone publicly approves of these narcissistic photos more than (s)he values the boys actual behavior towards him/her.  In the lamentable case in which we are in the (2) category, please grow up and realize that it isn't your selfies that matter, but your behavior in the real world and the value of your ideas and your actions.  Any relationship should be built on substance, not shallow and narcissistic garbage like your photos of yourself.Talk to him about things that actually matter.  Engage in meaningful activities together.  Take pictures of things other than yourself.  Write about ideas.  Then maybe you not will not only have a better chance of someones real approbation, but you'll become worthy of something even more valuable:  self respect.P.S.  The fact that you tagged this with "Philosophy" is some combination of sad, hilarious, and very telling of the way you think about the world.  As a guy, I can tell you that shallowness and narcissism are extremely unattractive.

How do I answer when my boyfriend asks what I want from "us"?

Ask yourself what you want from the relationship. Do you want to build a future together, do you see it as a temporary thing, do you want something serious in your relationship, or someone you just have fun with but really don't see it going anywhere. Make sure it's what you want. Then tell him. Take your time to think things through. Don't play with anyone's heart, be honest and you will be okay. Communication  is key.

In Jeopardy, why do contestants have to answer in the form of a question?

Thanks to The Guardian*, I learned today:"...where the quizmaster provides a sort-of answer, and you have to come up with the question. (For example: "Originally called What's the Question, it got its name when a producer at testing said it needed more jeopardies.")"Except the Jeopardy we know today has simplified it in a significant way.  Instead of:Host: "London"Contestant: "What is the capital city of England?"(Has potential for "jeopardy".)They have:Host: "It's the capital city of England"Contestant: "What is London?"(Has no potential for jeopardy.")Today's game dynamic is the expression of the answer as a question, not the original concept which challenged the contestant to guess the correct question for a specific answer.That Jeopardy has remained popular - simply because the question and answer are phrased differently amazes me.  The gimmick could just as easily be "Say the word "Doodle" before answering." Presumably the producer would market that game as "Chess".*Reference:"Voice recognition: has it come of age?" The Guardian, 23 November 2011

Why did he do this?

Obviously you want us to say he was mirroring you.
You want us to stroke your ego and say he was missing you soooooooooo much he was trying to get your attention.

He could simply be trying to show his friends that he is out there living life without you and available to socialise again

Why did he do that?

He's interested in you in a sexual way, and wants to know more about your sexuality. That's not necessarily a bad thing, depending on what you're looking for in a bf. If you don't want a physical relationship, just let him know that you don't like talking about it.