Why Did I Ever Care In The First Place

Why do black people still care about slavery when they weren't the first slaves ever?

Technially white and black people were the first slaves. Even the Jews were slaves before black people. Black people who still complain about slavery are just idiots desperate for attention who want white people to feel sorry for them. The word slave isn't another word for black. A slave is a person who is forced to do something they don't want to, not a BLACK person who is forced to do something they don't want to. Why can't people understand that?

I didn't ask to be born in the first place. Why am I expected to accept life as it is then?

This is Todd Love. He’s a veteran and triple amputee.That’s right. I said triple.His life sucks, as best I can possibly imagine, but here, he isn’t playing the victim card and asking someone else to validate him. He’s competing in a race that challenges most people, just to prove the limits of the human spirit.You were born. You exist. You’re unique and special, and that’s not a compliment. It’s an obligation. No one has the experiences you have, the connections, and the particular viewpoint you were blessed, yes blessed, to have. You were placed here on this earth, whether you asked for it or not, to do something that no one else could do as well as you can, and if you don’t, literally everyone else on the planet is worse off. That’s why you’re expected to deal with whatever suffering life has put you through, which once you step away from yourself for a bit, you’ll probably realize you don’t have it that bad. To pretend you can’t when others who clearly have it worse do is pure and unadulterated victimhood mindset. It’s a horrible state to be in where you curse your own life and look to others to validate you as if it’s anyone else’s job to find purpose for you.It isn’t our job.Look, you think it matters that you never asked to born. I doubt that Todd Love asked to suffer the way he did, but he had a purpose, and probably he never had a clue what it was, but do you know? His purpose was to do what no one else could, to endure one single moment for the benefit of all the rest of us. It wasn’t the moment he lost his limbs. It was the moment this picture was taken. In that moment, millions of people realized that their lives aren’t really that bad afterall, and that whatever they were sulking about no longer mattered.Todd Love had a purpose and one we should all be thankful for. His endurance spelled out clearly to the rest of us:“Your excuses are invalid.”Find your purpose and stop asking the rest of us to find it for you.Liked this? You might also like my YouTube Channel. You can also connect with The War Elephant on Facebook. If you want to help me make more content like this, please visit my Patreon Page to find out more.

Did you ever give a damn in the first place?

Does anyone care in truth? - just look at 99% of the people who signed up on this website in the first place. They had their own interests in mind - they primarily wanted to gain knowledge, and secondly to get even more knowledge through the points system. Heck, I'm even writing in my own interest right now, to get a goddamned best answer! LOL!

Why is the world such a cruel place for the mentally and developmentally disabled?

Why are the mentally disabled very cruelly mistreated by able-minded people, especially in the way that able-minded people wouldn't want to be treated themselves?

What makes it even worse is that no one seems to understand (or even care) what disabled people are going through and how much they're suffering all because of the way they are! Is it any wonder why so many people see life as not worth living and also see the world as a very cruel one?

Do you ever feel guilty about adopting from foster care?

For those of you who foster to adopt do you ever feel guilty?
I know that my thinking is completely opposite of the general consensus on here but I will put it out there anyway. We are hopefully adopting our foster son and I have such mixed emotions about it. Mom has disappeared and dad is in jail so obviously no one is working the plan. They have to serve mom and let her know about the PC hearings or try X number ( no one can give me a number) of times before they take PC (Permanent custody). Every time they go to court I get so many mixed emotions. I want them to take PC so that we can adopt but then I feel guilty about that. I would feel so much better if the first mom gave up her child willingly. I know many of you think foster care is the way to go and I agree or I would not be doing it but there is something nagging at me thinking that private would make me feel more comfortable. Anyone else feel guilty about adopting from foster care.
I feel like i am taking someone child even though mom is obviously not even trying and not interested. If mom was like you know i can't deal with it can you raise my child i would feel so much better. I would even feel better about an internatinal adoption because i feel like there life in the orphange will not be as good as i can offer. We deiced against international because there are so many kids here that need homes. Although i don't knock people who do it. I think there should be choice

All guys who have ever cheated, Why did you Cheat?...?

First, no decent guy cheats. If they do, they never cared about their girlfriend/wife in the first place. There is no excuse for it. The only reason they do it is because they're horny and an opportunity presented itself. That's it, there are no other reasons. Your friend that says he loves his girlfriend and that's why he doesn't cheat often is full of crap. He doesn't love her. If he did, he wouldn't cheat on her. That's why they call it cheating. The basic definition of cheating is to deceive, which means being dishonest. Isn't honesty one of the most important things to have in a relationship?