Why Did I Think My Teacher Was My Dad

Is my teacher my dad?

i know this is a weird question but i never knew my dad, and im 13,
i grew up around this teacher lets call him "mr smith" and i have him for math now
mr smith has always been around as long as i could remember
everyone says we look exactly alike
and my mom wont show be birth certificate
also i know they used to date,
and everytime they fight now they keep saying " i wouldnt deal with u if it wernt for the kid."
everytime anyone asks if he is my dad he gets all weird and trys to change the subject
what do u think thers a pic of me nd him attached(: is it possible hes my dad?

My teachers dad died?

I think the nicest thing, and something your teacher would truly appreciate, is a hand-written note telling her how sorry you feel about her father's death and telling her that you hope her memories of her father and all that he meant to her will give her some comfort during this very sad time.

My teachers think I'm being abused?

You know, you can call child protective services yourself... you don't have to wait for someone to call. You can take charge. You have rights. You have a right to be raised in a nurturing way while you are young and impressionable. You have the right to be protected from injury. Being struck causes tissue damage, tissue damage eventually leads to more serious, permanent alterations of your body. Your body is great at repairing itself, but only so much. The tremendous work your body goes through to heal injury is unbelievable. You should only have to go through healing processes for accidental injury, not intentional repeated injury. That doesn't even begin to address the mental injury, and the lack of a loving, teaching, healthy mental growth environment that you are suffering from. If you call for help, they will protect you from him, and he will suffer the consequences if he dares to continue. You will be able to report to them directly instead of having to be questioned by them as a follow-up on someone else's claim. The teachers can be fired, fined and even jailed if they are discovered to have been in a position to see the signs of abuse and fail to report it. So, take the matter into your hands by contacting CPS. They will place you in a better environment and perhaps that would be with your mom. Be brave, you are the only one you can ever depend on to make sure you get what you need and that you get protection from harm. Disciplinary spankings are one thing. What you endure is abuse.

I hope the very best for you. Please take care of yourself and find someone who is qualified to take care of you.

Why does my dad say he thinks my teachers would think I have hoodlum parents if I dyed my hair?

Your father is worried about what society will think of him to let you do this. Dyed hair, tattoos, piercings, to some, are signs of being a rebel and a hoodlum. As a minor, what you do reflects on your parents so he is worried how he will look.I would speak with him and state your reasons why you want to do it, not just “because I want to.” And in reality, anyone who judges you for things like dyed hair, or makes assumptions about who you are because of that, isn't someone you need in your life.If your dad views people with dyed hair as hoodlums, then he may be worried people will see you like that.

How possible that my teacher is my dad?

I know it sounds crazy but he dated my mom in high school and I have nothing in common with my dad and I look so much like him people think were related, is it possible they are just not telling me because im 14?

My dad is cheating on my mom with my teacher!?

I found out two weeks ago that my dad is cheating on my mom with one on my teachers. I found out because my dad has been really distant and every time I see him hes texting. He says he txing his friends from work but when I sneaked and saw it, it was my teacher. I can't look at my teacher any more without getting the urge to cry. And, i dont talk to my dad that much anymore. I don't know what to do, if i tell my mom I know for sure they will get a divorce. But im so confused. Im in middle school, I alredy have enough stress.

Did you ever call your teacher mom/dad?

Everyone has.

I even called someone in my class Dad :P

I said "omg can I please have some pretzels, Dad!"
I have no clue why i said that...Ive never begged my parents for food as I can just walk over to the fridge to get food.

I have called a Male teacher Mom..and a female teacher by my brothers name too :P

Haha this is an awesome question!

Should I tell my teacher that my mom is cheating on my dad and how it is affecting me on a daily basis?

Your teacher will just refer you to the guidance counselor.The guidance counselor will probably call your parents and demand you get therapy if it is impacting you on a daily basis.Consider that. Your dad will find out this way. Is this how he’d want to find out?I’ve been in this situation. I regret how I handled it…not telling my dad. You just need to tell your mom you are going to tell your dad if she doesn’t. It’s not fair for you to be in the position of mediator/ secret keeper. You’re too young for that. You don’t have the skills to handle this situation, and YOU SHOULDN’T have to.Remember, no one…NO ONE will ever understand what goes on in a relationship besides the two people that are in it. You are only responsible for your own actions. Be kind to yourself. Take care of yourself.