Why Did My Cousin Mean

Why is my cousin mean? what do I do?

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Why my cousin is mean to me?

Hello I was new in our city and living with my aunt. So right now I don't have any friends. I am trying to look friends at school but it's the break at the Moment. So I try to be close to my cousin and tried to bond with him. but, It's like he is always rejecting me for some reason, I really want to be close to my cousin so I could be happy. Last time my aunt told me to get a haircut and he joined me so after that he said we could go buy some burger coz he is kinda hungry, so I did and then going all the way back to home we are kind of happy and bonding and all of that. But after that like when we got home and after an hour he suddenly become unkind to me. It's like i don't know what I do, when he finished eating i just try to talk to him for a Moment and he started to speak some bad words about me. And 2 days ago our ROTC class went to the airshow in miramar. so he couldn't go because he has a dentist appointment that day, so after i went home i talked to him and i told him that we could go together tomorrow at the airbase again so he'd have a chance to see the airshow. And then so we went there by public transportation and we have to be home around 5 to catch the bus going to the train station. but he pursued to stay until 9pm instead of going home, so I agreed. Then after the show, my aunt called us and asked where are we. my cousin told him mom to pick us up but she didn't want to so,we we're walking and there's no bus luckily this guy at the gas station gave us a ride to the train station. and we had this argument he said its my fault bringing him there and now there is no bus. And i said i was just trying to give you the chance to see the show and he said. It's your fault that we are here, I replied it's your fault to that you wanted to go. till we got home from that time i didn't talk to him. SO before the show he was like Very happy and nice then after it he become rude to me. Many things similar to his have happened, So i was thinking he is always just taking advantage of me. When i treat him his nice, after that hes rude. Even in school he doesn't want to hang-out with me. I don't understand why my cousin is taking advantage of me? or is he using me? I need an advice.

Why is my cousin so mean to me?

I'm not being homophobic, I have many many gay friends, so I can tell you he's definitely gay 100%.

Tell him, how can someone who listens to that talentless attention whore (lady gaga) criticize other people's musical taste?

And he's definitely gay, so call him a hot tranny mess as much as you can, make that his new name. And smack him upside the head and slap him when he gets too rude and mean.

Why is my cousin so mean?

Knock him out, then stand over him while he is on the ground and tell him, "you bet not stand back up, if you do prepare to get knocked back down, and if you ever put your gutter hands on me again I will drag you in the streets and knock you out again". Have a good day sweetie. I hope things get better.

Why is my cousin so mean to me? cousin is such a ***** she is allways calling me names and thinks she is better than me. I tell her everything and i cant lie to her beacuse she goes to the same school i go to. She even trys to compeat with me in size, im 115 pounds and she is a little bigger than me so she sttoped eating just beacuse of that and now she is allways bragging in my face that she is skinner than me. Also i dont trust her when i tell her things and get into fights with her she uses my secrets against me. Im scared of her and she is the same age as me, i hate how she thinks she is better than me and preetier than me i hate her. I dont understand her, why is she doing this to me?
....Im sorry if have bad grammer i am really mad

What is the meaning of cousin?

Hey…!!!Here the answer..!!A first cousin is the child of your parents sibling.Commonly, 'cousin' refers to a 'first cousin' or equivalently 'full cousin', peoplewhose most recent common ancestor is a grandparent. A first cousin used to beknown as a cousin-german, though this term is rarely used today.A person in one's wider extended family, to whom one is not closely related.Thank you..!!I hope this may helpful to u..!!:)

What do sex dreams with my cousin mean?

Dreams like these can be very common, but not everyone admits to them. Dreams that involve having sex with someone do not always mean that that is your intention, but rather you feel like you need his company. Similar dreams can occur when a child feels very distant from a parent, even though the last thing they would ever want to do is sleep with him/her. Don't worry or feel guilty about having these dreams. It is perfectly normal, but it does mean that you wish you could spend time together, so when you meet up again, the dreams should stop shortly after.
I hope I helped!

My cousin is mean to me what should i do?

She always belittles me in front of others yet is kinda nice when we r alone.
Like if she is with her friends n they compliment me she will say something opposite. Also Behind my back too.
She will even bring up embarrasing things I've done or my shortcomings. Like recently this guy that likes me whom I have a crush on too was talking to me and she was practically putting me down in front of him ! Oh and bringing up guys who I supposedly like..NOT.
She always brags about anything she gets and literally tries to make me jealouse..
I never do this to her I don't understand why she is like this with me.
She is family. Family should treat u like that. My fam loves her. . What can I do?

What does a dream i had sex with my cousin mean?

Im 23 male i think shes about 21 female but shes not my blood cousin becuase shes my half siblings family.. basically before this drean she was talking wierd with me like saying she wanted to come round so im not lonely but it just felt wierd .. anyway last night i had a dream she was laying on my sofa and told me to start having sex with her and for some reason i said make sure no one knows if we do... and i started playing with her.... also in real life her sister admitted having a crush on me but said to her fam that we slept together when we didnt so idk.... and im a firm believer that when uou dream about sleeping with someone theyre more than likely dreaming the same about you.. does anyone know what it means