Why Did My Teacher Sound Concerned

My teachers are concerned I'm being abused at home?

I started school last week and I came to school with a black eye yesterday and every one of my teachers ask what happened to me. I didn't want to tell them so I guess they became more concerned and I was sent to the nurse and he saw bruises on my arms. I told him that everything was fine and that I'm not being abused or anything at home. Sometimes my dad will be ruff and hit and punch me but that's only because sometimes I will talk back or not do something he ask me to do but he's only preparing me to be a better man. I don't think my teachers would understand this and I don't know how to explain it to them and I just want them to leave me alone so I can focus on my school work and stuff.

As a teacher, would you be concerned if a student had bruises and marks etc. on their hands and knuckles for no obvious reason? They are secretive and always wear long sleeves. They have very instinctive reactions to loud noises. I am worried.

I have zero telepathy skills, and in classes where you have 20+ students, there is very little opportunity to notice someone’s bruised knuckles or hidden injuries. The chances that I’d notice are very small, if that student always behaved the same way.However, if there are cardinal changes, like a drop in their grades or strange behavior, I might have them stay back after class to talk to them. If there are things that would make me suspicious of abuse, I’d tell them that I’m there for him/her if they need someone to talk to, that this is a safe place, and that there are people who would listen to them if they needed to talk, or if they needed help. However, this can be seen as too much, and they might clam up. Proceed with caution.Long sleeves alone aren’t probably indicative of anything. They could be cold. Maybe it’s their favorite t-shirt. You should begin by creating a safe environment, treating your students with respect, as equals. This is what I do. This will lead to them coming to you when they need to, because they know they can trust you. There is nothing else you can do.If this persists and you are really worried, talk to their class teacher about your observations, since they have the most contact with parents. This way that teacher can help direct him/her to where they benefits the most.

One of my friends copied my lab report. How should I tell the teacher without sounding whiny? Should I tell a teacher?

Try to inform the teacher of the situation without making it about you. Say that you might be concerned about the friend and their progress in the subject, and suggest that they might be struggling, which led them to copy your work instead. By making it about them, you'll sound more like a concerned friend than a whiny teacher's pet.

My teacher is worried about me and i feel kinda bad?

So I told one of my teachers that I had a problem..I told her I had an eating disorder (because its true) I only told her because I needed to get it off my chest and get some advice and first she was talked to me and gave me advice but now its been a couple of weeks and everything has gotten worse. I feel depressed a lot of the time and she notices it...Like she always asks me how im doing and how are things? and i sent her a couple of emails recently and i feel really bad because she is really starting to get worried about me. Like i said "sometimes i just want to run away i dont want to deal with this anymore" and she said "that makes me very sad and very worried about you" and the other day I sent her a email talking about how i hate myself and what i look like ect and she wrote a big long speech but near the beginning she wrote "it kills me to see you suffering like this" and lastly today everyone left the room and i was standing there and she was staring at me and she said "im worried about really worried about you" I feel really bad that she is so worried and when she tells me she is worried about me my heart breaks a little bit...i love my teacher so much and i didnt want her to feel worried or anything but she is..what should i do? I feel really bad...

My sons teacher refused to let him see the nurse, came home and was very sick. How should I voice my concerns?

I would call the school and talk to the teacher. Let her know this is not acceptable. Clearly, your son was sick..and she was denying him the right to go see the nurse.

If she does not respond in a way you find acceptable, demand to set up a meeting with her and the Principal.

Do not let her get off with saying.."oh..I thought he was crying wolf as he has before.."or anything like that. She clearly was not listening or hearing what he was saying.

She should apologize to your son also for making him suffer more.

What could be wrong with my teacher?

Speaking as a middle school and high school teacher myself, it is sometimes difficult to be on stage in front of a classroom every workday and maintain a balanced and level presence. We are still just people with the normal, and abnormal, ups and downs of living with which to contend. It is extremely likely that something personal and significant is giving him issue and today he just isn't handling it as well as other days with similar problems. And I assure you there have been plenty of other days with similar problems-you just don't know about those! :-) While your concern is admirable, rest assured that your teacher is a full grown adult with plenty of coping skill to handle his profession and what life tosses his way, otherwise he would not keep coming back to this job. You can help your teacher best by listening to his teaching, following his instructions, and always thinking, learning, and growing to be the best YOU possible! This is every teacher's desire and it will make him proud and happy, and make whatever bothers him, now and in the future,  a little less bothersome.

What should I say when a teacher asks if I’m okay?

Thanks for the A2A.Please know that the teacher is asking the question out of concern for your well-being. It may feel intrusive or embarrassing. It is your choice how to answer, but if you say, “I’m fine,” the teacher can do nothing to help you. (Maybe he/she can’t anyway, but maybe he/she can find help for you. It’s possible.) You can say:I’m fine, thank you.Actually, can I talk to you after class?Can I see you out in the hall?Some things are going on, but I’ve already spoken with my parents/advisor/therapist, etc.Not really, but I can’t talk about it now.Can I send you an email?I’m okay, but I’ll let you know if I need help.I understand both the need for privacy, but also that adults usually have more experience in solving problems and can help. Try to balance that in your mind. I wish you well.

Why do my teachers keep asking me if I am feeling ok?

I have been that quiet person. I have also had friends who were that quiet person.Up until 16 I was a very reserved person in class. I answered questions but did not interact much with other students. Teachers ignored if there was a perceived problem and that was fine-there wasn’t.However, my best friend acted similarly to me in class. She was withdrawn and quiet. Didn’t speak to many people. She also didn’t have a close relationship with many teachers like I did. Looking back there were many clear signs that something wasn’t 100%. But I was a teenager, I didn’t know the signs. However, my teachers could have spotted them. They could have asked if she was ‘ok’ and started to build a positive relationship that would have helped her later on.Nothing was done. Or at least very little was done to help. She felt isolated and alone as no adult tried to help her. Eventually she dropped out.Your teachers care. Maybe they are over-cautious from a previous student. Depression and mental illness first appears in the teenage years. They could be concerned. A friend might be concerned and asked someone to help. Maybe they think they are seeing early signs of something that you cannot see within yourself yet and want to create a safe space for you. It could be anything or nothing.It isn’t out of bad intentions. They care. That means that one day a quiet student who isn’t okay will have someone to turn to.My recommendation? Go to a teacher you sort of like and speak to them about this. Develop a good relationship. It will make them feel better and give you a good support system in school (something everyone needs). It also means that, that teacher can bring it up with other teachers if you are really unnerved by it.People caring is okay. Teachers caring is what I believe is part of their job. People who choose to be teacher should want to care. Let them. Even if it means just letting them know that you really are okay. And if not everything is okay? Don’t underestimate what a good teacher can do for you.Ps. My friend went back to school. She just finished last week!