Why Did No Girl Want To Dance With Me At Homecoming

How do i dance at homecoming? (girls)?

ok so homecoming is a longggg ways away but i am going with my boyfriend(first bf) and i really dont know how to dance.. like i know girls usually grind.. but to be honest i dont really know how and idk if my bf would like that..? like how do u dance hip hop or something? i have no idea what to do lol im good at moving my hips but i just dont kno what to do! PLEASE HELP ME! i dont want to look like an idiot... all my friends can dance.. and i cant.. my bestfriend is all like "i can dance like im from the ghetto" and stuff lol and she starts popping and stuff. but when i try and do that she just laughs at me.. lol im really skinny so it kinda looks funny when i dance too.. cuz im like a toothpick :p also when there is a slow dance what do i do? i kno im supposed to like wrap my arms around his neck, but do i look up at him or just lay my head on his chest? (we r the same height..i might be a lil taller...) im just so nervous! i dont wanna look stupid and embarrass myself or my boyfriend..

im 15 and hes 15 we are sophomores.

also what should i wear? since im already a teeny bit taller than him i dont want to wear heels.. and what length of dress should i wear? also what do i do with my hair? i dont wanna dance and it like falls out and i loook like a sweaty gross lookin person lol


I have a plan first ask this girls friends or yours if she is serious . If not then my plan shall commenceYes most likely she is messing with you . Lets say Girl A =the one that's messing with you and let's make a girl B. So here's what I would do. Get a girl that you know who will say yes this = girl B. Then bring her beside this girl A . Now talk to girl A and ask her how she is Then say“So what are we wearing to prom?”Now hopefully she is messing with you and she will say“no I'm not going with you”.Then you Just say“I wasn't talking to you I was talking to her sorry”Then walk away like a boss with your new girl

Yes.You should mostly dance with your date — or dance with your date as much as she wants — and you should make sure that your date has approximately equal opportunity to dance with other people.(A shorter version of, “Marge, thanks for the dances so far and I’m not yet done tonight. Steve said he wanted you to save at least one dance for him. Maybe now is a good time. Would you mind if I asked Betty for a dance when you are on the floor with Steve? Also, I see Doug has been looking your way all evening. I bet if you said hello to him, he would ask you to dance.”)

Why wont my homecoming date dance with me at homecoming?

He may have danced when you weren't close, but fears he is a bad dancer. He could be a little shy or easily embarrassed.

Or, since you are just friends, is it possible he likes someone and did not want to slow dance (a dance made for couples) with another girl?

Ask him. It's really the only way you will know.

Good luck!

Girl danced with me at homecoming because she knew no one else would?

Is this a good thing or a bad thing? I think it's a bad thing because all it does is emphasize the fact that girls aren't into me. It was awkward for both of us. Awkward for me because I knew she didn't want to dance with me. And awkward for her because she was dancing with me when she didn't want to.

Oh, and just for the record, I didn't ask her to dance with me. She just walked up to me and started dancing with me. Do you think that was nice of her? Or do you think she was just doing it to be mean and get my hopes up? Perhaps her friends dared her to dance with me?

After the song was over, I never saw her again for the rest of the night. When she danced with me, I got my hopes up and thought more girls would dance with me. But no one else danced with me.

She danced with me toward the beginning of the night, so that's what got my hopes up the most. I was thinking "The dance barely started and I've already danced with one girl. I have a good night ahead of me."

She knew me and I guess I assumed more girls like her (girls that knew me) would dance with me. Or girls that don't know me would think I'm cute and walk up to me and start dancing.

But that's not what homecoming is like at all. At least not for me. The most frustrating part is how I only went because a friend told me how fun it would be and how you get to dance with a lot of girls. Let's call this friend Tim Anderson (not his real name). But when he said you get to dance with a lot of girls, he forgot to say "If your name is Tim Anderson."

I saw Tim Anderson dancing with plenty of girls that night. But I only danced with one.

My boyfriend doesn't want to go to the homecoming dance with me because he doesn't like to dance.?

Tell him it would be great if he went, and you would like the first and last dance with him, both slow if that is all he can handle, and you would not bug him for any other dance the entire evening but would be out on the dance floor with your friends half of the evening and spending time with him half of the time as well. Then stick to that agreement. That is what my husband and I have always done when dating and now when attending functions like weddings. (He does not care for dancing either).
In other words, compromise with each other.
Also, if he chooses not to go after you talk with him calmly about it, then go ahead with your friends and have a great time, as it will be his choice whether or not to go with you.
Have a great time either way!

Girl and Homecoming Advice?

im a junior so im not an oldie, okay? hahaha.

when you pick her up, comment on how she looks but dont overdo it. you can be general like, "you look gorgeous." dont get all nitty-gritty and complimenting everything; that'd be annoying. you talk to her on fb and school, so talk to her about what you usually talk about, but probably nothing class related. who wants to talk about grades on homecoming night? if there's awkward silence, turn on the radio and ask her what her favorite station is, what music genre she's into. or keep the radio (or your iPod) on the whole time. when a guy drove me home he did that and it wasnt as painful as silence bc we were singing the whole way hahaha.

dancing. loosen up and be yourself. dont be too self-concious on how youre dancing, but dont be too crazy. in my opinion, the worst dancers are the ones flailing their arms everywhere haha. watch your buddies and see what they do. depending on how close you are with your date, you might grind. when a slow song comes on, ask your girl if she wants to dance. if she says yes, cool! (see a youtube on how to slow dance if you need advice on that.) if she says no, to save yourself from an awkward moment, be like, "okay im gonna get something to eat/drink... want something?" use the song as a time to catch your breath.

corsages. nobody at my school gets corsages for homecoming, only prom. but i would ask your friends if theyre getting their dates corsages.

HAVE FUN and have a great time!!!!!! :)

I’ve found that a lot of girls will be enticed by showy things, so posters or flowers or chocolates are always fun. Maybe organizing something showy with your buddies will be cute and the girl may love the attention. It’s important to have a basic understand of the girl, her comfortability levels and keep in mind not to trap her into going with you by asking her in front of a group. You should already be fairly certain she will go with you before you ask and, if you aren’t, perhaps a more private setting would be better.I, personally, took my best friend to homecoming by making her a poster and buying her flowers and leaving them both in a practice room that we frequented during our lunch period, so that she got it when we were alone. If you don’t know them well enough, asking them away from the group for a minute to lead them to a display you made just for them can be just as heartfelt, but it doesn’t put pressure on them, nor does it make more shy girls the center of attention. You might find that some girls will say no more easily in these kinda situations, but it’s much better to get the rejection up front than be ditched the night of because she didn’t really want to go with you. It also reduces the chance of you being rejected in front of everyone.If you know the girl well enough to know she likes big gestures, however, or if you are fairly certain she is going to say yes ( such as if she is your girlfriend, already ) then going all out can be totally fun! Having your band buddies organize to serenade her outside her classroom window or filling her car with roses can be really cute and quirky ways to win her affections and you and your buddies can really have a blast with it in the meantime.The important thing is to think about the girl and how you can make asking her to homecoming personal and considerate of what she is going to like. You are most likely to get a yes if the girl in question knows you are genuinely interested in her enough to take who she is and what she likes into consideration.

Yes, you should. Go up to her and say this:“Hi, (insert name here), can I talk to you for a sec? (pull her aside)”“I think you’re really cute and was wondering if you would give me the honor of taking you to the homecoming dance.”If hesitates, just re-assure her by saying, “Hey, I’ve been really wanting to get to know you more outside of school and I think this would be a great opportunity. Would you give me the honor?”After she says yes, say “great!”, get her phone number. Say that you are looking forward to it and will be in touch. Walk away and celebrate :)If she says no and rejects you, don’t make it awkward. Just say, “ok, yeah, no I understand. No problem at all. Hope you enjoy your time at the dance.”And ask someone else :)

Homecoming sucked?

Next time, just ask someone to dance. I am also extremely shy. Im sure there were some girls there who would have loved to dance with you. Being a girl myself, I was ecstatic when this guy asked me to dance. I didnt know him all that well, but dances are about having fun. My first Homecoming, I didnt dance with anyone, and it sucked. Just wait til next year and build up just enough confidence to ask someone. Not only will you be glad you asked someone, but the person you ask will be happy that she got asked as well.