Why Did Obama Flip Flop On Almost Every Issue Once Elected

Why was Barack Obama elected President of the United States?

I think that the slogan “Change we can believe in” was something that appealed to a tremendous number of people. Also, the attendant rhetoric regarding ending US military torture, ending US military illegal invasions, closing our secret international prisons, ending unconstitutional surveillance of civilians, repealing the PATRIOT ACT, etcetera, He even promised that he would bring fresh eyes and a more common-sense approach to the Autism epidemic.People believed he would institute these changes and this is what they really wanted.They were counting on a strong President Obama to push past the inexplicable reluctance on the part of Nancy Pelosi and the Democratic Party leadership to either impeach or file war crimes charges against GWB and other top administration officials.But in his first days in office, he proceeded to fill his cabinet with executives from both failed and surviving companies within the financial sector, just as his predecessor had, and just as Trump has. Barack Obama also engineered a second bailout to the banks that were “too big to fail,” even though we the people shouted a resounding “NO” to the request.Why we elected him for the second term has to do with either disliking Mitt Romney or many believed that Obama had not brought “change we could believe in” because the Republicans had been so forwardly against anything he tried to do, so they still wanted change and still hoped Barack Obama could be its agent.

What's the difference between a backflip, flip flop and a back handspring?

A flip-flop and back handspring is the same exact skill. However, some people say that a flip-flop is a handspring step-out (land one foot then the other) and a back handspring is landing on both feet.

And the other person was correct that a handspring is in a relatively straight body position, that your hands touch the ground when you flip backwards. It should cover a lot of distance but not go very high up in the air.

And a back tuck (aka backflip) goes straight up then you tuck into a ball and flip all the way over to your feet without your hands. It should go really high in the air but not cover a lot of distance.

How the hell did John Kerry lose last election?

I agree, he was not the best candidate.....but, Repubs cheated. (voter suppression, Diebold machines etc)

Are some Democrats correct to fear that Obama can't win in November ?

Sunday June 1 2008

With senator Barack Obama poised this week to clinch his party's nomination for President, there are growing fears in some quarters that the Democratic party may not be choosing its strongest candidate to beat Republican John McCain.

Senator Hillary Clinton has been making that argument for weeks. Now some recent polls and analysis, looking particularly at vital battleground states and support among white voters, have bolstered her case

Republican analysts, meanwhile, are surprised about how healthy their party's prospects look in a year when almost all indicators suggested they should lose. McCain remains competitive against Obama. He even leads in some key states. Indeed, some research predicts he could romp home against Obama

The presidential election of 1896 was an example of a __________, when the groups that make up political parti


The 1896 election was a realignment election. The Democratic Party abandoned the true liberalism of Jefferson, Jackson, Van Buren, and Cleveland and adopted the so-called "Progressivism" of William Jennings Bryan and Woodrow Wilson in its place. This was the same ideology as the Republican Party, so the American people have not had a real choice in any election since, as the attempts of true liberals to take back the Democrats (FDR ran as a true liberal and then flip-flopped once elected; Ronald Reagan idolized FDR and later pulled the same stunt in the GOP), take over the GOP (which they nearly did in 1952, after which CIA agent William F. Buckley started National Review to co-opt the true liberals and reorganize the Republicans into the monster they are today, which he regretted having done in his later years; this year, there was another takeover attempt which failed) and attempts to start a 3rd major party (Libertarian Party, Reform Party etc.) have all failed.

Do you agree with Obama having a neutral stance on Iran developing nuclear weapons and even encouraging it?

Shouldn't you be hibernating about now?


Answer to the question you have asked: You have taken his quote out of context.

Also, I would like a link.

EDIT: That's why you guys sh*t in the woods and spend your days pillaging from unsuspecting campers, right?