Why Did She Get Mad At Me Again Help

Libra is mad at me HELP?

We Libra's can get really offended by the littlest of your case, you just made a joke about her forehead...maybe she got angry because of the way you said or maybe, just can't take a joke! But anyway, If you happen to be in contact with her, take that chance to say sorry in a sympathetic and friendly, sweet manner. :D Libra's will like a cute forgiveness and then will hopefully get back to liking you fairly quickly. Ps. In future try not to make fun of a libra...don't make fun of anyone ;D

Why does my gf get mad when I try talking to her?

Girls think with their emotions. She doesnt want you to talk bc most likely what you have to say isn’t said confidently, or isn’t helping. Girls like to be over ruled, no she doesn’t want a good listener (even though that’s a fine quality to have). Girls want to be dominated they want you to, not speak over them, but cancel out Their insecure emotions with your sound logic. She wants to be disarmed, overruled, and conquered. You must be a delegator. Regardless of her words, her anger is merely her frustration at you for being too weak to dominate her. I’m not coming at you, it’s a bitter pill to swallow, but maybe it might help. Trust me I live in a house of females who yell a lot, they like to preside over you with their emotions, but it’s your job to cancel out their insecurity. Comes with the job as a man

Why did my mom get mad that I cut myself?

I cut myself and my mom saw. They weren't extremely deep. I just used a pair of scissors and she saw and said I would get in big trouble if I ever did it again. That makes me want to cut myself even more!!! Why did she get mad? I thought your parents we supposed to be sad when they found out you were cutting yourself. Not be pissed! I just really don't understand it. Please help.

Moms please help...why does my mom get mad over things so petty?

First of all know this, none of this is your fault.
I would suggest some family councelling, but I see you've already been there & done that. So it makes me wonder if your mother is truly committed to making a change for the better. We can go for all of the councelling in the world, but unless we are plugged in to the programme, we can't expect positive results.
Your mom may have to dig deeper to find out what is going on with her & why she can't control her rage. It could be something physically wrong with her, & if that's the case then she can't help herself at all until she identifies it.
A series of tests should be able to determine if there is anything to my therory.
I am so sorry that you've had to endure this kind of treatment from your own mother. That just isn't right. There has to be another adult in your life that you trust that you can turn to for help. If your mom is getting physical with you (pushing onto the bed) then the abuse may escalate if there isn't an intervention of some kind.
You are still attending councelling, so don't hold anything back at these sessions. If you are still afraid to open up in your moms presence at these sessions, then ask for a session with the councellor on your own. You owe it to yourself to share this same question with your councellor one way or another.
You can call the councellors office yourself & tell the councellor what's going on if you haven't already.
Take care of yourself!

Ex-girlfriend is mad when she sees me does she still like me?

When she and I broke up we decided to be friends. She got with another guy, but I still had feelings for her. She would flirt with me at the job when she seen me. Hardcore flirting. So, I thought she wanted me back so I asked her to come back to me. She declined. I apologized. She started flirting with me again. And again I asked her out again and to leave this new guy she with my heart was so confused. Again she declined. So I tried to move on.

I went out one night and met a girl. This new girl is so awesome and I get along with her much better than I did my ex. I kept comparing her to my ex and it was unfair to my new GF so I decided I needed to move on from my old ex for good. So I needed space from my ex that I am broke up with. I avoided her at work for the longest time and did not talk to her. I found it hard to move on when she was flirting with me so I thought it was best to not talk with her since she would flirt with me.

Well now, we past each other in the halls and don't even talk to each other, much less look in the same direction of the other person. It's rather cold and most people notice from what I see. The facial expressions on her are of anger, and serousness when she sees me. I'm not angry or serious when she shows around. So my guess is that she is mad at me. I understand why she would, but I needed space from her and the best thing for me to do at the time was to avoid and ignore her. I was dying inside from seeing her, her flirting with me, knowing she with this new guy, and she would not come back to me, jealousy was eating me up. I had to save myself by not being around or talking to her for awhile. My question is now, is it possible to be friends with her? I am scared to talk to her since she can be very hard to talk to or even cold, and she might even deny that she is mad at me... she is one of those people that like to hide the obvious.

I'm afraid of getting hurt by her. She hurts me again and again, but still I'm worrying about her and I want to talk to her even though I know that she doesn't love me. What do I do?

How do you know that she doesn't love you? Gut instinct? Did she tell you? Is she seeing someone else?You should try to move on, of course, but the good news is that (I assume) you're a guy.Guys were meant to chase girls.Girls were meant to be won over.Look at the bowerbird from Australia. The male builds a beautiful nest and decorates it with beautiful blue things in order to attract the female.The female comes.He tries to convince her to stay.Maybe she's hurting you unintentionally. Maybe she's totally insecure. She's probably feeling hurt herself on some level, and that's why she's spreading it to you.Move on; get in control of yourself so that it doesn't matter to you whether or not you are together as a couple.But don't let that stop you from caring for her as a person.And it's possible that once you've walked away, or at least moved on, new possibilities will open up for you. Your friendship or relationship with her will inevitably change when you are stronger and she can't hurt you any more.Heal yourself and regain your control. And then see what happens.You're very lucky. If I were a guy, I would be punching the air, because the courtship ball would be in my court. I would build the most impressive nest and convince a certain person I love (if he were a girl *cough* lol) that I'm the best bowerbird around.And I'd never give up hope.

How can I make my parents love me again?

My parents are really mean to me. I try to explain my side of things and they listen for a bit and turn it around to make it bad. They tell me to tell the truth, so I do and they get mad at me for it. When I lie about things like that, they get mad at me for it. If I say my opinion I get in trouble. My parents don't give me any freedom. They want me to fit in and when I say how to fit in, they turn it all around and make me a loser. For example, my mother wanted to buy me clothes that other girls wore. I told her the brands and the clothing types. When I did, we actually went to the store and we were going to buy the clothes I wanted (for once) but she picked one shirt up, said it was to big, put it down, and left the store only to never return again. When I tell them what I like, they express their hatred for that and want me to change. My parents want me to have friends, but my friends always want to do stuff that my parents won't let me do so they ditch me. My mom wants me to stay home practically forever while my dad wants me to have experiences, as long as they are really cheap. My dad gives me no privacy, as he has a child safety blocker and reads all of my emails. Whenever I leave my phone or diary out by accident, my parents read what I wrote and talk to me about it. They always talk about their freedom as kids and they don't let me have it because they are afraid of predators. When my mom asks me questions for the twentieth time about things that I did, I get annoyed and she starts screaming at me. Then when she gets into a burst of anger and marches away, my dad talks to me about it. When they ask me questions they practically interrogate me and I get uncomfortable and try to leave but then I get yelled at. I cry almost every day because of them. They love my little sister more, but they don't say so. They hold me responsible for everything my sister does because they think she looks up to me although she hates me.

I just want to know what I can do to make them love me like they did when I was little again.

Help i fought my brother?

Ok you were way out of line to do that. You could have been arested for assualt actually and your mom prolly didn't mean it like that. She was just very frustrated and was upset with you. You can't help for what your brother is but he's your family. I know it's hard when you have a family member that is gay your embarrassed. Well you have a g/f who is pregnant and you need to be there for her. You need to sit down and think about what you did and you need to think about how to fix it. you should firstly apologize to your brother and if he makes a move toward you need to defend yourself but if he calls you something you should say " yes you have every right to call me that'' and he is upset with you. So then apologize to you mother and then to your g/f. Your human and we all make mistakes. But learn by them and don't do it again. Good luck