Why Did So Many Peopole Question The Wisdom Of Gw Bush

Why is it considered bad to be an opportunist?

Depends on the opportunity and how you approach it. It could be totally selfish and sneaky, like a cat waiting to pounce on the mouse. Or it could be simple and mindful, like waiting for the right job opportunity. Usually if you've done all you can do and then wait in patience, that's a good opportunist. But if you sneak around and wait to pounce by taking advantage of something, that's selfish and weak.

George Bush once described Islam as a religion of peace. Is this a fair and accurate description?

The problem with this statement by Bush is that it was insufficiently nuanced. Some issues in fact do require a great deal of nuance.In the West, we may get the impression that Islam was “spread by the sword,” but ironically (in light of Jesus’ teachings) Christianity is more guilty of being spread through violence. In Latin America, the Spanish Conquistadors would quite literally say, “Convert to Christ or die.”The ideological unity provided by Islam gave Arabian warriors a great advantage in battle; but those battles were prompted more by disagreements Arabs had with their neighbors. Once the Arabs did conquer new territory, they then had largely tolerant and enlightened rule. Christians and Jews, at least, were never forced to convert or oppressed as long as they paid the tax.The most enlightened and tolerant state in all of Europe in the Middle Ages, by far, was Andalusia, which was Muslim Spain. It is where I would choose to live if I went back in a time machine. The medicine and science there were much better.Note that the Muslims were never going to burn you at the stake (or permit such burnings) just because you had doctrinal differences with the Pope!But — whereas Islam in the Middle Ages was more forward-looking and scientific than Christian Europe — things started to change radically around 500 years ago. Islamic culture lost out in a race in which it had once had the lead.The problem is with modern Fundamentalist Islam, and its belief that if they could just “return” to the “true” Islam, God would favor them again. This has caused the Fundamentalists to want to turn back the clock 1,300 years.As for the ideological roots, the message is a little mixed. There are definitely passages in which the Faithful are exhorted to live with others in peace — even their enemies, if their enemies agree to peaceful co-existence. But there are other passages in which the Faithful are told to fight back if they are threatened.Contrast with the hypocrisy of most Christians. Jesus taught “Put down the sword,” “Turn the other cheek,” and “Blessed are the peace-makers, for they shall be called the Sons of God.” How many Christians have taken that seriously?

Why did this question sell scandal in the headline instead of citing The Donald's Solomonic wisdom, staying away from the grieving and aggrieved Bushes in their sorrow, avoiding an air-traffic nightmare, and sending the cool and competent Melania?

He hates the Bush’s and the feeling is mutual. Why pretend? Trumps up front with people he dislikes. Why make Melania have to sit through it. She’s done nothing wrong to be punised that way. Selling scandal is the new DNC talking points. What else they got for 2018 and 2020?

Section 4 page 47-65 of the book "Night" by Elie W. question please help?

umm that didn't help i need the answer tonight. or the book on a website because i can't look inside the book on amazon... i'd have to buy it and i only need it for tonight.

What is President George W. Bush's IQ?


President Bush Has Lowest IQ of all Presidents of past 70 Years. His IQ is 91.

What was George W. Bush really trying to say when he said the "fool me once" phrase?

It’s an old word to the wise saying, that warns people of their responsibility to take heed from seeing and understanding any bad actions that are repeating again. So, this wisdom is aimed at those that tend to repeat the same mistakes and either don’t realize they are their own worst enemies and therefore shouldn’t blame the same or similar perpetrator for bad actions they had indeed seen before.Bush was confused by the paradoxical nature of the sentence structure. And, he bungled the message that drives the wise advice. Leading many of us to doubt his ability to handle complex or competing meanings when the issues seemed so elementary to most of adults.This wasn’t the only example of not seeing the forest from the trees.Good luck, Mac