Why Did Women Get Brains Also

Is it true that women have smaller brain than men?

Yes, if you compare brain size, then women do have smaller brains. But they also have smaller bodies, so the brain/body ratio is the same for everybody.

Do perms for women have any long time after affects on the brains?

As far as I know I don't have any brain damage, and I've been perming my hair for most of my life.
Also they are not suppose to be placed on the scalp..... you'll get a real nice chemical burn that way.

Why are women more talktive than men?

Hi, women have a different brain struture than men, have more parts of the brain active same time than men. Most of women talk more than men, because are more open more emotional and have fun talking, but doesnt mean all women talk a lot and are equal, believe, there are women that talk less than men and the society is changing rapidly, on last century it was a shame a man cry now is natural. I think the fact women talk a lot has to be also with their education and the way they see the world, there is also some women they think talk to much is not useful. however most women get a relief talking about their problems or other things (sometimes boring stuff:), no doubt about that!

Are women's brains fundamentally different from men's?

There are several anatomical differences in the brains of men and women, which lead to differences in their behaviours.In terms of neural circuitry, women have more connections between left and right halves of the brain. Meaning: Since left brain is associated with intuition whereas right brain with logic and reasoning, women are more likely to interlink knowledge from different disciplines to deduce things.On the other hand, men have more connections between brain areas of motor and spatial skills. Meaning: They have better hand-eye coordination and spatial intelligence.In women, there is more wiring in region associated with social cognition. Meaning: It makes them more emphatic and comfortable in navigating complex social situations.Women have a bigger hippocampus and more neural density in this region. Meaning: It is the region critical for memory and learning. Women retain stronger and more vivid memories of emotional events than men do.Men not only have fewer verbal centres but also less connections between memory and these word centres, whereas women have more verbal centres. Meaning: Women are more interested and comfortable in using various words to convey their feelings, whereas men are relatively hesitant.Male brains utilise nearly seven times more grey matter while female brains utilise nearly ten times more white matter. Meaning: Men work better in task focused projects whereas women are better multi-taskers.The male brain is typically about ten percent larger than the female brain. Meaning: This does not amount to any significant difference in the behaviour or capabilities of any of them.There are several neurochemical differences as well, for example levels of serotonin, μ-opioids, vasopressin etc. in the two sexes. Meaning: Each chemical results in difference in behavioural traits.Reasons for the differences in the brains of the two sexes:One reason is that in general, brain regions that differ in size between men and women such as the hippocampus and amygdala tend to contain especially high concentrations of receptors for sex hormones.References- Male and Female Brains Different?Brain Differences Between GendersHow men's and women's brains are differentEdit 1: These differences do NOT make any gender’s brain better than the other. It just makes them somewhat different.Also, I personally believe that exceptions exist in substantial numbers.

Why does the phrase "beauty with brains" always have to be in the context of women? Are all bright men fiendishly good looking and are there so few good looking women who are also smart?

The combination of beauty and brain is not very common. The one who has got both brain and beauty is by far the most lucky person on earth. Every person has his own strengths and weaknesses, A beautiful person with his wrong deeds cannot excel; similarly a ugly person with a beautiful soul struggles throughout his life to prove himself.Brain without beauty finds it difficult to withstand the initial phase of interaction, as ‘the first impression is the last impression’.Inner beauty is the requirement for the ‘higher purpose of existence and survival’. It is the internal beauty of the soul which helps in the self-growth and development of the society. So i feel beauty and brain are both combinations.