Why Didnt The Jews Stand Up For Themselves During The Holocaust

Why didn't America help the Jews during the holocaust?

It's a question that no one wants to ask or have answered. The truth is that everybody did not know what was happening. Anyone that was paying any attention all have more that enough reason to suspect the worst. The highest level of our government knew exactly what was going on and still forced Jewish refugees back to Nazi Germany resulting in their deaths. During the war a decision was made not to bomb the roads that were bring Jews and other prisoners to the Death Camps. The reason given was that they did not want to alert the Germans that we knew what they were doing. So the main reason would be antisemitism and a disregard for human life mixed with pure stupidity.

A similar question was asked in the past I would refer you to it.

Why didn't jews lie about being jewish during the holocaust?

Some did, but it was difficult. First of all in Europe everyone traveling is required to have documents identifying them and those documents list your relegion. Anyone wanting to avoid getting rounded up would either have to obtain a forged passport or risk going without a passport--guaranteed to get you arrested.

Secondly, in many cases roundups were done geographically. This was possible because many Jewish communities, especially in Eastern Europe were not integrated and contained only jews. In those cases the Germans would capture everyone in the town or district. In integrated communities local non-jews would often know exactly who the jews were and could point them out.

Thirdly, nearly all Jewish males are circumcised, wheras non-Jewish were not. This allowed the Germans and their allies to positively identify a male jew if there was a question.

In the Holocaust, why didn’t the Jews say they were Christian?

In Europe, in that time and place, public identity records recorded religion. Your religion was on your birth certificate. It was on your driving license. It was on your passport. It was on your school records. It was everywhere.Some Jews DID acquire or forge identity records saying they were Christian - but that was dangerous, because your very NAME was often a give-away that you were a Jew. So you had to have an entire fake identity - and leave your home and your family, and all your friends - because they KNEW who you were - and you would have to hide among strangers, and hope you didn’t give yourself away, either by simply being an odd person with no background and no friends, or you didn’t know something you ‘should’ know as a Christian, and you did know something you ‘shouldn’t’ know (like some Hebrew). A few people survived that way, but it was hard.Some Jews converted to Christianity for the baptismal record, to prove they were Christians. They had cooperation from some priests to do so, or they had a sincere conversion.You know what? THE NAZIS DIDN’T CARE. THEY TOOK CONVERTED JEWS TO THE CAMPS TOO.

During the Holocaust, why didn't Jews just speak German and refuse to wear their star?

The regime KNEW who was Jewish and who was just about anything else. This is an example of the application of modern ‘scientific’ method to a massive program of social engineering.In 1941 Fritz Zahn, president of the German Statistical Society summed it up enthusiastically.“Thus, the census of 1933 provided a basis for statistical studies of the family that correspond to the existing family policies. Population analysts and demographic statisticians have been pushing for such a program for decades, but it was not actually implemented until the rise of the Third Reich. The census of 1939 developed the program even further by determining the biological make up of the family through a series of cross sectional and longitudinal studies.”The way in which a totalitarian regime inserted itself into the everyday lives of ordinary people has probably not been appreciated by the original question. Germany’s Jews, a small and largely assimilated minority had no safe place to hide and little realistic chance of surviving in hiding. Only a very small number succeeded in doing so, often with the aid of fellow Germans who took enormous risks to help them.

Why didn't the Jews stay in Europe after the Holocaust?

they did 30,000 Jews have come to Germany and settled in Berlin what Most people Forget the Jews in Europe pre 1948 thought of themselves as Germans Poles French Etc Jews

and when the war was Over some went to the Land Of Israel and others decided to stay in their Homelands

1939 234,000

1941 164,000

1950 37,000

1990 30,000

1995 60,000

2002 100,000

2011 119,000

In 1933 523,000 Jews living in Germany An estimated 37,000 Jews emigrated from Germany during 1933.

Some 80 percent (about 400,000) of the Jews in Germany held German citizenship. The remainder were mostly Jews of Polish citizenship. Many of the Polish Jews had been born in Germany and had permanent resident status. and all considered them self German or Polish

and In 1933 about 3,000,000 Jews lived in Poland

Why do jews use the holocaust as an excuse to treat everybody who isn't jewish like trash?

You're talking to jerks who happen to be Jews. Not all Jews are jerks, just as not all African-Americans are... well, whatever racists say about African-Americans.

And Judaism is both a religion and a race. Very few pure racial Jews exist. Today, Jews can be white, black, brown, olive, whatever.

As a Jew, thank you for your replies to "Did the Holocaust Occur?"?

I see everyone fighting like Hell in here every day, but one chatter posted a question that brought the vast majority together.

As a Jew, I lost relatives in the Holocaust and having read many of your replies, it gives me hope for the future and the knowledge that people are not necessarily as radical as they appear from time to time in R/S.

So thank you.
(wanna bet I get booted for not asking a question?)

Why didn't the Jews pretend not to be Jews during World War II to avoid execution?

They did. It usually didn’t help. One of key elements of the Holocaust that is often overlooked in the usual narratives is that, in many places, it was facilitated by the collaboration and cooperation of portions of the local population. Poland, where the largest portion of murdered Jews came from, was one place you could see this dynamic, though certainly not the only one. From the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum’s statement on collaboration:As German forces implemented the killing, they drew upon some Polish agencies, such as Polish police forces and railroad personnel, in the guarding of ghettos and the deportation of Jews to the killing centers. Individual Poles often helped in the identification, denunciation, and hunting down of Jews in hiding, often profiting from the associated blackmail, and actively participated in the plunder of Jewish property.The Germans arrive, looking for Jews. You pretend that you aren’t one, but your neighbor, who has his eye on your apartment, contacts the local Gestapo and rats you out. You and your family get sent off to die, and he gets to move into the new place.This sort of thing could happen on a small scale, as in the apartment example, or in entire towns and villages, as in the Jedwabne pogrom. The active cooperation of local and government institutions could also be a key factor, as in the Vel' d'Hiv Roundup in Paris.But a common denominator (and this is by no means unique to Poland) is that it in many cases it wasn’t the Germans identifying the victims, it was the people they’d known and lived with all their lives. You might be able to convince Hauptmann Scheisskopf you aren’t a Jew, but you’ll have a much harder time convincing the woman who sewed your Bar Mitzvah suit.

The Night book by Elsie Wiesel, Holocaust, and the Jewish...?

The Jews of Sighet thought that Moishe was crazy and was just trying to get attention. They didn't want to believe the horrible news he brought back because they thought such things could never happen to them, that there were many good people in the world that would not allow it, that “better days were surely to come” etc.

They doubted the advance of the German army, thinking that they would be protected and that Hitler couldn’t exterminate a whole population of millions scattered throughout Europe, especially in the civilized twentieth century. They kept up their optimism, convincing themselves that the Germans would be defeated within months of even weeks, or that they would not get past Budapest. When the Germans did, they convinced themselves that Hitler would never get too close to Sighet for strategic or political reasons. Even when the German troops arrived on their streets, the Jews suppressed their fears. Their strong faith in their religion and the decency of humanity were reasons for the townspeople’s widespread denial of the evidence facing them. They probably believed that they would be protected and that the German troops, who were after all human, could not be as horrible as the rumors made them out to be.

Elie and his family missed a lot of chances to escape. The Jews of Sighet underestimated the extent of Hitler’s cruelties and looked over all the evidence that pointed them to leave. At one point, Eliezer even suggested for his father to sell everything to move to Palestine when the emigration certificates were still available to the Jews – but his father stated that he was too old to leave Sighet behind. By the time they realized their missed opportunities, it was too late.

Why didn't the jews run when they arrived at the killing fields?

I survived the Holocaust in the underground in Belgium,. I was trained to use a weapon if necessary. In Belgium therewas also ajewish Resistance organization Le Comité de la Défense des Juifs,.Therewere groups in many countries similarly. But regafrding oncecaptured and in the concentration camps, Germans useddeceptions of the "showers."However therewere revolts in several camps , most notably see Escape from Sobibor, and the revolts in Auschwitz and Treblinkla. Yo may wish , if sincere, learn more on the Yahoo! group I moderate Remember_The_Holocaust. After the war I came to the US and bn back to Europeasa American soldeir. i was trained again to kill. Today old , still I am weapon skilled, I shoot to paralize for the waist down. So far no Neo-Nazis or Holocaust deniers have crossefd my path , and I pray none will , otherwise they will spent the rest of their lives in a wheelchair.I guarantee