Why Do 10 Year Olds Do This

What do 10-year-olds do for fun?

At home:ReadWrite storiesDrawPlay on the computerPlay with friends outsideRide bikes or scootersCook or bakeGardenCraftBuild fortsPlay soccer and baseballFly kitesBuild snowmenClimb treesWalk aimlessly around the block'Train' the dogLegoJournalPretend play with dolls / stuffed animals (I think my kids are old for this though)Practice musical instrument or dance movesPaint fingernailsWater balloon or squirt gun warsPlay board games - Scattergories and Headbandz are their favoritesAway from home:Shop at the mallRides at the amusement parkVisit the libraryVisit a friendPlay at the parkSwim at the poolZooArt museumScience museumHistory center / working farmApple or berry pickingBeachCampingSee moviesConcertsFairs and flea marketsFarmer's market - shop for vegetables / flowersBowlingArcadeVisit animals at the humane societyIce skatingHiking / Rock climbingCanoeingHorseback riding

What should a 10 year old do in life?

Well thats cute.You are already thinking way ahead than the kids of your age.How about being a good kid and be respectful, nice and frank to your parents.Dont spend too much time in computer and video games. Focus in outdoor sports. It will improve your physical growth. You can play games like chess with dad or some friend too. This will help you become social as well as smart.You can read comix, solve crossword puzzle,etc. They are fun as well as good ways to increase your vocabulary.Watch documentaries, history and science shows in kid’s channel. Dont watch too much cartoons.Do your homeworks regularly. Help friends and get help from them in matter of studies. Dont hesitate to ask questions to teachers. Try to do it very politely.Dont make fun of other and dont let others make fun of you. Dont talk too much or get angry too quickly. Be cool, confident and talk meaningful things.Finally, you can use Quora to learn about new things and ask questions. Good Guys here are always happy to help.:)

How many push-ups do 10 year olds need to do ?

None! A 10 year old shouldnt be doing push ups at all. They're still growing and their bodies are still developing

Where can i buy my 10 year old a thong?

what about g strings? lol

What are 10 year olds motivated by?

For child of that age motivation is intrinsic. They are motivated by happiness, being friends and achieving small goals : getting approval of parents, friend circle in terms of getting praise and appreciation.Also they don't understand the term motivation: they do what pleases them. No need to introduce artificial motivation to them this will ruin their childhood.What I anticipate that you want to understand that so that you can motivate your child for better performance and achiments. At this age don't do it: keep your mind and ears open, get yourself involved into her/his world, try to understand him/her. And then be their best friend and guide, provide them opertunity to try and experience the best in there feild of interest. Make them build their understanding and hold on subject they are interested.They will choose there path. There promote them to experience failures and help them to accepting the fallout without failing their goal.For 10 years you must be with them and giving and encouraging them to try different things in life.Happy parenting..

What do 10-year-olds want for Christmas?

I see a lot of gift lists (at least 60–70) each year, in addition to having nieces (now 5 and 8). Your best bet is asking, but if you can’t, here are some ideas. I will be splitting them by gender, but use your best judgment based on the individual child’s likes/personalities.Girls: American Girl stuff, Enchantimals, Legos (Harry Potter and LEGO Friends), craft kids, art/journal supplies, gift cards (Amazon or Target), sports equipment, slime, nerf guns, games.Boys: Legos (Harry Potter, Marvel Superheroes), sports equipment, slime, Fortnight stuff, r/c cars, nerf guns, gift cards (Target or Amazon), games.There’s some crossover (lots of girls love basketball while boys may live art), so I’m basing this on the lists I received this year.

Can a 10 year old get pregnant? If so, how?

Is this for real?OK, assuming this may be an actual 10 yr old actually asking for advice on how NOT to get pregnant and assuming they can’t avoid sex (eg in an abusive situation) then here we go…With regards the physical prevention of pregnancy then the usual options apply (regular contraceptive pill or depot injections or the “morning after pill” / plan B (but Plan B / “morning after pill” is not the best option when you know you will (in future) need it because it is not as effective as the regular contraceptive pills) and so on. Depot injections can work well because you don’t need to remember a pill and there will be no pills at home for people to find. One injection lasts 12 weeks.But if the situation is as I describe above then you need to seek help. If not it will just continue and may well go on to happen to someone else. Find an excuse to talk to someone you trust (teacher, doctor, maybe someone in a church or youth club or similar) and talk to them. And that person will do everything they can to protect and help you.