Why Do 16 Year Old Think It

What do 16 year old boys think like?

im 14 and hopefully this is close enough for you recently i really really liked this girl kinda even loved her it seems stupid to even say love when i usually don't take high school relationships well i thought was how beautiful she was how funny she was and how awesome it would be to get married live life together have me achieve my goal of becoming a navy seal with her doing the same by following her goal while being happily together ok thats what i think about in my brain. NOW its time to say what i think about in my dick which i usually choose over my brain 80 % of the time i wanted to **** the **** out of her grab her **** see her **** all of that erotic **** and i often caught myself answering this question. Do i love herr or do i just want to have sex with her? there you go most accurate answer you will EVER get.

What do 15-16 year old boys think about?

Eating, sex, sports, friends, cars.

Maybe not in that order.


Ha ha my hubby said
15 = sex
16 = sex, then cars

What do 16-year-old guys think about?

How long it’s going to take to grow out my peach fuzz of a beard.What to do once I finish school.Strategies for the games I’m playing (Original DoW is great!)The assets of whatever girl my mind wants me to have a crush on for whatever reason.How to get 2,000 followers.Habib Fanny and how to annoy him.OH MY GOD, AP EURO TEST IS ON FRIDAY. AAAAAAAAAAARRRRRGGGHHH!!!!The sweet warm embrace of my bed that I have left for the cruel tiredness of this world.

Im a 16 year old gay guy... do you think i should be able to sleep over a girls house?

That's not fair, you sound cool and confident dude. Parents suck, you should be able to go shopping with your friends. But i dunno what I can tell ya. Does the girl's family mind you sleeping over? If so it's not fair for your mom to be against it.

How do 16 year old girls behave/think...etc?

All girls are different... I mean I'm 16 right now but apparently I'm like an old man- I stick my head into a political newspaper with a cup of tea and rant about it for the rest of the day. For physical change, I'm kinda self-destructive; I have maladaptive daydreaming and I'm a schizoid so it's not the best combination when you also see yourself as with an imperfect body. And really it's no surprise I'm a bit 'off'- I live alone, have been bullied for years, English isn't my first language, I'm all alone in this place, so of course I have a bit of personality problem lol

For maturity is the same thing, some girls will behave like 12 year olds, others will act as if they were brave mature mothers, others are like grannies.

For some girls it's also a time of mental breakdowns, they tend to realize things about themselves and the world that they didn't see before.

So it really depends on how they grew up, their environment and social influences.

What do 16 year old guys think and talk about??

Sports, 16 year old girls

What do 16 year olds do?

Ah. Another one of these.You do realize that the people who do makeup and date and have fun are also getting good grades? I go to a high school where crazy parties happen all the time, everyone gets high on weed on the weekends and the students are all super “hot,” and very athletic. With all the horrible non-academic things they do, they MUST NOT CARE ABOUT GETTING INTO COLLEGE AND THEY’RE LAZY AND THEIR GRADES SUCK AHHH.Not quite. In fact, the kids who party and have fun and “date-around,” are the ones with the highest grades at my school. Being one of the VERY FEW Asian-American students at my school (like 4/2000) I can tell you that all my Asian friends literally have gray hair and are stressed out due to grades. These guys and gals take AP everything. AP EVERYTHING. And guess what? Their grades are lower than their partying, dating, makeup-using peers. They also lead much more stressful, less-eventful, less-social, and less-healthy lives. I mean for Christsakes their damn hair is turning white and they’re not even 16 yet.Me being a 16-year-old and the only athletic Asian-American in my grade who’s not obsessed with Anime, Hentai, and League of Legends, I feel horrible for my peers who are not able to realize that they don't have to study their asses off to get into a good college. You don't have to work yourself to the point of growing gray hairs and balding at age 16 to get into college. Leading a balanced, healthy, social life is a much better way to experience your high school years than spending it feeling like shit because everyone else is having more fun than you are, and somehow still get good grades.If you feel like something is wrong with the way things are going in your life, chances are something IS WRONG. Don't complain about it and call people who lead fun and well-balanced lifestyles as “people who don't care about getting into college.”MAKE A DAMN CHANGE.